Chapter 143 The Meeting Between Many Scientists and Da Vinci (For Subscription and Customize)

Da Vinci stepped forward quickly, held Ye Chen’s hand and said excitedly, “Sir, I finally see you again!”

Behind Da Vinci, Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao looked at Ye Chen excitedly.

“Sir, after 500 years, Da Vinci finally lived up to your hopes!”

Da Vinci’s eyes were a little red.

The voice trembled a little.

Ye Chen patted Da Vinci on the shoulder and smiled softly: “Thank you for your hard work.”

After speaking, he looked at Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao.

The two of them were shocked, and Tang Bohu said nervously: “Mr. Ye, I am Tang Yin.

“Hello, Mr. Tang.”

Ye Chen looked at Zheng Banqiao with a gentle expression: “Hello, Mr. Zheng.”

“Hello, Mr. Ye!”

Zheng Banqiao was instantly flattered.

Because of his nervousness and excitement, Zheng Banqiao didn’t know where to put his hands.

Ma Yun looked at him with a complicated expression.

have a look.

Even Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao were so excited.

Think about me again, what is it?

Ma Yun’s eyes became more respectful.

Ye Chen looked up and down Da Vinci.

All three are very old.

Especially Leonardo da Vinci, who even had a metal instrument fixed to his legs.

Without this device, he could not walk.

Ye Chen sighed in his heart and put his palm 550 on Da Vinci’s shoulder.

The next moment, 10 years of life poured into Da Vinci’s body.

Da Vinci’s body trembled slightly, and then he bowed respectfully: “Thank you sir.”

As an immortal who lived almost 600 years.

Da Vinci has taken life and death lightly.

I have seen countless landscapes in this world.

However, when he saw Ye Chen again, the desire for life emerged in his heart.

Da Vinci Tower’s back quickly stood up.

A few strands of black hair appeared in the white beard and hair.

The expressions of Ma Yun and the three who saw this scene changed slightly.

Although they already knew it, seeing such a magical skill with their own eyes still shocked and terrified them!

In particular, Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao were a little scared when they didn’t come.


Da Vinci exhaled slightly.

The long-lost sense of youth swept away the decadent aura on his body.

Later, Ye Chen gave Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao 2 years of life respectively.

“Thank you sir for the gift!”

Zheng Banqiao and the two were grateful.

Over the centuries, they have imagined this scene more than once.

This personal experience shows that the reverence for life is even stronger for Ye Chen’s respect.

“They should still be discussing, let’s go in.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he led a few people towards the conference room.

to the door of the conference room.

“No no no! The bending position is simply impossible to achieve at the current level.”

Who said “yes! I’ll be able to make one with an antimatter drive in no time!”

“Even if aerodynamic energy, light energy, and nuclear energy are added together, they will not be able to produce the required energy!”

The discussion in the conference room was extremely heated.

There are Einster’s, Tesla’s, Bohr’s, and so on.

Da Vinci froze slightly at the door.

The next moment, a faint smile appeared on his face.

He had already guessed it.

Ma Yun didn’t feel anything, just thought it was the researchers of the Cang Qiong Group who were arguing about something.

When Ye Chen led Da Vinci in.

The originally intense and lively conference room was instantly quiet.

Einster and Pohl even sat directly on the table.

The two were blushing.

The walls of the conference room were also written and painted with dense characters.


The expression of Ma Shao, who was standing behind Ye Chen, changed greatly.

He recognized Tesla and Marie Curie!

These two are his idols!

“You… you are?”

Einster jumped off the table and looked at Da Vinci with a puzzled expression.

Da Vinci laughed.

It doesn’t seem surprising that Einster is here.

Einster “Professor, hello everyone.

Da Vinci smiled brightly.

Tesla jerked his chair away and stepped forward.

“Mr. Da Vinci?”

Everyone’s faces were full of surprise.

Langevin grew his mouth even more.

“I go!”

Tang Bohu and Zheng Ban bridge decks match.

What a magical combination this is!

A gathering enough to make the whole world a sensation, the competition (bafd) suddenly appeared.

A group of great scientists stared wide-eyed.

Planck even took his eyes and looked and looked.

Da Vinci was too far away from them.

more than 400 years apart.

In the era of the Renaissance, the all-powerful king in the history of mankind.

As a scientist, of course, I know about Da Vinci.

Even, many of them have a lot of research on Da Vinci.

Da Vinci dabbled in physics, mechanics, biology, chemistry, geography, and more.

And, the most terrifying thing is that they all have extremely high achievements.

In the hearts of many scientists present, Da Vinci was the first god in the history of science!

“Let’s get to know each other.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

The next moment, everyone who was dumbfounded reacted.

In Ma Yun’s eyes, Tesla and the others are living fossils, a group of old antiques.

In Tesla’s eyes, Da Vinci is a living fossil!

“Hello sir!”

Immediately, scientists scrambled to shake hands.

Everyone was very polite, and some even looked at Da Vinci with admiration.

“Mr. Da Vinci, you are my idol.” Schrödinger said.

Dickola excitedly pulled Da Vinci’s hand and said, “Sir, my quantum electrodynamics is the inspiration from you!”

Finally, Da Vinci and Einster shook hands.

These two figures, who can be called giants among giants, met here.

Two great beings in different time and space held hands together at this moment.

In the past 500 years, Da Vinci was mainly engaged in scientific research.

So, Leonardo laughed when he saw the dense formulas on the wall of the conference room.

“Mr. Da Vinci, you knew Mr. before us.”

Bonn said with some curiosity: “I think, your research results should be more worthy of our younger generations to learn.”

Da Vinci smiled: “Everyone has their own strengths.”

Immediately, everyone took their seats again.

As for Ma Yun, his mouth remained open.

He was so shocked!

Simply, the shock can’t be added!

May I ask what else Mr. Ye can’t do?

Ma Xi subconsciously glanced at Ye Chen.

I thought to myself, even if I see dinosaurs next time, I won’t be surprised.

So much arrogance!

So many great beings.

Mr. Ye actually made them gather together!

Even a single person has already achieved such a terrifying achievement.

What if they get together?

Ma Yun’s body trembled, suddenly thinking of a terrible reality.

The Hall of Longevity, headed by Mr. Ye, is about to change the entire human race!

“Mr. Ye, for hundreds of years, I have been thinking about a question, whether there is a limit to the human self.”

Da Vinci immediately attracted the attention of Einster and others as soon as he opened his mouth.

As we all know, Leonardo da Vinci made great contributions to biology and anatomy.

Now that 500 years have passed, what black technology will he develop?

“I did about 2,000 attempts, experimenting with hundreds of different materials.”

“Eventually, the first elixir of life was developed.

Da Vinci said and opened the suitcase.

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