Chapter 161 What is the future of Mr.? (please customize)


Zhuge Liang stood up abruptly, and the cloak slipped off his body without knowing it.

“Cough cough!”

Because of his emotional excitement, Zhuge Liang coughed up blood again and his face became paler.

But his eyes were full of excitement and ecstasy.

Go to the tent door.

Zhuge Liang was stunned.

Because, those guarding soldiers were still there like wooden pillars.

Not only the soldiers stood still.

Even with the torches, they remained motionless as they were being blown by the wind.

Just when Zhuge Liang was in shock.

A voice sounded.

“Mr. Wolong, it’s been a long time.”

From far to near, Ye Chen appeared in front of Zhuge Liang in the blink of an eye.

Zhuge Liang’s face changed slightly.

The next moment, a strange flush appeared on the pale face.

He moved his weak body and took a step forward.

He clasped his hands together and said respectfully, “Sir, Liang has finally waited for you!”

Ye Chen smiled.

After entering the camp.

Ye Chen said: “Zhuge Liang, you have not much life left, let me ask you, do you wish to live forever?

Zhuge Liang’s body trembled and raised his head.

Zhuge Liang’s turbid eyes flickered.

His throat rolled.

Immediately, Zhuge Liang said with a trembling voice: “Liang, I would like to follow Mr. 567”

Ye Chen nodded: “In the future, you will have to endure nearly 2,000 years of loneliness.

“Gui Guzi and Xiang Yu will accompany you to spend the next 2,000 years together.

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Zhuge Liang’s face changed slightly.


Those two are Guiguzi and Xiang Yu!

In this way, Mr. is at least during the Warring States Period!

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang’s eyes flashed with horror.

Sir is more mysterious than I thought!

Even stronger!

At this time, Guiguzi and Xiang Yu walked into the tent side by side.

Guiguzi and Xiang Yu nodded towards Zhuge.

Zhuge Liang’s mood was extremely complicated.

Although he was already mentally prepared.

And also guessed some.

But when I confirmed it with my own eyes, it was still a little difficult to digest.

At this time, Ye Chen put his hand on Zhuge Liang’s shoulder.

Immediately, a huge vitality poured into Zhuge Liang’s body.

Zhuge Liang’s body trembled.

Immediately, I felt a lot less tired.

In addition, the spirit of the whole person is relaxed.

Zhuge Liang’s hair changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, Zhuge Liang returned to his middle-aged appearance.

Zhuge Liang was both frightened and surprised in his heart.

As the world’s top warlock, he can seek wind and rain.

But can’t ask for life.

Time, even for him, is the most mysterious and powerful ability.

But this gentleman.

Between the hand-turning hunters, you can control life and death.

Time, to him, is just a little trick.

Zhuge Liang was shocked, Xiang Yu and Guiguzi were not like this.

Especially Xiang Yu.

The overlord with the most powerful force throughout the ages.

I feel goosebumps all over my body right now.

He watched with his own eyes an old man who was dying and turned into a vigorous middle-aged man!

Miracle, but that’s it!

Guiguzi glanced at Ye Chen in awe.

He is the teacher of famous generals.

Is the teacher of names.

However, in Guiguzi’s heart, Ye Chen’s unfathomable depth was something he could not explore all his life!


Feel the changes in your body.

Zhuge Liang suddenly laughed.

Long lost youth!

This is the longevity ah.

“Bright, Thank you, Mr gift!”

Zhuge Liang suppressed inner shock to Ye Chen bowed deeply.

“From now on, the three of you were together longevity.

Ye Chen cheeky gentle color and said:. “Remember, not the WTO, can not change the historical track”

Guiguzi and Xiang Yu face became pale.

Xiang Yu quickly said: “Sir, you are left us?”

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head.

System to a later stage 7, time travel restrictions is minimal.

However, the interval 1000 figures, still can not directly to the modern.

From AD 234 years, until the year 2019.

Whole 1785.

For too long!

It was a very long period of time.

Chen Ye think any one of them will not be able to quite get over.

In the seclusion of the environment (bafd), how to spend nearly 2,000 years?

Moreover, even if can stand over, it may not change history will not do a thing.

So, let Chen leaves three peers.

Three lines must be my teacher.

Three, also supervised another meaning.

Guiguzi and Zhuge Liang also face a change.

In particular Zhuge Liang, apparently did not think, it is good-bye, respectively.


Guiguzi stepped forward, some dismay.

Ye Chen mind seeing a move

Immediately said: “are not gone, Zhuge Liang, you dealt with afterwards, and Gui Xiang Yu seclusion.”

Zhuge Liang three nodded respectfully answered: “Yes sir.

Xiang Yu hesitated.

Ye Chen seeing a smile: “Xiang Yu, what to say?”

Xiang Yu heard this, he quickly said: “Sir, Xiang Yu one thing unknown.

“You said.”

“Sir, what is the future?”

After listening to the words of Xiang Yu, Zhuge Liang and Guiguzi simultaneously to the interest.

They also want to ask.

However, Xiang Yu is not so much boldness and courage.

Ye Chen laughed.

“The future? Highly developed civilization.”

“There excursion sky aircraft, there is a faster car than the Maxima.”

“In the future, even thousands of miles away can easily communicate easily link.

“In the future, crossbow h ave been eliminated, thermal weapon popular, some big powerful weapons can easily destroy millions of big cities.”

“In addition, humans have not limited land, the journey of the universe as well as the stars beneath our feet.

Three face changed.

The universe stars!

Excursion sky?

Easily destroy millions of people?

Xiang Yu Zhang Zhang mouth.

Future has grown to the point where it’s so terrible?

Personal military supremacy of the era is over?

Aside, Guiguzi some shock and said: “Sir, that which is amazing.”

“I do not know if we can see that God.

Such a future, who does not aspire to?

This, almost fairy-tale world ah.

Ye Chen smiled: “You and the others that qualify naturally see the passage of time.

Paused, then said Chen leaves.

“In the meantime, you and the others to work together to establish a sixth set of Palace of Eternal Youth, the day crew.

“Heaven units, Know astronomy, geography, all know the evolution of the earth for the foundation, planning through the ages!”

Xiang Yu three body startled.

Immediately, three people at the same time respectful: “Mr. Wu Deng remember the trust!”

Ye Chen smiled and nodded his head.

Crew day, he had an idea of ​​some time ago.

Palace of Eternal Youth is the future to enter the universe of the sky.

But also to face the alien civilization.

And day units, the equivalent of an encyclopedia Palace of Eternal Youth.

Among the six groups, Chen Ye is also the most important days of the unit.

Once trio return.

Day crew will make some adjustments.

Day unit, will become the real core departments leaf Chen.

Members inside, will be his most valued people.

This group, were a little door of the elders of the house of meaning.

Only the senior Palace of Eternal Youth, to enter a group, it is the Palace of Eternal Youth brain.

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