I can add one every day

Chapter 185: Detoxification

The sun rises and sets, the moon is bright.

Chongxu stood quietly beside Zhou Qingyuan, watching him practice steadily and steadily.

The character of this child is truly remarkable.

The two of them had been sitting quietly for three days without moving at all. In the Tao Palace, which was so quiet that even time seemed to have stopped, only Zhou Qingyuan's realm was rapidly improving.

[Tai Shang Wuwei Jingjing Sutra - Perfection]+

[Tai Shang Wuwei Jingjing Sutra-Zhizhen]

With the addition of points completed, Zhou Qingyuan broke through the last threshold and entered the ninth level of the Seventh Heaven, full of spiritual power. At the same time, Chongxu's faint sense of disharmony made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Master, the next level of cultivation method."

"It's ready for you."

Chongxu had a complicated expression on his face. He watched Zhou Qingyuan start the next step of practice without stopping, with various thoughts flowing through his mind, and handed over the Taoist Scripture.

Zhou Qingyuan quickly took it and started reading it carefully. His brows occasionally furrowed, and he gradually felt a little struggling.

Mental power continued to surge around him, turning into thoughts that rose and faded. Various attempts were tried one by one in the void, and then rejected one by one.

Chongxu looked at Zhou Qingyuan like this and didn't even dare to disturb him. The aura of his apprentice is so unified and harmonious that he seems to be immersed in anything at all times.

Chongxu suddenly realized that this state was equivalent to being in enlightenment all the time.

Is this why Zhou Qingyuan’s cultivation speed is so amazing?

The next moment, all fluctuations disappeared, and Zhou Qingyuan officially entered the eighth heaven.

But that's it. He already felt that the next level could not be reached by simply transferring his spiritual thoughts. He could not reach it without adding points.

Maybe in a few days, we will see the bottleneck?

But before that, Zhou Qingyuan looked at Chongxu who was waiting on the side. At this moment, the discomfort on the other person had reached the extreme, and he was so full of malice that he almost wanted to eat him, making Zhou Qingyuan, who had pure and flawless mental power, feel sick. .

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zhou Qingyuan frowning at him, a look of confusion flashed across Chongxu's face.

"Don't move." Zhou Qingyuan's mental energy stirred up throughout his body, and his spiritual thoughts turned into an agile white crane in an instant.

The white crane had just formed, with a sharp look in its eyes. It approached Taoist Chongxu's head step by step, and its sharp long mouth suddenly struck the center of his head!

"Ah!!! Qingyuan, what did you do!" Following Bai He's move, Chongxu felt a splitting headache, as if his whole head was about to split. Despite this, he could still resist not taking action against Zhou Qingyuan. I have to say that this person is really a bit cowardly.

"Teacher, when were you bewitched?"

Zhou Qingyuan's voice came coldly, and the white crane transformed from mental power was under his control. He ignored Chongxu's painful wails and continued to pull it out forcefully. A thin line was gradually stretched, gradually filling Chongxu's mind. The Void Gu worm once again hooked up a part.

"Poison? What are you talking about! Stop it quickly, my brain is going to burst!"

Chongxu wailed in pain and begged for mercy. He felt that all the matter in his brain seemed to be stuck together and squeezed into a ball. At this moment, it was about to be pulled out by the long beak of the white crane.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly when he saw Chongxu in such pain, realizing the difficulty of the problem.

The Gu insect transformed from the power of thought has probably been rooted in Chongxu's body and colluded with the power of thought to move the whole body. The next moment, black and white colors flowed in the eyes, and the power of chaos reappeared.

"Chongxu! Look at me!"

Hearing his disciple's rebellious roar, Chongxu subconsciously raised his head and met Zhou Qingyuan's eyes.


A silent muffled sound shook his head and resounded in all directions. In Chongxu's eyes, the world instantly turned into black and white. Even though the situation was already so dangerous, Chongxu still didn't fight back.

At this moment, under the influence of Zhou Qingyuan, he had initially realized what had happened, and he only felt cold all over his body!

Although he had established initial trust in Zhou Qingyuan and had great confidence in this disciple, the other party caused him so much pain as soon as he came up. He actually had no intention of fighting back. Instead, he wanted to beg the other party to stop?

When did I become such a coward?

It was obvious that someone had planted a thought seed in him! He can't take action against his apprentice!

When exactly was it? who! Planted a seed of thought in him that even he couldn't detect?

A figure flashed in Old Dao Chongxu's mind, and lightning seemed to flash across his mind!

Wake up!

No wonder. No wonder his talent is so amazing, no wonder his talents are so outstanding. This person is not a rising star at all, he must be a Buddhist monk pretending to be a great monk!

If not, he has always treated the other person as his own son, why would he betray the Taoist innocently and abandon the bright and the dark?

It was clear that he had planned it in advance to pry open the loopholes in his mind and plant a seed for him!

Didn’t those people who left Buddhism leave completely? Or did you mean to escape?

If those people want to attack themselves, they are very likely to be tricked if they lose their vigilance.

But Chongxu's eyes were fixed on Zhou Qingyuan during the roar just now, and he was obviously looking more intently at this moment.

How could my newly-recruited disciple be able to defeat such methods with just the eighth level of heaven? Have you discovered the thought bugs that were planted at least at the sixth level of the Nine Heavens and above using extremely advanced mental power techniques?

Strange. How can I think so much? My head doesn't hurt anymore?

Chongxu suddenly felt strange, and then he realized that his vision had become twofold without him noticing.

This was an extremely strange feeling. He suddenly felt that he had four eyes, with two black and white visions on the left and right.

No. More importantly, he felt that his spirit was also divided into two halves, one half bright and the other half dark.

Zhou Qingyuan actually used some high-end techniques to directly divide his mental power into two halves, shielding his pain?

Chongxu watched the white crane drilling on his head from a bystander's perspective, and forcibly took out a poisonous insect transformed by his divine thoughts and swallowed it in one gulp!

Wait! How did Qingyuan eat that evil thing?

Chongxu was about to say something, and the next moment the black and white scenery in his eyes disappeared, and everything in front of him turned into a stream of light and retreated madly.

When Chongxu came to his senses again, he had returned to his body, with a clear mind.

He had never felt so relaxed before.

At the same time, everything was connected together, and his restored mental power clearly told him everything that had happened before.

The Buddhist master actually secretly took advantage of the fact that he was waiting for the person who would be doomed, disguised himself as a Taoist child and worshipped in his Taoist temple, and after becoming his disciple, planted a Gu in him!

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