216 Chapter white from Lian and meet again (seeking perfection set custom)

Kunlun summit.

When the huge stone gate slowly opened the moment, Qu Yuan was shocked to!

He did not think, actually there is such a secretive organization in this world.

Kunlun, folk would have been a legend.

Sages of ancient times lived in the mountains, the Great Sage.

Qu Yuan has not really, but now it seems, it’s true!

“Sir, you come back?”

When Qu Yuan Ye Chen led the stone house and walked toward the time.

Yellow Emperor smiled and five people welcome over.

Qu Yuan at first did not care, may soon face changed.

“Lier predecessors?!”

“Confucius older generation!”

Qu Yuan’s body quiver some incredible watching a few people.

They, did not die?!

“You, you are the Emperor?”

Qu Yuan identify a moment suddenly face became pale.

Who 2,500 years ago humans originator!

He turned out to longevity person!

Qu Yuan stared at the Yellow Emperor.

Hearts forget the next age, 2508 years old!


Think of it, Qu Yuan could not help but suck down a cold lump.


Yellow Emperor looked at the good looking younger.

So many years, humans have been living in harmony.

Civilization, economic development is also rising.

Yellow Emperor very pleased and very proud.

“You, Hello!”

Qu Yuan, a time do not know how to call up.

“You are familiar with Qu Yuan familiar here.”

Ye Chen smiled and said: “In the future, this is your home.”

Qu Yuan recovered, respectfully toward Chen leaves a ceremony: “! Thank you, sir.”

Three days later.

Qu Yuan was wearing a white linen respectfully Ye Chen came to the stone house.

Ye Chen looked and said:. “Yes”

At this time of Qu Yuan, Manner and had changed beyond recognition.

“You have 11 years of life.

Ye Chen moderate said: “So, I will first do not grant you life, in the meantime, if you need you can always find me.”

“Yes, sir.”

Qu Yuan’s hands, handing me a bamboo finish.

Chen took the bamboo leaf laughed: “? So soon completed”

This is to let Chen Ye Qu Yuan finishing his book list.

Historically, many of Qu Yuan’s works are lost.

This could be considered as the Palace of Eternal Youth Chen Ye do culture accumulated.

But Chen Ye had to be a month of Qu Yuan.

Qu Yuan’s efficiency is indeed high.

Qu Yuan respectful: “Qu Yuan want to do too much.”

“Well, you go busy.”

Chen looked away bamboo leaves.

Kunlun, Qu Yuan because of the arrival of the addition of some vitality.

Confucius and Qu Yuan younger who became close friends.

The next month.

Research done with a few sage leaves and Chen.

With the Yellow Emperor occasionally they go out hunting.

This day and age, a lot of prey.

However, in addition to the Yellow Emperor, the other NPC do not have too much force.

Think there is a long two thousand years.

Ye Chen think that we should add to the Kunlun several powerful force the generals.

This early morning.

Ye Chen stone house is shrouded streamer.

The next moment, Ye Chen emerged from the picture.

At this point, it is already 257 years BC.

Step, is 12 years.

When Chen out of the stone house.

Kunlun, greater than in the past, the more ambitious.

Ye Chen looked and saw that the stone was cleaned very clean and laughed.

Sir, “you come back?”

CJ Chen Ye passing stone house suddenly overjoyed.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded his head: “I’ll go do something.”

“Yes, sir!”

This year, Qin besieged Handan, Jiugong but was defeated Chu Wei hundreds of thousands of coalition forces.

Thus Qin from the white anger.

White played for the first four star Warring States Period, the Qin Guojun was already king of suspicion and anger.

At this time, Du Mail the city.

Qin messenger of Zhaoxiangwang armed with sword and shouted: “! White from, you do not obey the king’s command, and now the king’s command you this Suicide”

Messenger, then down, from pale white.

Soon, he was back laughing, extreme grief.

Soon, Bai Qi drew his sword from the hands of messengers.

White from looking at the messenger sighed: “?? I have any sins to God actually end up this way.”

Messenger without saying sneer again and again.

After a long pause, white from self-deprecating smile.

A man whisper: “I was damned Zhangpingzhizhan, Zhao Xiangzu hundreds of thousands.

“And I was with them all fraudulently buried alive, which is a capital offense is enough!”

Having the sword on the neck would commit suicide.

But the next moment, his face white from sudden changes.

A young man wearing a gown from far and near.

This young, white from the know!

He had seen 15 years ago!

Moreover, there is a period of soul-stirring story!

Bai Qi pupil miniature looked aghast.

That year, his teacher Guiguzi is to follow this person.

Even, because he offended the mysterious youth, teachers have to kill myself.

Think of this, the white from the sword down.

Ye Chen went to the white from the side.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Bai Qi suddenly found beside the messenger do not know when stays still pose motionless.

Ye Chen smiled: “White, the may also know me?”

White from just feel scalp tingling.

After so long, the face of Chen leaves again, still there is a feeling of fear.

Ye Chen a look white from let’s have a sense of trembling!

That year, he for their lives, shaved hair like an apology.

It has become a nightmare since white heart dare not mention.

White played down the sword took a deep breath, respectful of the line for a ceremony.

“Bai Qi, met Mr.!”

Ye Chen nodded his head lightly: “White on, I can grant you longevity.”

“However, since then all this world you can not participate.

“Do you want to?”

In vain from face slightly changed.

He understood!



That year, his teacher who is longevity!

No wonder!

No wonder the teacher suddenly become young.

Think of it, since white heart rate.

After a while, the white from one knee: “Mr. White from the wish to follow, not forever defy!”

“very good!”

Ye Chen smiled: “Well, you will be with me for a while your enemies.”

Ye Chen finished white from Lengle Leng.

The next moment a streamer hanging over the white rose.

Immediately, space-time picture unfolds.

White from face changed and changed.

The history of the very well-known at the moment as if to kill God to see what horrible things the same.

When Chen took the white from the leaves come out from the space-time picture of the time.

The outside world, have passed 14 years.

237 BC.

Chu, Shouchun.

Bai Qi looked around, immediately look extremely complex.

He knew that here was there.

Also we know who he is about to see Yes.

Ye Chen smiled, here, is white from the enemy, star Get the lead out of the house.

Get the lead, Zhao generals, but also one of the Warring States four star.

He played and white, considered a rival.

Then the world-famous Battle of Changping, Lian is because there is no war.

This has led to white from abusing four hundred thousand Zhao initiatives.

The room has been seasoned dying Lian did not notice come.

But rather his servant saw Chen leaves and white together.

Chen Ye see many within the house number, stuck in some retainers directly handle time.

In white from fear, they went to the front pretty straightforward.

Get the lead sensing the arrival of man, raised his head.

The next moment his face changes. again

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