Chapter 160 Wuzhangyuan Meets Again

Xiang Yu and Guiguzi looked at each other, smiled and ignored them.

But my heart is full of emotion.

What a vicissitudes of life!

In their eyes, only a moment passed.

But for Liu Guan and Zhang, it was a real 16 years!

This made the two people’s awe for Ye Chen even stronger.

The three of Liu Bei did not rush forward.

Instead, he looked at the thatched cottage in disbelief.

“Big brother?”

Zhang Fei showed an inquiring look.

Liu Bei shook his head and said, “Wait!

After a pause, Liu Bei took a deep breath and sighed, “I wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to see that immortal again.”

Guan Yu lightly stroked his long beard and said solemnly, “It seems that Mr. Wolong has some skills, and he was able to form a bond with the immortal.

Liu Bei’s body is in one place.

Yeah, why didn’t he think of that.

Immediately, Liu Bei’s respect for Zhuge Liang increased a lot!

Even, in Liu Bei’s heart, Zhuge Liang might have obtained the true biography of the immortal.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei’s breathing began to quicken.

Inside the cottage.

Zhuge Liang looked in awe and expressed his opinions cautiously.

Ye Chen listened on the side, and sometimes added two sentences.

“Sir, Liang thinks that he can truly stand proud in the world by taking advantage of people.”

After speaking, Zhuge Liang said with a wry smile: “Sir, Liang is a farmer in the mountains and fields, so don’t blame me for some common views.

After speaking, Zhuge Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

During this half-hour of contact, he felt something called the unfathomable from Ye Chen.

Ye Chen knew too much.

Astronomy and geography, academic gossip, etc.

Zhuge Liang even felt that he was just like a student in front of Ye Chen.

Coupled with Ye Chen’s unpredictable ability.

In Zhuge Liang’s heart, Ye Chen’s sense of mystery reached the extreme.

I just feel that the other party is an immortal who is testing himself.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Then does Mr. Wolong have any good suggestions for employing people?

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment.

Looking at Ye Chen, he said, “Sir, respecting the virtuous enables Junjie to reign, and the work of appointing people is not rigid.”

“Cangkang has enough to know etiquette, and enough food and clothing to know honor and disgrace.”

Ye Chen kept these words in his heart.

Immediately, he stood up and said, “Nanyang’s Wolong world plan, the two dynasties opened up the hearts of old officials.

“Let’s go to school and show a real name in the world. The stars fall and the autumn wind is five zhangyuan. It’s been a long time.”

Zhuge Liang’s face changed slightly when he heard this.

These four sentences of approval. Could it be?

“Zhuge Liang, today you and I are in order, and tomorrow I will conclude this cause and effect.

Ye Chen looked at Zhuge Liang who was in shock and smiled: “You and I will meet again in 27 years.

Finished walking out of the house.

Zhuge Liang’s face changed slightly and he quickly greeted him.

When you get to the door.

Ye Chen turned around and smiled: “Just do what you need to do.

Zhuge Liang’s pupils shrank, and he understood the meaning.

Immediately, Zhuge Liang respectfully bowed to Ye Chen.

“Liang, goodbye Mr.

Not far away, the faces of Guan, Zhang, Liu and the others changed drastically.


The rumored Mr. Wolong is really unusual.

I actually got acquainted with a fairy!

Ye Chen glanced at Liu Guanzhang.

Liu Bei was so excited that he wanted to ask for advice.

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head: “Today’s affairs, don’t talk, don’t pass, don’t talk.”

Liu Bei’s face changed slightly, and he stepped forward quickly.

After bowing respectfully, he said, “Remember!”

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stepped forward at the same time.

Facing this immortal who had a relationship 16 years ago.

All three were in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Zhuge Liang bowed his hands: “Liang remember what Mr.

Ye Chen nodded, and immediately disappeared in front of everyone with Xiang Yu and Guiguzi.

