Chapter 101 After 40 years, you will go to Bruce Lee (please subscribe for customization)

Whether at home or abroad.

Sun Lutang’s achievements and status in martial arts are unparalleled.

And this time, Sun Lutang was Ye Chen’s first stop.

That time period.

A gathering of talents, martial arts is also the last prosperous era.

Beiguan, Shunping County, Beihe Province.

December 16, 1933.

Once again, travel back to the era of the Republic of China.

Ye Chen had already changed into the clothes of the Republic of China.

When Ye Chen came to Sun Lutang’s old house.

Ye Chen saw the immortal Sun Lutang at a glance.

According to historical records, Sun Lutang passed away at 6:05 this morning.

There are many doubts about Sun Lutang’s death.

Sun Lutang once predicted the day he would ride a crane more than once.

At that time, Sun Lutang’s family also took him to see Chinese and Western medicine.

Both Chinese and Western medicine say that Sun Lutang is in good health, even like a young man, and his condition is particularly good on “May 13”.

However, Sun Lutang said that there will be immortals and Buddhas to guide me, I want to listen to it.

At this time, Sun Lutang was facing southeast and his back was northwest, sitting indoors.

In the house, there are family members who are burning paper and crying.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, time stagnated.

At this time, Sun Lutang hadn’t noticed anything abnormal, and he still said indifferently with a gentle smile: “My life and death are like game ears.”

When the words fell, Sun Lutang suddenly froze.

The next moment, Sun Lutang stood up with a loud bang.

Immediately afterwards, an incredible speed rushed in front of Ye Chen.

Sun Lutang, although he is 73 years old, but the spirit and energy revealed all over his body makes people feel like he is facing a fierce tiger.

“Who is your Excellency?”

Sun Lutang had a solemn look on his face.

As the No. 1 master of the Republic of China and a martial arts myth, Sun Lutang has never seen such a magical skill!

His family members were all still.

Only him and the young man opposite.

Sun Lutang did not act rashly.

Even, standing quietly like Ye Chen.

As a martial arts myth of this era, Sun Lutang keenly perceives the terror of the other party.

This is not human territory at all!

Ye Chen smiled slightly and glanced at the old withered tree in front of him.

Immediately, Ye Chen flicked lightly.

In the next moment, a scene that changed Sun Lutang’s expression appeared.

The old tree that has no branches has grown new shoots at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In a few breaths, the bare old tree grew lush foliage!

Sun Lutang’s hair instantly exploded.

A chill rises from the soles of my feet.

When Sun Lutang looked at Ye Chen, his expression became a little horrified.

If he is a martial arts myth, then this young man is a real god!

“I am the lord of time who walks in the long river of time, and time is just a trick that I can easily do.”

Ye Chen’s voice was a little illusory and happy.

This is because of the stagnation of time.

“Sun Lutang, you still have 7 minutes of life.

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, he saw everything that was still around him.

Sun Lutang seemed to suddenly think of something.

“It turns out that Your Excellency is the Immortal Buddha, and the Immortal Buddha has come to pick me up.”

Sun Lutang’s heart beat faster, looking at Ye Chen with extreme devotion.

Ye Chen laughed dumbly: “So, are you willing to follow me?”

Sun Lutang bowed slightly and respectfully said: “Immortal, I am willing!”

“Just call me Mr. Ye.

“I will first give you 30 years of life, so that you can return to 40 years old.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the palm gently pushed out.

Sun Lutang’s body trembled slightly.

At his realm, ordinary things can no longer move him.

However, when Sun Lutang felt the vitality coming from his body, Sun Lutang’s face changed drastically!

No need to check, he also knows that his physical condition has returned to its peak!

Sun Lutang glanced at Ye Chen subconsciously.

I was a little more afraid of Ye Chen, the mysterious and unpredictable young man.

“Next, I will give you two tasks.

“It’s good for you to be careful.

When Sun Lutang heard the words, he immediately appeared to be listening carefully.

“First, from today onwards, you will be incognito in a state of suspended animation, and then secretly contact Yue Fei and the Shenwu Camp he created.

“Second, 40 years later, on July 19, 1973, you go to the harbor, find Bruce Lee, and take him to Shenwu Camp.”

Speaking of this, Ye Chen showed a majestic look on his face: “Remember, you must be secretive, and you must not interfere in the events of various countries, do you understand?”

When Sun Lutang heard it, his heart skipped a beat.

Yue Fei?

The famous anti-gold general of the Southern Song Dynasty known as the Martial Saint?!

What dynasty is this Mr. Ye from?

Also, does Mr. Ye know what happened 40 years later?

Seeing fine beads of sweat appear on Sun Lutang’s face.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “I travel through the long river of time, there is no need to panic, you just need to do your job well.”

“Remember the juniors!

At this moment, the first master of the Republic of China had the utmost respect for Ye Chen.

“In the next time, you and I will not meet each other. You and Yue Fei will jointly build Shenwu Camp.0”

“I gave you 30 years of life just now, and I will give you another 56 years of life.”

“So, you can live another 86 years. We’ll see you on July 1st in 86 years.”

Ye Chen’s words fell, and he gently pushed his palm.

Sun Lutang only felt that his physical state seemed to return to his youth.

When he was shocked, Sun Lutang subconsciously punched.

Immediately, a mighty force came out from within the body.

Sun Lutang looked at Ye Chen with awe to the extreme.

Just as he was about to speak, Ye Chen smiled and suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Sun Lutang just realized that his clothes were soaked through!

In the cold winter of December, his martial arts master’s clothes were soaked through!




It wasn’t until Ye Chen left for a long time that Sun Lutang came back to his senses.

The light in his eyes gradually bloomed.

The arrival of Mr. Ye has opened up a new world for him!

And his martial arts road will continue to advance!

June 25, 2019.

Ye Chen has returned to modern times.

After a short stop.

With a thought, Ye Chen came to Yuhang.

Yuhang, known as Lin’an during the Southern Song Dynasty, was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Because of the system upgrade, the crossing within a hundred years does not consume the number of times a week.

Therefore, this time Ye Chen came directly to January 27, 1142.

That is the day Yue Fei was killed.

According to historical records, after Yue Fei returned to Lin’an on 5.3, he was relieved of his military power.

Qin Hui then framed Yue Fei for treason and sent him to prison.

On January 27, Qin Hui poisoned Yue Fei to death in Lin’an Fengbo Pavilion on the charge of “unnecessary”.

In addition to Yue Fei, his son Yue Yun and his general Zhang Xian were also killed at the same time.

This incident is known as the eternal injustice.

Although Yue Fei was later rehabilitated, it is still embarrassing that a generation of famous marshals suffered such injustice.

Time goes by.

A picture flashed before his eyes.

After a while, Ye Chen chose the early morning of January 27, 1142.

After a slight dizziness, Ye Chen came to Lin’an in the Southern Song Dynasty.

This is the first time that Ye Chen has traveled through such a long time.

After adjusting for a while, Ye Chen looked around.

This is the Southern Song Dynasty in that war-torn era!

(Which martial artist do you want to enter the Hall of Longevity? Welcome to leave a message in the book review area.)

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