Chapter 181 Zhang Tao visits again

Day two.

Only one day had passed since the destruction of the Third Fleet.

Zhang Tao called.

“Mr. Ye?”

Zhang Tao’s voice was more polite than before.

also become more cautious.

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly: “Commander Zhang, hello.

“Sir, I don’t know… when is it convenient?”

After Zhang Tao finished speaking, he added: “I have a few words that I want to chat with you, and the other No. 1 also asked me to bring you a word.”

“Just this afternoon.”


After hanging up the phone, Zhuge Liang looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled.

“Sir, it seems that North America has set a good example.”

Zhuge Liang said with a smile: “I think the European allies will quickly give feedback.

Ye Chen said, “Kong Ming, what do you think they are doing to cooperate?”

Zhuge Liang didn’t even think about it and blurted out: “Forge an alliance and seek technical cooperation!”

“Yes, I think so too!”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he waved his hand: “Tell Guiguzi, we will go back to Linhai.”

3 hours later.

Ye Chen took Zhuge Liang and the others back to the base of the Hall of Longevity in Linhai again.

At the same time, Zhu Sheng had been waiting in the base for a long time.


Zhu Sheng bowed to Ye Chen.

Immediately, he was slightly taken aback.

It was the first time he saw Zhuge Liang and Guiguzi, and his expression changed.

“Zhu, Zhuge Kongming?!”

Zhu Sheng’s eyes showed horror and looked at Guiguzi again.

Guiguzi is a legend in the Warring States Period.

It was too long since the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Sheng didn’t recognize it for a while.

Guiguzi smiled slightly: “Hello, Mr. Zhu, Old Guigu.”


The first advisor of the Ming Dynasty suddenly took a breath.

He looked at Guiguzi in awe.

Immediately, Zhu Sheng smiled bitterly.

Have you really underestimated Mr.

Guiguzi Zhuge Liang, no matter who, is his predecessor!

Zhu Sheng can only learn by asking himself.

Even compared to some historical figures, it is not much less.

But these two really made him feel a little small.

Zhu Sheng bowed to Guiguzi and said politely, “Senior Guigu, hello.”

The three wise men meet for the first time.

Zhu Sheng’s eyes turned to Xiang Yu again.

Xiang Yu, as Ye Chen’s personal bodyguard, naturally followed him all the way.

In this regard, Xiang Yu showed off to Guiguzi in private.

It made Guiguzi and Kong Ming envious.

Xiang Yu smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: “Xiang Yu.”


Zhu Sheng’s outstretched hand trembled slightly.

His face trembled uncontrollably.

Xiang Yu, Overlord of Western Chu…

The background of Mr. is really deep and terrifying!

Several people took their seats.

Ye Chen said: “The three of you are the brains of the Hall of Longevity. Next, I need to refer to your opinions.”

“Let’s talk about our actions after this operation.

Guiguzi is the oldest.

Zhuge Liang and Zhu Sheng looked at Guiguzi at the same time.

Seeing this, Guiguzi smiled modestly and said, “Sir, with our current strength, it is easy to dominate.

“However, we have no need to dominate.

“And I think, stop any investigation of us, any espionage, anywhere, kill offenders!

Let “they know that the majesty of God cannot be offended.

Guiguzi is concise and concise, without the slightest nonsense.

Ye Chen nodded.

Zhuge Liang respectfully said: “Sir, Liang also feels that there is no need to dominate, it is a burden.”

That’s right, in everyone’s eyes, every country in the world is a dragging oil bottle.

Although “The Hall of Longevity has a subconscious mind to enhance human civilization and protect human beings.”

“However, once he dominates, the Hall of Longevity will be attacked.

“If you don’t dominate, you can harvest waves of non-vegetables.”

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Indeed this is true.

After Zhuge Liang finished expressing his opinion, Zhu Sheng pondered: “Sir, the words of the two seniors are very sharp.”

“Zhu Sheng has a humble opinion, since North America has acted, why don’t we want some compensation?

Ye Chen laughed when he heard the words: “Compensation is natural, after all, our people will consume calories when they go out for activities.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the four present laughed at the same time.

That’s a powerful benefit.

Powerful and can make anyone a fish on the cutting board.

And the other party can only suffer from this dumb loss.

“The idea of ​​the three coincides with me.

Ye Chen said solemnly: “Not to seek hegemony does not mean to be timid.

In addition, “I think it is necessary to adjust the direction regarding the matter of the Hall of Longevity before joining the WTO.

“The Hall of Longevity will be secretly announced by high-level officials of various countries.

“In this way, it can not only maintain the mystery, but also let the world know well.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, everyone nodded at the same time.

If the Hall of Longevity comes directly to a live broadcast like this.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Not only does it appear unstyled, but it even has some self-deprecating status.

By the actions of the high-level, let ordinary people draw some guesses.

It’s better than telling them directly.

Also, it can avoid some panic.

One of the purposes of the Hall of Longevity is also for human beings.

In the future, the Hall of Longevity is actually the leader and leader of mankind.

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the phone rang.

“Commander Zhang is not slow.”

Ye Chen smiled: “Several people, let’s go out to greet them, they are family members anyway.”

For China, Ye Chen naturally has a favorable impression.

Some technologies and some conveniences will be given priority to domestic supply.

off base.

Zhang Tao and Song Lining walked to the base one after the other.

Guiguzi, Zhuge Liang and Zhu Sheng looked at Zhang Tao with a smile.

Zhang Tao was slightly taken aback.

Immediately his face changed.

Because he found that Zhu Sheng’s position was slightly behind the other two.

What does this mean?

It means that those two have a higher status in the Hall of Longevity!

Even the first strategist of the Ming Dynasty did this?

What are the identities of the other two?

Song Lining’s expression was a little unnatural.

I almost forgot some of the words I thought of before.

“Hello, Commander Zhang.”

As the only old acquaintance, Zhu Sheng stepped forward and said, “We meet again.

Zhang Tao took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said, “Senior, hello!”

After speaking, Zhang Tao looked at Guiguzi and Zhuge Liang again.

Zhang Tao asked with a puzzled expression, “Are you

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, “Zhuge Kongming, hello Commander Zhang.


Zhang Tao and Song Lining’s expressions changed.

Three Kingdoms period!

Zhuge Kongming!?


This hall of longevity really is a place where gods gather.

After reaching the meeting room.

“Mr. Ye, I’m bothering you!”

Zhang Tao walked quickly to Ye Chen’s side, with a polite and respectful attitude.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Sit down.”

The crowd took their seats.

Zhang Tao and Song Lining looked at everyone and felt a little dreamy.

Zhang Tao seems to be the oldest among them all.

However, Zhang Tao is very clear that he can only be regarded as a younger brother here.

No, it’s the grandson!

No, not even grandchildren!

These are all his ancestors, super old seniors!

“Commander Zhang, what’s the matter here this time?”

When he was secretly shocked, Ye Chen asked. again,

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