Chapter 142 Quantum Transmission, Super Artificial Intelligence

Bol took a deep breath and opened the box in front of him.

Inside the box, there is only one thing that is as black as ink and has a boxy shape.

About the size of a mobile phone.

Boll explained: “Mr. Ye, this is the prince’s teleporter.”

Bohr said while taking apart the beautifully shaped iron box.

Immediately, Bol walked to the side of the conference table and placed one of the iron boxes there.

Then, back to the place again.

After hearing the words quantum transmitter, Ye Chen and Einster’s expressions changed.

Einster in particular stood up subconsciously with a moving expression on his face.

Quantum mechanics, it’s a magical field.

Since he and Bohr, Schrödinger and others established and perfected quantum mechanics.

This new field has begun to be applied in all walks of life.

Nowadays, quantum mechanics is inseparable from all high-precision technologies.

And about the cutting-edge developments and newer applications of quantum mechanics.

It mentioned the two aspects of prince entanglement and quantum transmission.

There is a magical theorem in quantum mechanics, which is called the quantum no-cloning theorem.

That is to say, after you get a quantum state, you cannot look at it.

Because according to quantum mechanics, after you look at it, you destroy it.

That is, observations affect the quantum state.

After that, scientists thought of a new way.

That is to destroy this thing first.

Then make it exactly the same state and then implement it with another thing.

This is quantum transmission.

And quantum teleportation, which is more advanced, because it’s not transmitting information.

Instead, it’s transporting objects, even people!

For a time, both Einster and Putin’s breathing became rapid.

The expressions of the two were even more exaggerated than before.

“Sir, at this stage, the transfer of items has been basically realized.

Ball took a metal cube from his pocket as he spoke.

The square is about the size of a thumb nail.

Very small and exquisite.

“This is an ordinary metal block, and now what I have to do is to send it to the opposite air through the teleporter.

Pohl finished speaking, and pointed to the transmitter on the other side of the table.

Ye Chen’s eyes lit up: “Okay!

Immediately, Bol wanted to flip the switch.

under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

That metal nugget disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the blink of an eye, a thumb-sized metal block appeared on another teleporter 2 meters away.

The whole place was silent.

Einster’s right hand trembled.

He took out his eyes and looked.

Immediately, he said something in his mouth: “The prince’s transmitter has scanned the information of the metal block?”

“Then use quantum communication technology to transmit the information of the metal block.

“Using another teleporter to reassemble it at the end, isn’t it?”

Bol nodded: “What you see is actually a transmitter and a receiver.


Ye Chen praised.

This is a technology that can only be realized in science fiction.

“Sir, at present we can achieve 100% transmission of metal instruments.”

Bohr said modestly: “As for other objects, the success rate is extremely low, and it is still being studied in depth.

“This technology is at least 50 years ahead of the world, maybe more.”

Ye Chen praised.

“In the past 92 years, your efforts have not been in vain.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Next, the Palace of Longevity will fully support your research.

“Thank you sir!”

Everyone said at the same time.

For these scientists, scientific research is the love of life.

And if their research can come out and help Mr. Ye, it will be a blessing.

Next, Tesla, Marie Curie, Langevin and others talked about other scientific research projects.

17 top scientists, plus 92 years of research.

The results are terrifying!

Lorenz stood up and first gave a respectful salute.

Immediately, he said: “Sir, there are currently 9 experimental groups in the Tiangong Experimental Base. Among them, in terms of simulation technology, we have made the following breakthroughs.”

After Lorenz finished speaking, a magical scene appeared.

I saw that behind Einster, another Lorenz appeared!

The looks, movements, expressions are exactly the same.

The second Lorenz said eloquently: “Sir, this is the latest 3D super-simulation holographic projection technology.”

“As long as the nano-projector is installed, the display can be delivered worldwide.

“Technically, body temperature, heartbeat, breathing and even body odor can be accurately imitated.”

The second Lorenz’s words made Putin’s face change slightly.

This technology…is scary!

“In order to be realistic, we also only made the electronic energy barrier.

After Lorenz finished speaking, he walked over to the projection and stretched out his hand.

To Ye Chen’s surprise, his hand did not penetrate the projection!


Ye Chen gave a thumbs up.

If Lorenz didn’t say it, he wouldn’t even know it was fake.

It is exactly the same from the inside out, even the touch is imitated.

The application of this technology is too broad.

Subsequently, Planck began to describe other inventions and research.

The super artificial intelligence technology he mentioned also made Ye Chen very satisfied.

With the help of super artificial intelligence, surgery can be replaced almost entirely by robots.

And operations in dangerous areas, such as space, deep sea, etc., can also be done by robots.

The help and development of this technology to the Hall of Longevity is absolutely enormous.

In addition, roller skating aircraft, bionic skin, air and land vehicles, brain fingerprints, medical perspective mirrors and so on.

One by one, the inventions that can change the way of life of human beings, and even change the world are constantly explained.

Some of these technologies are of great use to the Hall of Longevity.

Some are not very helpful.

However, it can help all mankind.

Of course, Ye Chen didn’t plan to release it now.

In the step by step of Changsheng Hall’s accession to the WTO, it is gradually shared in a cooperative way.

The meeting lasted for 2 hours.

During the period, Einstein (Li Li’s) Tan and Putin shared their research related technologies.

A discussion of the top scientists began.

Towards the end, even heated debates began.

The debate about teleportation technology almost made everyone blush.

And in the cutting-edge technology of warp flight, Einster and Bohr again had different arguments.

Ye Chen did not participate in the following debate.

Come right up. ”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen walked out of the conference room.

Da Vinci here they come.

The elevator door opened, and Da Vinci stood at the front.

Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao followed.

Ma Yun quietly stood at the back.

“Mr Da Vinci!

Looking at Da Vinci Ye Chen with a thin face in white clothes, he smiled slightly: “Long time no see.”

(It’s Friday again, time flies so fast, ask for a flower evaluation ticket, and if you have good suggestions for the development behind the Changsheng Palace, please leave a message.)

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