Chapter 109 The shock brought by the two songs (please collect flowers and reward monthly tickets)

In her previous life, Yang Mi released a single shortly after her debut.

However, that voice and singing skills were really horrible.

In this life, I don’t think it will be any better.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, Liu Yifei said with deep conviction: “Mimi, you haven’t sang for a long time, so don’t disturb the neighbors at night.”

“What, I’m a professional collector.

While saying that Yang Mi was still a little unconvinced, she went to pick up the microphone: “Today, I will show you Miss Ben’s extraordinary singing skills.

“I want to sing too.”

Over there, Hot Bar, who was about to fall asleep, raised his little hand weakly.

“What are you doing as an actor, don’t delay the communication of our top singers.”

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she handed Ye Chen a microphone: “Mr. Ye, what can you sing?”

Ye Chen didn’t know much about the entertainment industry in this world, so he heard the words and said, “Let’s sing a song about ugly monsters for everyone.


Yu Liya sprayed out the red wine over there: “He scolds us.”

“Uh, no ugly?

Ye Chen was a little stunned, since he had crossed over, he really hadn’t paid attention to the entertainment circle in this world.

All he knew was that the world’s entertainment as a whole was relatively poor.

Yang Mi pouted with a small mouth and expressed a bit of resentment: “Sir, we four beauties can’t get into your eyes.”

“If there is no ugly, then I can sing acapella.

In the previous life, Ye Chen was a Maiba.

I haven’t touched the microphone since 517 crossed.

“If the world is dark, I’m actually beautiful

Advance and retreat in love, the most consumed

It doesn’t matter what is right or wrong, and why is it wrong, it doesn’t matter.”

At first people were still fighting.

I just thought that Ye Chen was teasing them.

However, when Ye Chen showed his singing voice, the living room instantly became quiet.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Chen incredulously with her mouth open.

The hot bar’s action of stuffing cookies into his mouth also stopped.

You Liya and Liu Yifei were there with their red lips.

After the transformation of the system, Ye Chen’s whole body from the inside out can only be described as perfect.

Magnetic voice with that focused expression.

A pair of bright eyes seemed to contain cosmic stars, which made the four women unknowingly fall into it.

“Ugly, can you not turn on the light

The love I want haunts the dark stage

Ugly, in this ambiguous age

My existence is not surprising. ”

When Ye Chen finished singing, he found that the four of them looked at him dully at the same time.

The next moment, Liu Yifei suddenly wowed: “Wow, you sing well!”

“Yes, yes, it’s more professional (bafd) than professional singers.

“His voice is so magnetic and so manly.

Hot Bar’s two little hands pressed against his chin with an idiotic expression: “Mr. Ye, what song is this?”

“Yes, yes, why have I never heard of it.”

They are in the entertainment industry anyway.

Basically, I know all popular songs, and I have collaborated with many singers.

However, few people have even heard this song.

The corners of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly: “Is a song that I thought of temporarily suits you well?”

“Fear, fright, and fright.

Youli Y’s beautiful legs swayed and her pretty face turned red.

“Could this be a new song written by some lyricist?”

“Yes, Mr. Ye, are you going to debut?”

“If you want to debut, you won’t have anything to do with those little fresh meat.”

The four gave high praise to the song.

Especially Yang Mi, she only thought that Ye Chen was a big boss in the business world.

However, this song is also very good.

Thinking of her salty duck voice, Yang Mi couldn’t hold her head up.

How can there be such a big gap between people?

“I made it myself.”

Ye Chen drank the wine in the cup in one go.

He drank a lot and was a little dizzy.

It was this state that made Ye Chen a little excited.

Especially surrounded by four beautiful beauties of national beauty.

“One more song.

Suddenly, the hot bar squeezed over and said, “Mr. Ye, I still want to hear you sing.”

“Yes, Mr. Ye, let’s sing another song.

I saw a few people looking forward to it.

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Let’s do another song then.”

“Well, let me give you a song with you in my life.

This is one of the classic tracks of Mizuki years.

It is also one of Ye Chen’s favorite songs in his previous life.

“lifetime with you?”

You Liya suddenly became interested: “Did you also create it?

“The name sounds so romantic.

Ye Chen picked up the microphone and smiled.

“Because I dreamed of you leaving

i woke up crying

Watch the night wind blow through the windowsill

Can you feel my love

wait until the day

are you still by my side

Look at those sworn lies”

When Ye Chen opened his voice, the four girls became quiet again.

The melodious, magnetic and moving voice slowly unfolds.

The romance in the lyrics and the love that holds the child’s hand and the child grow old together suddenly made several people a little crazy.

Especially when it’s hot, the agile eyes are slightly red.

She hugged her legs and looked at Ye Chen quietly, listening.

An image flashed in my mind unconsciously.

A simple, but long-lasting love.

A love that will not be unswerving because of the changes of the years.

“How many people have admired your youthful face

Knowing who is willing to endure the merciless changes of the years

How many people have come and gone in your life

I know that I’ll be by your side with you all my life

I know that I will be by your side with you all my life.”

When Ye Chen finished singing, the four people’s breathing seemed to stop.

You Liya looked at Ye Chen madly and tried to hum along.

“My God.”

For a long time, Liu Yifei said, “Suddenly there is a feeling of happiness and sweetness.”

“I am me too.”

Reba Meimu never left Ye Chen from beginning to end: “Mr. Ye, you sing so well, I…I don’t even know how to describe it.”

“How many people have loved your face when you were young… You know who wants to endure the ruthless changes of the years.”

Yang Mi murmured.

He suddenly raised his head and said, “Mr. Ye, can you sell me these two songs?”

How much “money I am willing to pay!”

The three of them looked at Ye Chen at the same time.

Whether it is ugly or you have you all your life, you will definitely be a big hit.

It might even become a phenomenal song.


Ye Chen put down the microphone and smiled slightly: “I’ll send it to you.”

“Wow really!

Yang Mi was as happy as the little girl.

After speaking, he hugged Ye Chen: “Thank you, Mr. Ye!”

Immediately, the red lips were gently tapped on Ye Chen’s face.


The three of You Liya laughed maliciously at the same time.

Yang Miqiao’s face was flushed.

She was not only happy because Ye Chen gave her the song, but also because Ye Chen didn’t treat herself as an outsider.

Hot bar cutely said: “Mr. Ye, why don’t you have such a good voice.”

“Silly fat Di, Mr. Ye has a net worth of hundreds of billions, what are you doing in your debut?”

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