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Chapter 46: Reaching the Ultimate Breakthrough Stage



Jin Rong nodded to his men, sat on the main seat of the Jinyiwei Yamen, looked at the case file, and remained silent.

The Xu family lost two people in the Poqiao realm last night, and the Wang family was even worse, with four people dead, which caused quite a stir in the circle of the gentry.

A group of people jointly wrote to His Majesty, begging him to mobilize the country's power to find the thief, and they would not give up until he was brought to justice.

In fact, their behavior was also a test.

After killing six people in the Poqiao realm silently overnight, they had already suspected the one sitting in the imperial mausoleum. If the other party had not taken action, they could not think of anyone else who had this ability.

However, the emperor's attitude made them feel a lot more at ease. When they learned that they were missing six immortal pill materials, Emperor Rongjia was furious and ordered the Jinyiwei to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Cao Luwen and Xu Qingshu, the two commanders, looked at the frowning commander and thought secretly in their hearts.

Especially Xu Qingshu, the two Poqiao realms who were killed were his relatives, and he was very concerned about this matter.

But he just wanted to know who did it. It was impossible for him to take the lead.

After what happened last night, he was more than once thankful that he didn't run into those bad guys, otherwise he would have died.

Cao Lvwen was thinking about another thing.

The Xu family and the Wang family both had conflicts with their Cao family. Zhou Qingyuan had just defeated Cao Man not long ago, and now there was a death in the Broken Acupoint Realm that had not happened for a long time.

There shouldn't be any connection between these two things, right?

Even if Zhou Qingyuan got the method of breaking the acupoint, it would be impossible for him to break through to the Broken Acupoint Realm so quickly, right?

Cao Lvwen thought about this absurd possibility, but he was a little flustered. If it was Zhou Qingyuan who entered the True Qi Realm at the age of sixteen and defeated the Broken Acupoint Realm across levels, it would not be strange for the other party to do anything.

"There are many doubts about this matter. You and I will collect information separately. Xu Tongzhi will be responsible for the Xu family, Cao Tongzhi will be responsible for the Wang family, and we will lead a team of people respectively.

The blood ghosts are rampant. His Majesty only gave us seven days. Hurry up."


After instructing the two subordinates, Jin Rong himself did not have any intention of taking any action. He turned and came to the study behind the government office and opened a locked cabinet.

Lying inside was a list, a list of all the warriors above the Qi Refining Realm in the Great Zhu Dynasty.

This was specially collected by His Majesty. No one knew about this except him.

Crossing out the information of warriors below the Qi Refining Realm, Jin Rong focused on the information of warriors above the True Qi Realm.

Especially those newly entered warriors.

"There are only three newly promoted True Qi Realm warriors recently, and only one person has been recorded as having reached the Poqiao Realm. They are unlikely to have committed the crime.

After all, how did they manage to kill eight Poqiao Realm warriors in one night without making any sound?"

As a Poqiao Realm warrior who has activated 24 acupoints, Jin Rong put himself in the situation and couldn't figure it out.

What kind of person could make him die silently without making any sound?

Apart from the old man in the Golden Body Realm who guards the imperial mausoleum, who else could possibly do this? Could it be that there is another Golden Body Realm warrior in the dynasty?

How could this be possible? The Golden Body Realm is the unique method of the old man, and no one else can touch it.

Ah, I have no clue at all.

Zhou Qingyuan sat on the rocking chair in the courtyard, looking at the panel in front of him leisurely.

[Xu's Breaking Acupoint Method - Perfection] [Wang's Breaking Acupoint Method - Great Completion]

The Xu and Wang families lost six people in the Breaking Acupoint Realm, which caused quite a stir. However, no matter how those people investigated, they could not find anything about him, who was in the Refining Qi Realm. After seven days, the two Breaking Acupoint Methods had only the last step left.

Although Cao Chen, the grandfather of the Cao family, had some guesses about this matter, he did not even dare to ask Zhou Qingyuan.

The Xu and Wang families were both rivals of the Cao family. It took less than seven days for Zhou Qingyuan to defeat Cao Man and obtain the Breaking Acupoint Method before their families had problems.

Previously, he thought that Zhou Qingyuan, who had exhausted his foundation, was actually an unprecedented genius who had entered the True Qi Realm early and could cross the boundary to defeat the Breaking Acupoint Realm. So could the other party break through to the Breaking Acupoint Realm within seven days of obtaining the Breaking Acupoint Method?

Are these two things connected? Cao Chen no longer dared to think about it.

Zhou Qingyuan was completely beyond his control, and he could not see where the future of this young man lay.

Thinking of his age and strength, and his character that resembled the late emperor, Cao Chen even had a bold idea in his mind, but he hid it deeply in his heart.

When no one was around at night, Cao Chen secretly regretted that perhaps he should have married Xiaowen to Zhou Qingyuan at the beginning.

He could see that Cao Lvwen had a good impression of Zhou Qingyuan, and the other party did not reject his granddaughter. It was a pity that he intervened and prevented Cao Lvwen from continuing to befriend Zhou Qingyuan.

Now it seems that he was wrong. But who would have thought that a kid without a backer could achieve this step only by his own efforts?

The grand seven-day search ended without any results. Zhou Qingyuan, as the pacification envoy, also lost the reason to stay in Yongcheng and was transferred to other states and counties again to guard one side.

In this process, he finally perfected the three-door opening method.

As the Three-Gate Breaking Technique entered the state of perfection, the words representing the Three-Gate Breaking Technique began to disappear, turning into a golden torrent, gradually gathering together, and a new line of words appeared on the panel.

[Breaking Technique-Perfection]+

"Let me see what kind of mystery there is in the ultimate acupoint-breaking method."

The silver + sign trembled violently with Zhou Qingyuan's thoughts, and then the information in the column representing the acupoint-breaking method changed.

[Acupoint-breaking Method-Ultimate]


The sound of the eggshell cracking sounded again. Zhou Qingyuan heard this sound again, and felt a little strange. All the ninety-nine secret acupoints in the human body had been developed by him. Could it be that...?

At this time, the golden true qi that had been flowing in Zhou Qingyuan's body like a sea current became more active than ever before, dividing into sixty-six shallow streams, flowing to the limbs and bones, and the Zhoutian acupoints.

The sixty-six secret acupoints that had never been discovered by anyone had almost no ability to resist under the flushing of the golden streams, and easily opened the tightly closed "gates".

The sixty-six golden streams gathered the innate qi in the acupoints, and began to absorb the internal qi crazily again, and continued to grow stronger.

Finally, the sixty-six streams turned into water as thick as a baby's arm, and gathered again in Zhou Qingyuan's body, converging into a sea.

The innate true qi like the tide began to surge slowly in Zhou Qingyuan's body, slowly surging, and finally became faster and faster, making a silent sound of the river tide.

His body once again ushered in a transformation.

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