Chapter 110 What Happened

“Marven Ye, I want to marry you and listen to your singing every day.”

Suddenly, Yuli shouted loudly with a can of beer.

This bold confession really frightened the three of the hot bar.

Especially Liu Yifei, who was originally more restrained and shy, her heart thumped when she heard this.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, turned off the headlights in the living room, and turned on the wall lamps.

Suddenly, a reddish light enveloped several people.

The atmosphere in the room immediately became a little ambiguous.

“I…I want to marry Ye Chen too.

The hot bar on the side was already dizzy, and when Yu Liya said that, she joined in the fun.

“Hey, it’s obviously my place today, so don’t steal the show, okay?”

Yang Mi said as she stretched her small hand to the waists of Youli and Reba, and twisted the tender meat lightly.


“Okay, you honey, look at my invincible salty pig’s hand.”

“Ah, Yaya can’t be there.”

Immediately, the three girls were fighting together.

The room was a mess.

Liu Yifei glanced at the three of them with disgust and moved towards Ye Chen.

She didn’t do it on purpose, the sofa was just that big.

The three sparring occupied most of the positions.

and Ye Chen were almost stuck together.

In addition, it was summer again, Liu Yifei’s arm unknowingly neutralized Ye Chen several times.

This made Liu Yifei’s face even redder.

Pretty face seems to be covered with a layer of red clouds, and I don’t know if she is drunk.

“Mr. Ye, are you running your own company?”

As if feeling a little embarrassed, Liu Fei glanced at Ye Chen and asked.

Under the shroud of pink light, Liu Yifei found that Ye Chen seemed to look better.

Just like the domineering president in the comics.

Liu Yifei blushed pretty and quickly lowered her head.

“Yes, take care of some small business.”

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Liu Yifei seemed to remember something: “You are too modest, I heard from Mimi that Mr. Du Yiming and Ma Yun from the Du family have a close relationship with you.”

“Haha, let’s be friends.

Ye Chen hiccupped and passed the microphone: “Do you want to sing?”

“Ah, I’m not very good at singing.”

Having said that, Liu Yifei still took the microphone.

The two hands touched inadvertently, and Liu Yifei’s heart was like a deer bumping her head into her chest.


Suddenly, Hot Bar was pushed over by You Liya and Yang Mi.

Suddenly, he slammed into Ye Chen’s arms.

Ye Chen drank a lot and was already drunk.

The stimulation of alcohol made Ye Chen also slightly excited, and subconsciously hugged the hot bar in his arms.

The smooth and tender touch is transmitted to the heart through the hands.

I don’t know if it was hot or not, or if I drank too much and thought it was a pillow, I stretched out a jade hand to catch Ye Chen’s waist.

“Ye Chen, do you want me?

You Liya’s hair was gently tossed, and the fragrance came to her face.

“Go away, you want me too.”

The big deal is “Let’s get married together!”

“Feifei, you are so bold, but this proposal is not bad.”

Hearing the words of the four, Ye Chen lay on the sofa and laughed.

The world allows polygamy.

However, generally only the powerful and rich do this.

For ordinary families, it is difficult to raise one.

In a daze, Ye Chen seemed to call out his wife.

Then, a greasy and crooked husband came into his ears.

Ye Chen couldn’t even tell who was calling.

Summer nights are still a little hot.

This night, several people played crazy.

After fighting for a long time, Yang Mi took out some beer from the refrigerator.

Drink, sing, and make noise.

Even, the four women took turns running into Ye Chen’s arms.

In a daze, Ye Chen had a beautiful dream.

The next day, 10 am.

Ye Chen woke up first.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, he froze for a moment.

This picture is so sweet.

There is still a little red on the carpet, and I don’t know who dripped the oil stains on it.

It doesn’t matter, it matters.

“Fuck… Where’s my clothes?”

Ye Chen rarely uttered a foul language.

The four women were quite neatly dressed.


At this moment, Yuliya turned over on the sofa.

After subconsciously opening his eyes, suddenly.


Yuli let out a scream, which suddenly woke the three of them up.

Yang Mi rubbed her head, her eyes drowsy.

Several people drank too much last night.

How to fall asleep, and don’t even remember what happened before going to bed.

Seeing this, Yang Mi followed suit.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Ye Chen quickly picked up the clothes covering the hot bar and put them on.

Hot, blushing blood, buried her head in Liu Yifei’s back.

“Why are you standing still, go back to the room!

Suddenly Yang Mi stood up from the sofa.

The next moment, the three of them came back to their senses at the same time, and they all went back to their rooms as if they were guilty of guilty conscience.

Ye Chen looked at the bottles and jars on the ground with emotion.

After reminiscing for a long time, he couldn’t remember what he had done.

I don’t even remember the dreams I had when I was sleeping.

In Yang Mi’s bedroom.

In the spacious bedroom, Yang Mi and the four were lying on the bed.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the ceiling.

After a while, Liu Yifei suddenly said, “Did something happen last night?”

“I don’t know, I don’t even know how I fell asleep.”

After Yu Liya finished speaking, she scratched her hair: “Oh, I remember that Mr. Ye sang two very nice songs, but I forgot about it later.”

“Me too.” Yang Mi pouted and said: “You say, he has no clothes, will it be?


Hot Bar closed his ears and pulled his mouth: “I don’t listen, I don’t listen.”

After saying it, the room was quiet again.

“No, Mr. Ye shouldn’t be the type to take advantage of others’ dangers.”

Yang Mi said to herself: “And I didn’t see his expression just now, I’m even more surprised than we are.”

After speaking, Yang Mi seemed to think of something: “Oh my God!”

“I remember!”

You Liya suddenly blushed and said: “You said, could it be one of us who is talking to Mr. Ye?

Before You Liya finished speaking, the room was suddenly silent.

All four of them turned red at the same time.

It doesn’t matter if something does happen.

But unfortunately, no one remembers it!

Moreover, this kind of thing is not easy to check.

You can’t let four or three yellow-flowered women do that by themselves, right?

“Mom, I’m dead, how can this happen.”

Liu Yifei buried her head in the quilt and was about to cry.

After a while.

Yang Mi suddenly stood up and said, “No, I’m going to ask him to clarify.”

Thank you (ZEXAL rewarded 788 VIP points and 2 100 VIP points for reminders and a monthly pass, brilliant data, thank you for all-round support from local tyrants.) What,

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