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Chapter 186: Sun and Moon Division

"How can this be!"

The Taoist Chongxu, who had come to his senses and understood everything, was furious and wanted to go to the Buddhist sect to kill people on the spot.

But a figure sitting cross-legged with eyes closed calmed him down.

Now he is no longer alone. If Zhou Qingyuan and these Taoist children have no future, then that's fine. He will find a place to settle them down, and from today on, he will continue to kill people from the Buddhist sect.

Damn the righteousness!

Damn the safety of the world!

Damn the overall situation!

The Buddhist sect treated him like this, cultivating him as a seed of thought, quietly influencing his mind. In the end, is it not the final plan to eat him as a seed of thought?

What else does he have to worry about when the other party acts like this? What else is there to care about?

Even if he is weak and is very likely to no longer be the first in the Taoist sect, this does not affect his and the Buddhist sect's fight to the death.

But Zhou Qingyuan's talent is so outstanding. He only needs to be patient for a few more days, and maybe he can see his rise and crush this world. Then, is this momentary aura still important?

Chongxu hesitated, and after thinking, he finally decided to endure it. It won't be too late to settle the accounts with them when his apprentice gets up!

Thinking of this, Chongxu recalled the scene of Zhou Qingyuan's previous incarnation of mind swallowing the poisonous insect, and he became worried. He hurriedly used his mental power to explore Zhou Qingyuan's condition.


The next moment, he couldn't help but take two steps back, with shock in his eyes.

Just now, he wanted to use his mental power to explore Zhou Qingyuan's situation, but he felt that his mind had touched an erupting volcano. The burning sensation in his mind pierced his soul and made him feel severe pain, so he subconsciously took it back.

After his mind was slightly settled, Chongxu learned something strange. He no longer approached, but watched from a distance with his mind, and finally vaguely felt Zhou Qingyuan's current situation.

The other party seemed to use his body as a furnace and his mental power as fire, constantly burning and refining the poisonous insect?

It was too bold.! Moreover, this was the method of the mind seed master, how could he do it?

Chongxu was about to have doubts in his heart, but he immediately forced himself to shift his thoughts elsewhere.

His own apprentice had just helped him to remove the poison, how could he doubt him? He didn't want to have even a little doubt!

As for the answer, let's wait until Zhou Qingyuan finished asking.

At this time, from Zhou Qingyuan's perspective, black and white intertwined into a chaotic scene, completely covering the poisonous insect wrapped by mental power. As soon as the insect entered his body, it fell into stagnation.


The red-gold flame rose, quickly engulfing the insect, slowly burning and dissolving its tiny body.

A large amount of pure mental power escaped from the insect, and after being burned by the red-gold flame, it was divided into completely separate parts by the principle of chaos.

After it was confirmed that there was no problem at all, Zhou Qingyuan did not absorb this part of the mental power, but used the gold fire to burn it again, gradually forming a mental power ball.

What was he going to do?


A quarter of an hour later, the Gu worm suddenly let out a miserable scream. In the golden flames and under the interweaving of the principles of chaos, the Gu worm was unable to make any splashes and died in Zhou Qingyuan's hands in a very aggrieved way.

At the same time, Zhou Qingyuan flicked his finger, and the mental power ball full of the Nine Heavens strongman quickly followed the mental trajectory of the Gu worm owner under his power, tracing back to the source!

Although this mental ball is only this size and was forcibly refined into a round ball by Zhou Qingyuan, it is actually the fundamental reason why the master Chongxu's mental power has never improved for hundreds of years.

It has absorbed the mental power that Chongxu has been practicing for hundreds of years, and also contains a large part of the mental power of Juexin, a Nine Heavens strongman. The energy it contains is immeasurable.

It was also fortunate that Zhou Qingyuan was able to resist the temptation and did not absorb it. After all, if he absorbed this mental power ball at this time, I am afraid that his realm could rise from the eighth level to at least three levels in a short period of time.

But what does this third level mean to Zhou Qingyuan?


In the Buddhist temple 100,000 miles away, the monk Juexin, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood. His mental power began to become disordered, and blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.

As this process progressed, his condensed divine thoughts began to dissipate, his mental power continued to dissipate, and his realm also fell from the original ninth level eight to the ninth level seven.

It seemed that there was only a difference of one level, but the lost source and the lost mental power would take him at least a hundred years to make up for it, and this was still under the condition of the supply of the mind seeds in the bamboo forest!

"Who is it! Who broke my mind poison!"

Juexin was furious in the Buddhist temple, and was very anxious about his falling realm.

One hair moved the whole body, and with the fall of his realm, all plans had to be delayed accordingly, and there might be changes if the mind poison was broken late.

"Grandmaster, what happened to you?"

Yuan Jing, who was standing by, saw Juexin's miserable state and hurried forward to sort him out with his mental power.

"It's okay, cough. Vomit!"

Juexin was still trying to maintain his posture, but the next moment he vomited a large pool of blood again. His mental power level was actually showing a tendency to fall again!

He immediately stopped talking, ignored all external interference, and didn't care that he was still vomiting blood. He put all his mental energy into sorting out the disordered mental power.

Grandmaster's condition was very bad.

Yuan Jing's face showed worry, but soon, his heart began to beat violently.

Yes, the master's condition is very bad.

Unconsciously, without even noticing it himself, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

How could the mind of a person who devours human thoughts not be affected in the slightest?

But soon, Yuan Jing shook his head in horror, not understanding why he had such thoughts.

And even if the master is in a bad state now, he is still in the realm of the ninth level seven, and he is not a ninth level four person who can touch porcelain.

But just when Yuan Jing had such thoughts, the space here suddenly began to shake, and waves of water appeared. In the virtual world, a thought ball full of the thoughts of the person who refined it suddenly appeared in the Buddha Hall along the traces of returning spiritual power.

! ! !

As soon as the thought ball appeared, it burst out with endless light and dark power, and in an instant it had swallowed up the hall, dyed it black and white, and even spread outward!

The terrifying boundary power emerged in an instant, and a transparent dividing line appeared on Juexin and Yuanjing!

‘Yuan Jing’

Juexin was terrified as he transmitted his divine thoughts to Yuan Jing. As his spiritual power was being countered, he was unable to organize an effective defense against this attack on the mind of the material world.

‘I know’

Yuan Jing responded to his master’s instructions with his divine thoughts, but for some unknown reason, he was a step slower and only managed to protect himself.

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