Chapter 215 Qu Yuan, Mozi

Everyone moves quickly.

three days later.

A tall, quaint stone house was built.

The stone house is located in the center of the cave, occupying the best location.

This position was previously reserved by the Yellow Emperor to Ye Chen.

The height of the stone house is 30 meters, it is very majestic, and the whole body is carved with patterns.

The stone house has an area of ​​300 square meters.

In addition to the bedrooms, there are gyms, living rooms, meeting rooms, study rooms and an outdoor swimming pool.

The stone house is surrounded by a 10-meter high wall.

In a word, style and generosity!

Ye Chen himself is very satisfied with the house in the next 100 years.

100 years is a long time.

But also very short.

As a mysterious organization established by Ye Chen, Kunlun’s purpose is not to simply hide in seclusion.

Every day, several people from Huang Di would come to report work to He Chen.

They have a clear division of labor.

There was Cangjie who specialized in writing.

There was the Yellow Emperor who ruled the entire Kunlun Mountains.

Laozi and Confucius discussed the Tao every day and perfected the future needs of the Hall of Longevity.

Shakyamuni studied Buddhism and Taoism in depth and solved the doubts for the descendants of Kunlun.

Sometimes Laozi, Confucius and Sakyamuni would discuss Taoism and practice Buddhism together.

With the help of Ye Chen, the three founders of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism got together and perfected their theories.

seven days later.

Huangdi returned from hunting with many descendants.

The Yellow Emperor gave 730 Ye Chen the most precious leg of a tiger.

Inside Ye Chen’s stone house.

Huang Di said while cutting: “Sir, there are some amazing people outside.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “But Mo Di, Bai Qi, Qu Ping?

The Yellow Emperor raised his head and said, “Exactly.

Ye Chen looked at the huge cave and said with a smile, “It’s time to add some fresh blood to you.”

that night.

The sword was personally operated by the Yellow Emperor, and the limbs of a tiger were cooked with a golden fragrance.

Ye Chen looked up at the bright moon above and smiled.

The old days were still interesting.

Day two.

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

By the Miluo River.

When Ye Chen’s space transfer came here, he immediately saw an old man in linen with a desperate expression.

The old man is the famous Qu Yuan.

Qu Yuan is a great patriotic poet in history and the founder of romantic literature.

He is also the founder and representative writer of “Chu Ci”, pioneered the tradition of “Vanilla Beauty”, and is known as “the ancestor of Chu Ci”.

Later, the world organization identified Qu Yuan as one of the four major cultural celebrities in the world.

Qu Yuan was a poet, and only from him did the writers who were famous in the world in literature.

Therefore, Qu Yuan is also known as the ancestor of the literati. (bacd)

However, this genius who has made a very high contribution to literature is unhappy.

In his later years, he was ostracized, suppressed and even exiled.

Even when he died, Qu Yuan did not fulfill his wish.

Needless to say, he is a rather tragic character.

It was late spring and early summer.

The Miluo River is still a little cold.

Qu Yuan just walked by himself.

After walking for a long time, Qu Yuan suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Looking back, a young man with extraordinary bearing was looking at him from a distance.

Qu Yuan showed a poignant smile: “Sir, there is nothing to see about a dying person.”

Ye Chen stepped forward.

The sixty-two-year-old man looked very old, about seventy or eighty years old.

Qu Yuan is also very thin.

A gust of wind blew, and Qu Yuan subconsciously tightened his clothes.

Ye Chen said lightly: “The water in the Miluo River is very cold.

“No, the heart is the coldest.

Qu Yuan was a little lost looking at the turbulent river.

He didn’t want to end his life just like that.

However, who can understand his despair?

Who knows his unhappiness?

This world is no longer the world he is familiar with!

Qu Yuan, “No one can change the wheel of history.”

Ye Chen looked at Qu Yuan with a soft expression: “You want to change the state of Chu, but you are not a god.

“Even if it is a god, it will not easily change the trajectory of history.

Qu Yuan was slightly taken aback by Ye Chen’s remarks.

Immediately, Qu Yuan watched Ye Chen look up and down.

After a long time, Qu Yuan smiled: “I die, but I can wake up the state of Chu.”

“The iron hoof of Qin has come, but those people are still enjoying themselves there.

“Thank you sir, it’s just that the country of Chu is terminally ill!!


Ye Chen laughed.

The next moment, the space-time scroll enveloped Ye Chen and Qu Yuan.

The sudden change caused Qu Yuan’s complexion to change slightly.

Then, Qu Yuan saw history!

He saw the picture of himself throwing himself into the river!

I saw the picture that the state of Chu did not change in the slightest!

I saw the great Qin’s feat of destroying the six kingdoms and unifying China


Qu Yuan stared at the flashing pictures in shock for a long time and couldn’t help himself.

He also saw his family and friends die one by one.

I saw the future of those familiar friends and enemies.



Terrible too!

Qu Yuan stared blankly at Ye Chen and said, “You, who are you?”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “I am the lord of time and the god in your mouth.”


Qu Yuan immediately took a deep breath.

He looked at Ye Chen with a horrified expression, and then looked at the things that happened in the future.

Ye Chen removed the space-time scroll.

The Miluo River appeared in front of me again.

Qu Yuan knew that this was not a dream.

He touches on the most mysterious thing!

“Qu Yuan, you meet my requirements for the immortal.

Ye Chen looked at Qu Yuan with a gentle face and said, “I can give you longevity, but you need to live in seclusion and cannot make changes to history!”

Qu Yuan’s heart beat faster.

He looked at Ye Chen in awe.

In my heart, there was a little more fear for Ye Chen!

When one can ignore life and death.

Even, ignoring historical trends.

How terrible a thing would that be?

The so-called history, the so-called life, is just a plaything in his eyes, right?

However, he didn’t want to end his life just like that!

The next moment, Qu Yuan bowed slightly to Ye Chen: “Qu Yuan is willing to follow Mr.

Qu Yuan was a wise man and a strategist.

He figured it out.

Ye Chen showed a bright smile: “Very good, but you still have to die once.

After 30 minutes.

The news of a generation of writers and statesman of Chu State, Qu Yuan, committed suicide by throwing himself into the river began to spread from Chu State.

Some are sad, some are gloating, and some are confused.

But, all this has nothing to do with Qu Yuan.

Chu country.

Danyang returns.

Looking at the sad expressions of his old friends and relatives in his hometown, Qu Yuan was a little lost.

Fortunately, there are people who will be sad for themselves.

“Do you regret it?”

Ye Chen looked at Qu Yuan and asked.

Qu Yuan shook his head: “I am very fortunate to have met Mr.

Ye Chen nodded: “Then, I’ll take you to Kunlun!

(Ma De, the author didn’t get off work until 10 o’clock. He rushed home and started typing. He caught a cold and had a sore throat. It was really painful. I didn’t want to type. So many people are waiting for the update, and there are so many people who support it, so the author cheers up and continues to update, hey, for the sake of my hard work, please give me some flowers and evaluation tickets, and you can also give rewards.)

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