Chapter 254 Get Stronger

It’s just that Ye Chen thinks why this alien planet is always full of killing.

Why do all kinds of races living on this planet always kill each other and plunder each other?

Ye Chen couldn’t understand it, and he didn’t know what the answer was. Do they want to compete with each other for territory and to occupy all the wealth of each other?

Otherwise, why would they think about going to other planets to plunder wealth every day? Is wealth really that important to these alien races?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen had a lot of puzzles and questions in his heart, and couldn’t find the answer. Could it be that he is a powerful master of time and doesn’t even know such an answer?

At this moment, Ye Chen really felt a little confused, and also felt that he could not settle some things. Do he still need to further improve the system?

At this moment, he really didn’t know what to do. Facing all the alien races that surrendered to his feet, he didn’t know what to do. Would he really want to summarize them to his side?

Let them follow him, or kill them all with time plundering at this moment, so as to avoid future troubles, thinking about getting here, Ye Chen has never lost his mind like this moment, and doesn’t know which direction to go.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, and thought of what Okbarga just said.

I feel that now is not the time to think about these things. The problem to be solved in front of me is Olot. This guy can be regarded as a useful talent. It seems that it is a correct choice to keep him by his side.

Then the opportunity to show his loyalty at this moment has come. Since Okbarga said so, Ye Chen felt that it was nothing.

Anyway, they all want to have a place behind them, so I will give them this opportunity.

Ye Chen still had a cold expression, looking down at all the alien star clan kneeling at his feet, and said without the slightest color in his words.

“Since there is no opinion and everything is arranged according to the arrangement, don’t talk nonsense in the future. There are so many things, are there some things you should ask?”

“Whoever I want to forgive and whoever I want to kill is my right. Do you want to interfere with me?”

Although Ye Chen said just two sentences, what he said made everyone horrified, and everyone was even more frightened.

They know that this young man hanging in the air is very sharp and full of suffocation. Indeed, no one dares to resist the opinion now, and no one dares to interfere with him.

No one has the guts to do so, and everyone just wants to escape the catastrophe, and it is important to survive.

So from this moment on, no matter what Ye Chen said about being a man, he would not resist, and no matter what opinions he had.

Okbarga and Vegeta knew more about what to do. Just now, they also knew that they were talking too much, and they were not qualified to point fingers in front of Ye Chen, and they were not qualified to give opinions.

It was only at this moment that Okbarga and Vegeta knew that they were really insignificant and over-thinking their abilities.

They also want to express their opinions in front of the Lord of Time, why are they?

The ability of the two of them is not enough to lift Ye Chen’s shoes, so now the two of them finally know this form, and they no longer dare to speak lightly.

Now all the planetary people are kneeling on the ground, and after hearing Ye Chenlai’s words, everyone said in unison.

“We will all listen to the arrangements of the Lord of Time in the future, and we will not dare to violate it in the slightest.

This time, after saying a few words, everyone knelt on the ground together again, and they still haven’t rushed up.

After all, Ye Chen hadn’t spoken yet. Before Ye Chen asked them to get up, no one dared to act rashly, and no one dared to take the initiative to stand up from the ground.

They were all afraid that their lives would not be guaranteed at this moment, so they didn’t dare to do that, they just knelt on the ground and waited to hear what Ye Chen said, which was safer.

No matter what, they felt that at this moment, it seemed that the powerful master of practice in front of them would not destroy them all.

At this moment, Ye Chen was very satisfied when he heard this sentence. What they wanted was this effect, and they had to surrender to themselves.

Otherwise, what’s the point of being the master of this time? Is it just a decoration? Thinking of this, Ye Chen is still quite satisfied, and a sense of pride arises spontaneously.

Marven Ye has now come up with a good idea, let Olot show his loyalty to him, and see if he wants to submit to him and bow his head to him.

If Marven Ye found out that Olot was disloyal at all, then his efforts would be wasted in an instant, and he would be destroyed in an instant, and he would never be cherished.

Ye Chen knew that he had come to this parallel world now, and that after the Milky Way, he had become very ruthless.

Because he knew he had to do it, and if he had a little kindness, he would be cruel to himself.

After all, he is facing a powerful enemy now, and it is possible that the entire galaxy is his enemy.

After all, he is an alien here, a human being on Earth, so it is normal for these people to even fight against him.

But Ye Chen knew that he would not be afraid of anyone, even if all the planetary people combined were not his opponents, Ye Chen knew this very well.

So Ye Chen has to become stronger now, and he has to become ruthless.

He dared not have the slightest mercy towards his enemies, and there was no need to do so.

Since it is an enemy, it must be killed, and there can be no mercy.

He couldn’t give them a chance to breathe, Ye Chen felt that it was not too much for him to do so.

Dad also knows that no matter how powerful his system is, if he is a little distracted or a little careless, he will also be hurt by others.

After all, being uncomfortable could be a big mistake, and he didn’t want that to happen.

So since he came to this parallel world, he was extra careful, and he was extra vigilant, and he didn’t dare to relax for a moment.

He didn’t dare to relax a little to these people in front of him, even though they all surrendered to him now.

But he knew in his heart that some people were just convinced, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.

Ye Chen doesn’t want to use his powerful system to understand everyone’s mind now.

Because he felt that there was no need to know everyone’s thoughts, wouldn’t that be too boring, so how tiring to live by himself.

To find out what everyone was thinking and what their secrets were, Ye Chen couldn’t do that, because he felt that these ants kneeling on the ground were not worth doing at all. .

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