Chapter 167 The tower of longevity with a height of 999 meters!

Day two.

The news of Hua Mulan’s marriage spread all over the country.

Even Emperor Taiwu, who was far away in the capital, knew about it.

National celebration.

The mighty Northern Wei Dynasty was immersed in the sea of ​​joy.

Flower backyard.

The peach blossoms are blooming, and the stream is flowing in front of you.

Ye Chen was sitting on the blooming peach tree, with Mulan’s small head resting on Ye Chen’s thigh.

“Son, this peach blossom is so beautiful.”

Mulan is very happy.

I feel like I have never been so happy in my life.

Hua Mulan even hoped that time would stand still, just like this.

Ye Chen picked a peach blossom and pinned it on Mulan’s head.

Mulan laughed loudly.

The peach blossoms are red and beautiful, and the beauty is even more beautiful.

“Mulan, I’m going to buy something.”

Ye Chen said.

Hua Mulan looked up at Ye Chen with watery eyes: “Master, what do you want to buy?”

“Of course it’s a dowry.

Ye Chen arrived at Mulan’s Qiongbi.

Hua Mulan hurriedly hugged Ye Chen: “No, it’s enough to have a son.”

After he finished speaking, he leaned his little head against Ye Chen’s arms: “All the beauty in this world is not worth the company of a ten thousandth son.”

“mock up.

Ye Chen smiled and looked into the distance.

The breeze is warm and the flowers are blooming.

The warm sun shines on Zhen and Mulan.

The peach blossoms in the yard are swaying in the wind.

Some petals fell on Ye Chen and Hua Mulan’s clothes and hair.

The picture seems to stand still.

Beautiful and harmonious.

Hua Mulan snuggled in Ye Chen’s arms with a happy smile at the corner of her mouth, she slept deeply and fragrantly.

Time is like quicksand.

3 months have passed in the blink of an eye.

In July, the cicadas chirped and the lotus flowers bloomed.

Ye Chen had to leave.

He has been in ancient times for too long.

to the limit of what the system can handle.

And Mulan seems to have a hunch.

early morning.

Mulan neatly folded the laundry.

Stacked on top of each other, the eyes became blurred.

Mulan quickly wiped away her tears.

Behind him, Ye Chen watched this scene quietly.

After a long time.


Mulan is carrying the box she made by herself.

He was about to speak but was already weeping.

Ye Chen didn’t speak, but took Hua Mulan into his arms.

Hua Mulan wiped away her tears and raised her head.

“Xianggong, when I was a child, my mother once said that one day you will be illuminated by someone who is as bright as a star.”

“When you meet this person, everything in this world will be bleak.

Hua Mulan said with boundless nostalgia and tenderness: “Master, how should I say goodbye to you?”

Ye Chen looked at Hua Mulan with a gentle smile and said, “Just treat it as a long dream.

“When you sleep, I go far. When you wake up, I return.”

Hua Mulan rested her head on Ye Chen’s chest.

Wen Yan nodded obediently: “Xiang Gong, don’t worry, it’s only 1577.

“With your memories, I will definitely be able to survive this thousand years of loneliness.

Ye Chen took the wooden box in Mulan’s hand: “Mulan, I’ll be waiting for you in 2019.”

Hua Mulan’s delicate body trembled, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Chen.

She seemed to want to engrave Ye Chen in the depths of her soul.

Looking at it, his vision became blurred.

Laughing, drunk, crazy.

Looking at it, the person in front of him has disappeared.

AD 2019.

After a long journey of time and space, Ye Chen returned to modern times again.

From 269 BC to 442 AD.

The time span is 711 years.

Among them, there is a long-term residence of up to 16 years.

Back to modern again.

Ye Chen suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He has lived in ancient times for too long.

It’s almost even in modern times.

Ye Chen was still carrying the wooden box in his hand.

Due to time travel, the wooden box has become a bit old.

In time travel, except for Ye Chen himself, foreign objects will be affected.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly.

I knew it earlier and put it in the storage space.


Da Vinci knocked on the door of the conference room.

Ye Chen put away his thoughts.

This time, he traveled for a long time, and only a short time passed like before.

Outside, a month has passed.

Da Vinci looked at the box in Ye Chen’s hand.

Immediately, he respectfully said: “Sir, the construction of the City of Longevity has been completed.”

After finishing speaking, a sand table 3D holographic projection was brought up.

The sand table area is not large, similar to that of an ordinary laptop.

However, when Da Vinci wanted to push the button.

Suddenly, a holographic projection with a length and width of at least 10 meters came into Ye Chen’s eyes.

Ye Chen put the wooden box into the space storage.

“Longevity Tower?

In the entire Longevity City, the Longevity Tower is the highest.

0 asking for flowers…

Height, about 999 meters.

9 is the best number.

It also represents the most noble identity.

The shape of the tower of longevity is very sci-fi, and at first glance it looks like a circling dragon.

“Sir, the interior of the Longevity Tower is being renovated.

Da Vinci explained: “After our tests, all buildings in Changsheng City have the ability to resist earthquakes and typhoons.”

Ye Chen nodded.

These Ye Chen are not worried at all.

Don’t forget, there is a particle barrier outside Longevity City.

That thing can even compete with intercontinental missiles.

Not to mention the mere typhoons and earthquakes.

The entire Longevity City is centered on the Longevity Pagoda.

The surrounding buildings are radial.

In addition to the Longevity Tower, there are six other buildings with a height of 800-900 meters.



These six naturally represent the six major groups of the Hall of Longevity.

The six buildings are named after groups.

Among them, the Tianji Pagoda is the second highest, just 900 meters high.

After that is the Cang Qiong Group, which has 888 meters.

Six super tall skyscrapers will surround the Changsheng Tower.

The Pagoda of Longevity is like the stars and the moon.

Among them, the Longevity Tower has also built an air corridor to communicate with the other six skyscrapers.

Except for these seven skyscrapers.

The rest vary in height.

“Sir, the first phase of Changsheng City can accommodate 180,000 people.

“The functions of the four urban areas in the east, west, north and south are clearly distinguished.”

While speaking, Da Vinci presented the relevant projection details to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

There are five districts in the entire Changsheng City.

Six skyscrapers plus the Longevity Tower form the central area.

The planning of the other four urban areas is very reasonable and very forward.

If such a secret town is announced.

Definitely a global sensation.

However, at this stage, Ye Chen has not announced his thoughts.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked: “How to design the relevant factories outside Changsheng City?”

Da Vinci smiled: “In the north, a helicarrier base will be established.”

The west of Changsheng City, near Hawaii, is mainly used as a marine factory.

“In addition, sir, the underground part of Changsheng City is still under development. In the early stage, we plan to build 6 major scientific research bases.”

Then he introduced the details of the research institute.

(Ah ah ah ah! Please complete the order! Please customize it!!!! The author was moved by the separation of Mulan and Ye Chen, how about you?

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