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Chapter 45 Three-door Breakthrough Method

"How strong you are is not important to me."

The three brothers were shocked when they heard this.

Yes, Lord Zhou was already in the Qi Refining Realm when he served as the pacification envoy.

After the blood ghosts came, everyone was promoted to a higher realm. Who could guess what realm Lord Zhou was at now?

"Forget it, three people have their own advantages. I will give you a chance."

Hearing the words from above, the three brothers felt relieved, but the next moment, their hearts were immediately lifted.

"I said in advance that I will not allow failure in the next thing to be done.

If you don't get what I want, go back to where you came from.

Okay, stop kneeling, get up."

Lu Qiuxing, who had been kneeling and bowing his head, dared to stand up at this time. He still didn't dare to look at Zhou Qingyuan's face, but just stared at his boots.

Afterwards, they heard about Lord Zhou's plan tonight and were shocked again.

"Master Zhou, the Xu family is a famous noble family. The three of us brothers are going to steal at night."

"It's a small matter if we die, but it's a big matter if we destroy your plan."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded and said:

"Don't worry, you just need to be careful not to make any noise, I will take care of the rest."

Seeing what Master Zhou said, the three brothers did not dare to have any opinions and could only act according to the plan.

In the brightly lit Xu's mansion, three black shadows quietly jumped onto the ten-meter-high wall.

It was the three brothers led by Lu Qiuxing.

As soon as the three climbed the wall, their bodies froze. There was no other reason, just because there was a person standing under the wall at this moment, with a surprised expression, and he had obviously discovered the three people.

Just when they thought that the matter was about to be exposed, transparent ripples rippled around the patrolman, and the man fainted directly in the uneasy eyes of the three brothers.

At this time, a cold voice came from the darkness where the firelight could not illuminate: "Continue."

The three brothers were startled and nodded hurriedly, and began to act as agreed before.

The three brothers were all in the Condensed Qi Realm. Although they tried to hide it, they still attracted a more powerful existence.

Xu Tao, who was in charge of night watch today, was cultivating in the house. Suddenly, he sensed three obscure internal energy fluctuations in the outside world and immediately opened his eyes alertly.

Under normal circumstances, who would restrain their internal energy and walk in the middle of the night? An intruder?

But they dared to invade the Xu family, looking for death?

Xu Tao showed a trace of cold smile, stood up and walked out without shouting loudly.

As a powerful person in the Broken Qi Realm who had opened up fourteen acupoints, he was confident that he could deal with any situation. At worst, it was always easy to sound the alarm and retreat safely.


Just as Xu Tao opened the door and opened his mouth to stop the three sneaky people not far away, something strange happened.

In the darkness, the terrifying power transformed by the vast amount of internal energy swept Xu Tao's body.

His words came to his lips but he couldn't spit them out. He could only desperately open his mouth and stare with his eyes wide open, like a goldfish about to die of thirst.

"Where is the Xu family's method to break the acupoints? Tell me, and I'll spare your life."

Xu Tao's mind was spinning, and he was thinking quickly about the current situation.

Break the acupoints? How many acupoints did this person have to open to suppress him so easily? When did such a person suddenly appear?


Just as Xu Tao hesitated, the inner energy barrier that was suppressing him tightly tightened completely, and his muscles and bones began to make subtle sounds of being overwhelmed.

He really wants to kill me!

"I will take you there."

Feeling the suppression on his body slightly weakened, Xu Tao breathed a sigh of relief and regained some thinking ability.

This person's origin is no longer important. The most important thing now is to get through this difficult time and survive from this killer.

Xu Tao finally cultivated to the Break the Acupoints Realm and enjoyed a distinguished treatment in the Xu family. He didn't want to die here in such an unclear way.

"Follow me."

Xu Tao couldn't see who was suppressing him secretly, so he could only lead Lu Qiuxing and the other two to the depths of the courtyard.

The more he walked, the more frightened he became. He deliberately led the three people to crowded places along the way. As a result, when he saw the people, they had already fallen to the ground.

Along the way, at least a dozen guards fell on the road.

Xu Tao's heart trembled. The people in the dark must have discovered his little tricks, but there was no warning. What did it mean?

The other party didn't care about his little tricks at all.

It was really strange that such a master came to his Xu family just for the Xu family's method of breaking the orifice? There was nothing magical about their Xu family's method of breaking the orifice.

Putting away the little thoughts in his heart, Xu Tao had a sense of resignation and led the way silently.

The three brothers Lu Qiuxing were also very nervous now, or rather, their nervousness was far greater than Xu Tao.

Everything that happened before their eyes had far exceeded the cognitive scope of the three of them in the Condensation Realm.

Lord Zhou. This strength is too terrifying.

The three brothers trembled violently. They thought they had a clear understanding of Zhou Qingyuan's strength. They looked at each other with fierce eyes.

If I can't hold such a thick thigh, I might as well find a place to bury myself. Today's matter must be completed for Lord Zhou.

As he approached the hut where the Breaking Acupoint Method was stored, Xu Tao's face was tense.

In the hut, there was another Breaking Acupoint Realm warrior Xu You guarding. The other party had opened one more acupoint than himself. This was his last hope.

That mysterious person in the dark shouldn't be able to suppress two people in the Breaking Acupoint Realm at the same time, right?

Once there is some noise, the Xu family has a total of eight Breaking Acupoint Realm warriors, and I don't believe that they can't take down the person behind the scenes.

"Xu Tao, why are you here late at night?"

Xu You was halfway through his words when the terrifying pressure came upon him. Xu Tao looked at Xu You, who was also like a dead fish, in despair.

Lu Qiuxing and the other two walked into the hut with courage, searched for the key from Xu You, opened the locked cabinet door, and found the [Xu Family Breaking Acupoint Method] placed in it.

After confirming that the things were correct and there were no twists and turns along the way, Zhou Qingyuan, who was hiding in the shadows, walked out slowly and quickly flipped through the book that Lu Qiuxing knelt down to offer.

When he saw that the Breaking Acupoint Method was officially included on the system panel, Zhou Qingyuan nodded and left silently with the three brothers.

As for Xu You and Xu Tao? The two of them were bleeding all over their bodies and quietly lost their voices.

Zhou Qingyuan had never expected that he, who had entered the Perfection of the Breaking Acupoint Realm, was already a dimensionality reduction attack on ordinary Breaking Acupoint Realm.

Cao Man, who could fight with him at the beginning, was probably not even qualified to stand in front of him now.

Following the same method, Zhou Qingyuan led the three brothers to the Wang family quickly, got the second Breaking Acupoint Method, and left quietly.

"You did a good job tonight, go back, from now on, you are my people, and I will take care of the things over at the Southern Pacification Office."

After Zhou Qingyuan's promise, the three brothers completely let go of their worries and left respectfully.

They laughed happily until they were far away, hugged and cheered.

As they cheered, the three brothers couldn't help but shed tears.

"In the future, we will live a good life."

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