I can add one every day

Chapter 265 Wan Huan Pond

"By the way, that junior Xu Zhiya and I have a connection, so I'd like to ask you to take care of him for me."

Zhou Qingyuan and Xu Zhiheng had a very normal exchange. The other party had already informed his ancestor that it would not be long before Zhou Qingyuan would be able to visit Xu Xiao on the Xu family's main star.

Before leaving, Zhou Qingyuan bowed to Xu Zhiheng and told him that he wanted him to take care of Xu Zhiya.

Xu Zhiheng quickly agreed loudly and threatened that he would take care of this matter.

Seeing this, Zhou Qingyuan had no other ideas and went to the Xu family's main star.

If Xu Zhiya knew that a strong man like Zhou Qingyuan had not contacted her again, and actually asked her to fight for a reward in person, she would probably be so moved that she would marry him.

However, this matter was achieved by accident.

Neither Xu Zhiya nor Zhou Qingyuan expected the real horror and outrage of this sect master.

On the second day after departure, the starship Zhou Qingyuan was on was overtaken by another expedited lightweight starship. Two people respectfully carried a rectangular gift box onto the starship Zhou Qingyuan was on and left respectfully.

Zhou Qingyuan looked puzzled. Looking at the rectangular gift box with a bow tie, he always felt that something was wrong.

After the divine sense probe, his face changed, and with a light wave of his hand, the gift box had already untied all the restraints and opened automatically.

Xu Zhiya, wearing a beautiful and revealing purple gauze skirt, lay quietly in the gift box, unable to speak, looking at Zhou Qingyuan pitifully.


Zhou Qingyuan was silent for a moment, lifted the restrictions on this person, and took a coat from the storage bag and threw it directly on this person.

After Xu Zhiya was released from the restrictions, she lay there for a long time as if she was still in shackles.

Even if Zhou Qingyuan threw clothes on her, she didn't react at all.

In fact, she didn't mind having a child with Zhou Qingyuan.

Unfortunately, it was obvious that Zhou Qingyuan minded.

Amid the rubbing of clothes, Xu Zhiya sat up straight in a daze, with large areas of skin exposed, and with the revealing clothes, she exuded a taste of lust.

"So that's it, is this the meaning of human care?"

Eva's voice suddenly sounded, and a mini robot sitting on Zhou Qingyuan's shoulder suddenly spoke, scaring Xu Zhiya.

Before leaving, Zhou Qingyuan changed Eva's carrier and switched her brain-computer to this mini robot.

However, this is only a temporary measure. If you want to start unmanned driving, you must link the brain-computer back.

"I didn't mean care at all."

Zhou Qingyuan held his forehead with two fingers, quite speechless.

How could Xu Zhiheng misinterpret his meaning like this?

Is this the characteristic of the Xu clan, everything is linked to the human-making movement?

"Get up, I just wanted Xu Zhiheng to take care of you, but he misunderstood my meaning."

Xu Zhiya looked at Zhou Qingyuan's expression, unable to tell whether this person's attitude was true or false.

Is he really not interested in me?

Why. Is my appearance so bad?

Xu Zhiya did not feel insulted at all, but regretted that she could not have children with Zhou Qingyuan.

This is the pathological part of the Xu Dynasty.

Population is supreme, and having children is supreme. Everything else is despised and forgotten, and even people's emotions and rights are gradually confused.

Zhou Qingyuan suddenly felt a little disappointed with Xu Xiao, whom he had never met.

How high can a person with such thoughts reach?

But it is not certain. Maybe there will be outstanding existence among the countless offspring of the other party?

Under the acceleration of Zhou Qingyuan's gravity, the flight that was supposed to take three months was completed in just half a month.

"Is this the main star of the Xu family?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the pavilions and palaces in front of him, which were different from the gorgeous scenes in space, and his mood improved a little.

This person is really generous. He actually overcame the environmental problems in space and moved many gorgeous buildings directly into space and built landscapes directly in space.

There is the water of Tianchi in the west and the bird garden in the east.

There is the vast sky in the north and the dense forest volcano in the south.

"Hahahahaha! Welcome to my world!"

The vigorous laughter resounded throughout the universe. Thousands of boys and girls dressed in green clothes and holding lanterns flew out of the planet. Hundreds of beautiful women holding unknown flower baskets came forward and lined up in two teams.

The leading golden boy and jade girl bowed respectfully to Zhou Qingyuan who had already left the ship, and said in a childish voice:

"Welcome to visit Xu Xing, Lord Daojun."

Then, hundreds of beauties bowed their heads together, revealing their beautiful figures, shyly and crisply sounded, thousands of charming and charming, with different temperaments.

"Respectfully, Lord Daojun."

Then, an old man in a golden robe walked through the queue and enthusiastically took Zhou Qingyuan's hand. When he felt Zhou Qingyuan's unfathomable breath, his smile became even bigger.

"Daoyou, this is not the place to talk in detail, please come with me."

Xu Zhiya behind him didn't know what to do.

"This young man behind me is destined to be with me, please help me."


Xu Xiao turned his head to look at Xu Zhiya, and she trembled all over, and immediately said excitedly:

"Xu Zhiya of the Zhi generation, meet the ancestor!"

"Hey, that's enough, don't do this in front of Daoyou Zhou and make people laugh."

Xu Xiao waved his hand a little bit, called a beautiful woman, and gave her a few instructions.

"Daoyou, this little thing will definitely be arranged for you, please follow me."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, took EVA, and followed directly to the sky steps in front, heading straight to the magnificent sky.

"Daoyou, I wonder if you have experienced the characteristics of my Xu family?"

Xu Xiao smiled warmly, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head after hearing this, "No."

"Okay, then Daoyou, you should taste the characteristics of our place."

The five-meter-high door opened, and a strange fragrance came from inside.

The aroma of wine, body fragrance, and flower fragrance.

The fire of red candles, the smoke of Buddhist temples, and the fragrance of Taoism, three fragrances mixed.

There are also gurgling streams, ringing bells, flowing water in the mountains, and jade flutes.

One hundred thousand people live leisurely under the high platform, sometimes laughing loudly, sometimes sipping tea in silence.

There are fairies with bright smiles, playing in the water in Yaochi, with white and tender jade feet.

There are women with their hands on their waists, scolding, fierce and unruly, with hot bodies.

Another female assassin was eavesdropping at the door, holding a sharp dagger in her hand, unlike any ordinary thing.

At this time, Xu Xiao's figure had quietly disappeared.

"Daoyou, this is my Xu family's paradise, I named it Wan Huan Chi."

"You can play with any woman here at will, play with as many as you want, and play for as long as you want.

I promise you that they are definitely still virgins."

What Xu Xiao didn't say was that if Zhou Qingyuan got tired of playing, he could kill him.

But he saw that Zhou Qingyuan seemed to be quite decent, so he didn't tell him this.

"Daoyou, don't worry, I will never spy on you. When you are done, just ring the bell again."

After saying that, Xu Xiao's breath disappeared completely.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the Wan Huan Chi in front of him, and for the first time, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This is too much to play with?

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