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Chapter 264 Everyone in 100,000 light years is called Xu

"What? Someone blew up the tester?"

Xu Zhiruo was not the only one who was shocked. Xu Jianshui, the distinguished guest opposite him, also stood up in shock.

Compared to others, Xu Jianshui, who was already a star, understood more deeply how terrifying it was to blow up a tester.

Only those who are at least at the cosmic level and have mastered the top laws can do it!

"What happened! Talk while walking! Use your spiritual thoughts to transmit your voice!"

Xu Jianshui's face was serious and he could not care about the original negotiation content with Xu Zhiruo.

"It was Xu Zhiya who recruited a strong man from somewhere, and then that strong man blew up the tester, but I can tell that their relationship is by no means close."

Xu Jianshui and Xu Zhiruo instantly understood the ins and outs, and both felt excited.

At the very least, he is a universe-level expert!

How could a little girl grasp such an opportunity? It's my turn!

The two looked at each other and both saw the fiery look in each other's eyes.

"Boy, you and I will cooperate in this matter. If it happens, I will be completely tied to your clan.

If it fails, there is no need to discuss anything! "

"Easy to say!"

Xu Zhiruo felt excited, although if he could win over a cosmic-level powerhouse, Xu Jianshui's stellar level would not be so important.

But having the other party's help is very important.

Why is Xu Zhiya, a mere person, trying to steal people from them?

"Senior, I have applied for accelerated queueing. Let me find you a place to stay first."

Xu Zhiya looked at Zhou Qingyuan with an apology on her face and was quite excited in her heart.

There are countless benefits to recruiting such a strong person to join the family, and if the other person can give birth to an heir, then it is even more of a win-win situation.

Xu Zhiya kept thinking about how to get more benefits from this good-tempered senior.

But at this moment, doubtful voices sounded.

"Huh? With your senior's strength, do you still need to make an appointment to see the acting clan leader? Xiaoya, it seems that your level is not good enough."

Xu Zhiruo appeared again, but this time his tone was much calmer, his clothes had been buttoned up, and he even wore a tie. He looked completely different from before.

Xu Jianshui, who was at the mid-level star level, quietly sensed Zhou Qingyuan's aura, but found nothing.

But this result frightened him even more.

A cosmic powerhouse! Definitely a cosmic powerhouse! And it is also one of the best in the universe!

Thinking of this, Xu Jianguo released his aura continuously, suffocating the two juniors around him to say a word, and respectfully walked up to Zhou Qingyuan to salute.

"Senior, with your strength, why do you need to wait here?

I'm Xu Jianshui, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds. I can take you directly to the acting clan leader. "

Xu Zhiya's eyes suddenly widened under the high pressure, and she understood what these people were planning.

This is to cut off the nonsense!

Damn it, this is her chance!

Xu Zhiya looked at Zhou Qingyuan in awe, hoping that this good-tempered senior could end his life.

But Zhou Qingyuan naturally has no interest in wasting time here. The most important thing is to support this junior later.

Is your name Xu Zhiya?

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan said to Xu Jianshui:

"In that case, I would like to trouble you, fellow Taoist, to recommend me."

Xu Jianshui had a big smile on his face, while pretending to be panicked and said:

"Senior, you are trying to break me. Please!"

Xu Zhiya looked at Zhou Qingyuan's leaving figure with a look of despair on her face.

By the time Xu Jianshui's pressure dissipated, the two of them had already disappeared.

"Xu Zhiruo! You have gone too far!"

She looked at Xu Zhiruo fiercely and wanted to kill him.

Unfortunately, I couldn't beat him.

Otherwise, really kill him.

Anyway, according to the laws of the Xu clan, killing one person only requires the rebirth of ten more people.

Although the price was high, but such an opportunity was taken away, she wished she could eat the flesh and blood of these two people!

"Don't be angry, Xu Zhiya. It's thanks to you this time. I'll give you some soup when I'm full."


Xu Zhiruo left peacefully and ignored the wail of the bereaved dog.

And Xu Zhiya thought that she would have to pay a fine for abandoning this mission. The opportunity was gone and the loss was huge. She was so heartbroken that she covered her chest and couldn't speak.

But she never dared to hate Zhou Qingyuan. She could only blame herself for not being careful enough in doing things and being taken advantage of.

Xu Zhiheng was busy creating people in his office when he suddenly heard another female secretary announcing at the door.

"Master Xu, there is an outsider who is said to be a powerful person in the universe visiting. Do you have time now?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Xu Zhiheng was originally angry, feeling unhappy that his elegance had been interrupted.

But as soon as he heard the words "cosmic level", he kicked the woman in front of him away, hurriedly dressed up, and swept away the dirty smell in the room. A faint jasmine perfume began to spread out of the room.

"You go out of the window, don't get in the eyes of adults."

Xu Zhiheng wanted to drive away the woman with a low figure, but suddenly thought of something and withdrew his statement.

"Wait, you get dressed and go out with me. I will open the door and you will pass by that adult."

After explaining, Xu Zhiheng led the woman to open the door, and immediately saw the man with a unique temperament behind Xu Jianshui.

Even though he couldn't detect any breath at all, he still felt that this person was like water in a deep pool, unfathomable.

The contradictory feeling gave Xu Zhiheng goosebumps all over his body, and he almost knelt down to Zhou Qingyuan.

How could such a strong man visit his planet with the character "to" in his name?

In Xu Zhiheng's respectful attitude, which could almost be said to be servile, Zhou Qingyuan gradually formed an overall impression of the Xu Dynasty.

Such a strong man's vision far exceeded Xu Zhiya's, and the information he provided was also amazing.

The entire Xu family, which was spread across the vast galaxies within 100,000 light years here, actually had a common source

The ancestor of the Xu family, Xu Xiao, was a man who single-handedly spread his branches and leaves throughout the universe.

The laws and regulations of the Xu Dynasty were also outrageously simple.

All generous rewards were related to population.

All laws and regulations were also related to population.

To kill one person, you only need to give birth to ten people to pay for your life.

For every child born by a satellite-level strong man, he can obtain rich resources, enough for him to concentrate on practicing for half a year.

Moreover, they only need to be responsible for giving birth. If they don't want to raise children, the entire Xu family has a large number of infant breeding bases.

The main strategy is the human wave tactic.

After ten thousand years, the Xu family, which originally had only dozens of people, has grown into a giant without knowing it.

After all, the universe is so big and the resources are almost infinite. They only need to continue to mine and explore, and then continue to breed stronger people.

Zhou Qingyuan does not agree with this approach, but he does not reject it.

This Xu Xiao has aroused his interest.

But what is the realm of such a person who is so addicted to beauty?

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