Chapter 180 Conclusion: Show Your Love!

Meanwhile, the Alps.

in a secret organization.

“Everyone, we have an update.”

There is almost no decoration in the huge conference room.

It looks like a temporary preparation base.

In the conference room, a woman of about sixty years old looked serious: “The entire North American Third Fleet has been wiped out!


Below, the expressions of high-level officials from various countries changed slightly.

The Arctic Kingdom looked horrified: “Could it be that the East and the North Rus are united?”

“They were secretly experimenting with new weapons? So they destroyed their fleet?”

“Stupid North American, it must be like this!”


The woman said solemnly, “It’s about Ye!”

“Ye? Is that the character on the Soul of the East?”

Some people still know something about Ye.

Hearing the words: “Does he have this ability?”

“There is really too little information about Ye.”

“According to our investigation, he is only a junior and concurrently serves as several chairman of the board.

The woman shook her head: “No, the captain of the North American First Fleet informed me about this.”

“I also got the exact news from the higher-ups.”

Speaking of the woman, she said solemnly, “Even if they provide fake news, we will

The woman’s face was extremely solemn: “713 Moreover, North America will not lie with a fleet.

“That fleet has indeed disappeared!”

After speaking, the woman took out a photo.

“We couldn’t get any valuable news from the scene, only this photo.”

The crowd watched intently.

That is a human.

A man flying in the air.

“According to the reckoning of the allies, this should be some kind of technology that has never been seen!”

“Maybe it’s an exoskeleton mech!”


Immediately someone’s face changed slightly: “Isn’t this technology said to be applied in at least fifty years?”

“Could it be some kind of aerostat?”

The woman smiled, a little self-deprecating.

“It’s ridiculous that we don’t even know each other’s situation.”

“Everyone, North America has given us secret intelligence, we can’t be passive!”

The woman said solemnly: “From now on, I need the allies to unite and stop all investigations first!”

“Afterwards, it was General Romer who contacted him, preferring to be friendly rather than hostile.”


Another top-level meeting was held.

The meeting was held in a hurry.

Some even go on vacation abroad.

Some people are still sleeping at home, and they arrive at the first time before they can even change their suits.

In the small conference room, including Song Lining, bigwigs from all sides gathered.

Everyone looked serious.

Everyone’s expressions were extremely solemn.

Song Lining sat at the end.

The first one was Commander Zhang Tao.

Zhang Tao said solemnly: “Everyone, we got a message through the satellite, everyone please watch the big screen.”

On the big screen, the signal is very weak.

However, the aircraft carrier Villefort was captured.

And, some flying humanoid mechs on the carrier.

“This is?!

Below, someone puzzled: “North America is experimenting with new weapons?

“Or, a secret war against the Pacific?

Another humane said: “The Third Fleet is very powerful, enough to conquer ordinary small countries. Could it be that natural oil and gas fields have been discovered in North America?”

The crowd raised their doubts.

Only Song Lining frowned slightly.

Commander Zhang called late at night, probably not for this matter.


Commander Zhang smiled: “Don’t any of you think it’s Ye’s fault?”

“What! Mr. Ye?”

“He’s going to war with North America?”

Zhang Tao shook his head: “No, according to the secret information we intercepted, North American Group G launched a thunder offensive.”

“Everyone should know that this G group is the investigation team against Ye.”

“The function is comparable to our S group, but their group leader is the No. 2 person in North America!”

Everyone’s face changed slightly.

The next moment, a gray-haired old man said solemnly: “Commander Zhang, you mean that North America wants to kill or arrest Ye.

“And then, scared off by Ye Ji?”

After the old man finished speaking, someone nodded in agreement.

(bacd) Who knew that Zhang Tao suddenly gave a wry smile.

“No, not scared away, but wiped out the Third Fleet!”

“Moreover, the Third Fleet was directly captured and became Ye’s private fleet.”

After Zhang Tao finished speaking, even Song Lining’s expression changed.

Song Lining looked at Zhang Tao and said: “Ye shot?”


After Zhang Tao finished speaking, he clicked the computer.

The second image appears, slightly sharper.

The moment they saw the picture, everyone’s face changed dramatically!

“This is an exoskeleton mecha!? Clear, 12!”

“How is that possible! How could Ye master such forward-looking technology?”

“Could this be Ye’s trick to deliberately intimidate us?”

Everyone was shocked and suspicious.

How could this be true?

such technological means.

If it is really easy to wipe out the Third Fleet, then… all countries will be finished!

Zhang Tao’s expression was extremely solemn: “First of all, there is no loss of 12 humanoid mechas.

“Secondly, all the weapons of the Third Fleet were seized except for the loss of one aircraft.”

Third, we see Truman returning to base in a state of dismay.

“Fourth, Truman is suspected of committing suicide!”

After saying this, Zhang Tao took a deep breath.

To be honest, he couldn’t take it before.

“Everyone, it seems that we have underestimated Ye’s strength!”

“Now, on behalf of No. 1, I will make the latest decision!”

After Zhang Tao finished speaking, he looked at the crowd with a solemn expression.

Everyone straightened up and listened carefully.

From now on, we will make good friends with Ye in an all-round way, and we can provide all necessary help while adhering to the principle!”

“Including, establishing joint military operations!”

In Changsheng City.

There was almost no loss in this operation.

The battle is too easy.

Because, no one would have thought that there would be such technology in this world.

When Yue Yun’s people completely drove the Third Fleet into Changsheng City.

Ye Chen laughed.

He believed that more than North America knew the news.

Other countries will also get the news as soon as possible.

From today onwards, the interior is considered stable.

Two aircraft carriers, and several ships.

This is a great gain.

However, what Ye Chen valued more was the actual combat capability of the exoskeleton mecha.

Super maneuverability.

Powerful weaponry.

And the anti-sky offensive and defensive ability of rare titanium metal.

These future warriors will be his sharp-edged troops to enter the universe.

Outside the imminently completed Longevity Tower.

Xiang Yu and Yue Yun stood respectfully in front of Ye Chen.

Report on the use of the new mecha.

After that, Ye Chen looked at the aircraft carrier not far away and said to Yue Yun, “The Third Fleet should be the regular army of Changsheng City.”

“In addition, you and Du Yuancheng have asked for relevant supplies.

“I will let Zhuge Liang make a unified schedule.”

“Ok sir.

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