Chapter 102 Rescue Yue Fei (please subscribe and customize)

On the street outside Lin’an Dali Temple.

Perhaps the people felt that Marshal Yue was about to face unfair treatment, and the people on the street looked a little depressed.

At this time, the Dali Temple was heavily guarded.

Ye Chen walked on the street wearing Southern Song costumes and admired the scenery of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In history, the Song Dynasty was one of the longest-lived feudal dynasties.

There were 320 years from the founding of the country to its demise, second only to the 426 years of the Han Dynasty.

Longer than 290 years in the Tang Dynasty, 277 years in the Ming Dynasty and 296 years in the Qing Dynasty.

Although this dynasty did not have the martial arts to expand the territory and crack the soil, nor did it have the iron-blooded king with great talent and strategy.

But it was in this dynasty that the economy, culture and social life of ancient society all developed to their peak.

This dynasty also has the most master-level figures in cultural history.

It includes Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Zhu Xi, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Lu You, Xin Qiji, Li Qingzhao and so on.

In Song Renzong’s reign alone, there were six of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and three of the Four Great Inventions.

When Ye Chen browsed the annals of history, he also looked at the picture of Shanghe River during the Qingming Festival.

It has to be said that the scene depicted in that epic painting is real.

This is the 10th generation of the dynasty with extremely developed economy, culture and technology.

When he walked to the door of Dali Temple, Ye Chen looked at the guards who were heavily guarded.

Immediately, Ye Chen’s space was transferred into the interior of Dali Temple.

The guards who were wearing silver armor and holding long knives were stunned, and after wiping their eyes several times, they didn’t realize how the people disappeared.

After entering the interior.

In the dark passage, screams can be heard from time to time.

As a penal institution in the Southern Song Dynasty, Dali Temple detained many serious criminals.

Ye Chen’s arrival did not attract anyone’s attention.

The guards were not alerted either, because time had completely stopped.

When Ye Chen came to Fengbo Pavilion like a stroll in the courtyard.

I saw the legendary Marshal Yue Fei.

Yue Fei’s upper body was covered with scars, and his strong and powerful muscles trembled slightly with anger.

Opposite Yue Fei, was Qin Xu, who was hiding a knife in a sly smile.

Everyone was still, but Yue Fei could move freely under Ye Chen’s intention.

When he felt sad and angry that his life was about to come to an end.

He saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked up and down Yue Fei.

Yue Fei’s face changed dramatically.

A rare fright appeared on the face of the 39-year-old military god.

He found that everyone was still.

What are you “people?”

Yue Fei quickly regained his composure.

The muscles and veins on his body were exposed, and an aura like a beast came out from his body.

This is the self-defense state of martial arts masters.

“General Yue, you are dying soon.

Ye Chen said lightly: “Qin Hui’s desires are added to sin, how do you get out?”

Yue Fei’s complexion changed slightly, and then he said solemnly: “I am innocent by the death certificate!”

Ye Chen gave Yue Fei a deep look.

Immediately, he looked at Yue Yun, who was almost out of breath.

This very famous young general in history is the eldest son of Yue Fei.

Also a martial arts master.

“Don’t feel sorry for them?”

Ye Chen pointed to Yue Yun and Zhang Xian, who was already unconscious.

A sadness flashed across Yue Fei’s face.

Immediately, his voice was a little hoarse: “Your Excellency has such a means to be an extraordinary person.”

“What is this trip for?”

“In order not to bear the fall of heroes.”

Ye Chen’s voice was a bit homey: “your eldest son, Yue Yun, has only a few breaths left. If you leave the imperial court, I can give you eternal life.”

Yue Fei’s sturdy body shook violently.

Immediately, a pair of tiger eyes bloomed.

“Are you from Jin Wushu?!”

Jin Wushu was a famous general of the Jin Kingdom, and it was this person who took over a large area of ​​the Southern Song Dynasty.

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head: “No.

“I can die, but…

A look of struggle appeared on Yue Fei’s face.

Immediately, he clasped his fists in both hands and said solemnly, “Please, sir, save one or two.”

“I can give you three thousand years of life.

“But the three of you need to remain anonymous, and never interfere in political and military affairs.”

“You can also go here immediately and go to another country for secret development.

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, Yue Fei took a deep breath.

Immediately said solemnly: “As long as I don’t let me do things that are harmful to the country.”

“Ah, nothing is eternal, and the country in your eyes can only survive for more than a hundred years.

“You just need to set up the Shenwu Camp for secret development.”

Yue Fei “Yes!”

Yue Fei didn’t hesitate any longer.

The court has let him down and despair.

Perhaps, leaving from now on is a kind of new life.

“Very well, you will contact me on July 1st after 877 years.”

“During this period, it is best not to return to the homeland.”

Yue Fei looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

877 years later?

Why is the other party so sure?


Yue Fei’s expression changed slightly, and he only felt that he had touched the realm of a god.

Such existence, who can guess what he sees and thinks?

“Also, I need you to follow a few people for the next few hundred years.”

“When they are at these time points, you have to send someone to secretly connect them to the Shenwu camp that you have developed.”

“Remember, it’s not too early or too late.”

“In addition, there will be people who will come to see you with my token in the future, and they will be accepted when they see the token.”

Immediately, Ye Chen informed Yue Fei of the specific time points of Shenjian Zhebie, Zhang Sanfeng, Chang Yuchun, Qi Jiguang, Huang Feihong, and Huo Yuanjia.

As the conversation deepened, Yue Fei became more and more in awe of Ye Chen.

He not only could not see through, but also felt the vastness of the other party’s 513 in the long history.

after an hour.

Lin’an Taihe Building.

This is one of the large-scale restaurants operated by the government and one of the landmark buildings in Lin’an.

The shop assistant of the restaurant saw Ye Chen’s extraordinary behavior and respectfully said: “What do you want?”

Ye Chen found a vacant seat and sat down and said, “Here’s a pot of wine.”

“Is it possible to press the wine objectively?

Pressing wine is the meaning of modern appetizers.

Ye Chen said lightly, “All vegetables and fruits.”

Not long after Ye Chen sat down, a woman with a blue-and-white cloth handkerchief tied around her waist and shrunk tall stepped forward with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled politely.

There will be people who provide services and sing songs to cheer up the Southern Song Dynasty restaurants.

If it was normal, Ye Chen would still be interested to hear it.

But this time he has to wait.

Twenty minutes after sending the other party away, a man wearing a coarse cloth and a hat sat on the seat next to Ye Chen.

It was Yue Fei.

After dealing with his suspended animation, Yue Fei refitted and came to the appointed place.


Different from the prison, Yue Fei’s attitude is full of awe.

He could already feel the vitality flowing in his body.

It was an inexhaustible force.

“Have you decided where to go?

Ye Chen poured Yue Fei a glass of wine and asked with a smile.

Yue Fei nodded and said solemnly, “Go to the Zegan Dynasty!”

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