Chapter 168 Mulan After 1577

August is hot and rainy.

Huizhou, Lucheng.

An oil-paper umbrella was slowly propped up, and a handsome young man with medium and long hair walked out of the ancient house.

The young man was thin and wore a white knitted sweater.

On the bridge of the nose is a gold-rimmed eye.

Refinement, extraordinary bearing, but with a different kind of neutral beauty.

“Mr. Ye, are you going out again?”

On the old street, Aunt Li, a neighbor in her seventies, said with a smile.

The youth stopped.

“Aunt Li, it’s raining, you can close the stall.”

The young man’s voice is very nice, delicate and soft.

Like the sound of heaven.

The old town is full of old people.

The family is not very good.

Li Kun’s wife has been dead for a long time, and his son has inconvenience in his legs and feet.

Over the years, she has been relying on her to set up a stall to manage the housework.

Sister Li laughed heartily: “Wait a while, maybe you can sell some.”

“707” Li Yan said to herself: “Unfortunately, there are no girls in the teacher’s family, otherwise, we really have to match up.”

The young man smiled and turned to leave.

A closer look at the youth’s waist is still hanging a jade pendant.

On it, there is a word “leaf” written on it.

Needless to say, this young man is Hua Mulan who lived in seclusion in 1577!

Since Ye Chen left.

Mulan served her parents until the end of her life.

Then, I watched my sisters and brothers leave one by one.

When a loved one dies, times change.

The Northern Wei Dynasty also disappeared in the torrent of history.

Since then, Mulan has changed into men’s clothing.

Externally, he identifies himself as Ye Lan.

In this way, I changed countless places and finally came to the ancient Huizhou.

Yingcheng, City God Temple.

Because of the rain, the guests in the Temple of the City God were sparse.

Holding an oil-paper umbrella, Hua Mulan came to a welfare home outside the Chenghuang Temple.

The orphans in the orphanage cheered.

Hua Mulan smiled faintly and put the steamed buns and porridge in the bag on the table.

“Children, come over for dinner.”

“Okay! Thank you big brother!”

“Big brother, you are too kind. If I have a sister, I will let her marry you.”

“Liu Peng eat your meal, when I grow up, I will marry my big brother.

Seeing a group of children playing and disturbing, Hua Mulan smiled at the corner of her mouth.

She looked at the sky, a trace of vicissitudes and sadness hidden deep in her beautiful eyes.

“Master, it’s 1577.

Hua Mulan looked at the sky in a trance: “Where are you?”

At that time, Ye Chen only said that we would meet in 2019, but forgot to mention the specific time.

Also forgot to tell Mulan the address.

Mulan just waited year after year like this.

Hua Mulan looked at the jade pendant in her hand, and at some point, a clear tear fell from the corner of her eye.

“Brother why are you crying?”

A five-year-old girl looked at Mulan innocently while holding a bun.

Hua Mulan put away her thoughts and smiled slightly: “Brother didn’t cry, brother was caught in the rain just now.”

“Brother, wipe it with my towel.”

The little girl picked up the towel and said secretly: “Tell you, I won’t give them to other people.

Hua Mulan laughed and rubbed the little girl’s head.

at the same time.

Prairie, Xilin City.

The construction site not far from Xilin City has been surrounded by water.

A large number of local troops were dispatched, and the security and secrecy work was done to the extreme.

A huge shed was erected on the construction site.

Don’t even try to fly in a fly.

A gray-haired old man hurriedly got out of the car.

He hurried to the construction site.

The old man was wearing reading glasses and his hair was a little messy.

When he got to the guard, the old man showed his work certificate and went in.

Hundreds of people were busy at the construction site.

What is shocking is that it turned out to be a huge mausoleum!

The cemetery has almost been excavated.

One by one archaeological experts are busy, verifying.

Searching carefully.

“Professor Zhang, you are here.

“Hello Professor Zhang.


Seeing the arrival of the old man, all the staff stopped their work and said hello.

Zhang Chao ignored them.

After reaching the deepest point.

An old man of the same age looked up: “Is Lao Zhang here?”

Zhang Chao sat down, ignoring the dirt on the ground: “How’s it going?”

The old man cracked his mouth and laughed: “The achievements are huge! The achievements are huge!”

After speaking, the old man stood up and said excitedly: “After my research, this is the tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty!

Lao Zhang, “This is the most complete Northern Wei mausoleum preserved in China so far!”


Zhang Chao’s face changed slightly, and he was overjoyed immediately.

This is a major achievement in the domestic archaeological field!

It is of great help for the study of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.0

“Can you find out whose mausoleum it is?”

The old man grinned and held up a token made of pure gold.

Zhang Chao took out a magnifying glass and looked at it carefully.

After a while, he lost his voice: “The right general Tuoba Yan!?”

The old man nodded and said with a strange expression: “Yes! Besides, guess what we found?”


Zhang Chao was immediately aroused by a strong curiosity.

The old man took Zhang Chao’s hand and walked to the side.

After arriving at the place, the old man pulled the white cloth away.

Immediately, a table full of cultural relics came into view.

“Old Zhang, look!

The old man’s face was a little dignified.

Zhang Chao wiped his reading glasses and looked over.

The next moment, the complexion changed dramatically!

The old man had a shoe in his hand, a leather shoe that had been severely damaged and could not see the brand!

That’s right, modern leather shoes!

The old man said solemnly: “This is the biggest doubt about this archaeological discovery, and there is another one.”

Zhang Chao’s heart beat faster and the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

leather shoes?

Is this Lao Li teasing him on purpose?

However, looking at Lao Li doesn’t look like that.

And he couldn’t even joke about this kind of thing.

Li Yanqiu, known as Lao Li, is also an authority in the domestic archaeological circle.

Li Yanqiu put on white gloves and carefully picked up the four bamboo slips: “Old Zhang, you are most familiar with Xianbei Wen, come and see.”

Zhang Chao looked at it intently.

4 bamboo slips were badly damaged.

Zhang Chao recognized it word by word 2.3.

“General Mulan has to marry an immortal, and Yu went to congratulate him as a special envoy.

“I am rewarded by immortals, and I am in awe.

After reading this, he smiled and said, “This general seems to have a good habit of taking notes.”

Continue to look down.

“The immortals have great supernatural powers and are omnipotent, and I dare not preach.”

“The immortal said that there will be long spears and cannons in the future, and Yu Xin yearns for it and paints it.”

His face changed when he read this.

Seeing this, Li Yanqiu smiled bitterly: “How is it? It’s very shocking, isn’t it?”

Zhang Chao’s hands began to tremble.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“is this real?”

Li Yanqiu nodded: “I checked it several times, and it is indeed a cultural relic from the Northern Wei Dynasty!”


Zhang Chao sucked in a breath of cold air and his eyes were horrified!

(For flowers, for evaluation tickets, for monthly tickets!!!)

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