Inside the small thatched cottage, Liu Bei muttered in awe, “I’m waiting for mortals to get advice from immortals!”

Zhuge Liang looked at Ye Chen’s departure direction with a complicated expression.

He recognized Xiang Yu.

Also recognized Guiguzi.

The wise man whom he admired so much!

“Sir, with such great sages around, isn’t the shell enough?”

Was thinking of the time.

Liu Bei put away the inner emotions, stepped forward and said: “Mu Xiansheng prepared for a long time, especially to this call.

After leaving the cottage.

Guiguzi asked out of doubt in his heart.

“Sir, Mr. Wolong indeed the only big, Statecraft is a talented people!”

Ye Chen Wen Yan laughed: “Mr. Gui Man has always been very accurate ah.

“But sir, you do not now why you accept him?”

Guiguzi curious said.

Chen Ye see the cottage road snow body to body: “not ripe ah.”

“And … the history of the irreversible!”

The more time and space through, the more Chen Ye know the truth of history can not be reversed.

Xiang Yu nodded thoughtfully.

Immediately asked: “Mr. intend to wait for him on the occasion of the death of accept it?”


Ye Chen finished streamer enveloped the trio.

Space-time picture unfold in three eyes.

Guiguzi Xiang Yu and Zhuge Liang saw all sorts.

With Liu Guan three, from scratch to the third world.

Finally, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and Liu Bei died in turn.

Then Zhuge Liang Shu a man propped up world.

I watched, Guiguzi sigh: “untimely ah!”

Ye Chen Guiguzi understand the meaning.

If Zhuge Liang was born in the Warring States or Han, established exploits will be even greater.

And when Guiguzi see Zhuge Liang unavoidably spared no efforts when people have started to admire this up.


Ye Chen finished, move one step forward.

Step is 27 years.

27 years, the pattern varies greatly.

With a long history of a hero dissipate.

Yuan Shao and other former hero has turned into a handful of loess.


In AD 234, October 8th.

Evening Wuzhangyuan covered sunset.

Sky, more than a touch of bright red pathos.

As if to indicate, a super wise man about to fall.

This is the fifth time Zhuge Liang’s Northern Expedition of.

Since Tuogu Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang heavy responsibility.

Size of the transaction are cored.

At this time, Zhuge Liang, has overwork not going to live.

Shu Army forts stretching in the number of road.


It was already cold.

Zhuge Liang has been 54-year-old looks like the sixtieth old 60-year-old general.

His face was pale.

With the wind swaying dim candlelight.

Zhuge Liang Mi Mi eye marking a military matter.


There was another violent cough, Zhuge Liang spit a few mouthfuls of blood.

In the tent, his face slightly changed urgent Jiang said: “!! Teacher you rest.”

Jiang Wei red eyes.

He’s watched the teacher to do those tedious miscellaneous things.

Despite the discouraging teachers also watched, the body gradually decline.

Zhuge Liang waved and said: “There are late emperor (Li Wang Zhao grace to me, vertical dies repay.”

Finish the sentence, Zhuge Liang began marking up.

After a long time, and finally finished with the hands thing.

Zhuge Liang tired and closed his eyes.

Mind, 27 years ago, the scene emerge in front.

“Immortal, you said that 27 years after the meet.

Zhuge Liang eyes whisper:. “Liang has oil burnout, fear not wait for the immortal”

27 years.

Then if not a leaf Chen appeared, Zhuge Liang suspect that you may not even be invited to answer His Majesty.

It is because of the emergence immortal, so Zhuge Liang ignited the hearts of ambition.


“Hey material.”

Zhuge Liang tightened the cloak smile soon.

Bale “Bale, fate yet to come ah.”

After the self-serving sigh, Zhuge Liang to look outside the tent.

Suddenly, Zhuge Liang slightly Yie.

Through the fire outside the camp, he saw a figure.

A deeply engraved in my mind, very familiar figure!

(Liked the fact, there are courageous and prudent wisdom loyalty and integrity.)

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