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Chapter 179: Three Heavens

"Hey! I'm so angry! I'm so angry!"

The figure of Taoist Chongxu appeared in the library hall. It was not until he saw Zhou Qingyuan that the indignation on his face eased a little.

So what if it was a prosperous era? He had disciples with innate full spiritual power. He would delay for a while. When Zhou Qingyuan grows up, he will kill him!

It must be said that these people really made the calm heart of Taoist Chongxu angry. They forced him to leave the Taoist palace in front of so many people and threatened the Taoist boy in his sect. It was simply too much.

"Master, what happened?"

Zhou Qingyuan's voice was steady and his expression was calm. Taoist Chongxu was happy to see him like this. His anger was reduced by three points and turned into a sad look. He didn't know how long he could protect this disciple. It was a pity. It would be better if he could get to know each other earlier.

"Nothing happened. I was disgusted by the two old bastards working together." Chongxu smiled and didn't tell Zhou Qingyuan what happened before.

This is what he has to face as a master, and it has nothing to do with Zhou Qingyuan, a disciple who has just started.

Sitting next to Zhou Qingyuan in mid-air, Taoist Chongxu hid his unhappiness deep in his heart and asked Zhou Qingyuan warmly:

"How did you read the Jingxin Sutra? Is there anything you don't understand? Just tell me."

"This?" Zhou Qingyuan looked at the [Jingxin Sutra-Zhizhen] on the system panel and said lightly: "I have completed all of it. It's quite easy."

It must be said that the cultivation method in this world is still very challenging. The sign of judging whether each layer of heaven has been cultivated to perfection is to cultivate the current learning to the Zhizhen realm.

Others don't have the help of the system. They rely solely on their own abilities to cross from perfection to perfection in each layer of heaven. Just imagining how much effort it takes.

But now Zhou Qingyuan has come step by step. Countless times of adding points and countless times of gains have long constituted his powerful legal attainments. What people in this world can do, he can naturally do, and do better.

In fact, he did not use the help of the system to practice the Jingxin Sutra, but practiced it purely on his own.

Chongxu knew nothing about Zhou Qingyuan's past, so he didn't know that he had taken every path to the extreme. He was extremely shocked by his achievements in a short period of time.

"It's been less than a day since I left, right? You have completed all the practice?"

Chongxu felt Zhou Qingyuan's mental power, but found that his skills were extremely skillful. He was able to gather all the mental power in his body without leaking a single breath.

This discovery made him believe Zhou Qingyuan more, and all the unhappiness in his heart disappeared instantly. He even took Zhou Qingyuan's hand with some excitement.

"Good disciple! Let the master see!"

Zhou Qingyuan moved his body in disdain and avoided Chongxu's hand. Although he would not be able to resist if the other party really wanted to do something to him, it did not mean that he would let this person who had just met him for a short time invade his body with mental power.

Chongxu seemed to know the pros and cons, and did not force it, otherwise Zhou Qingyuan would really not be able to avoid it. But the relationship between the two people at that time was probably not as harmonious as it is now.

As Zhou Qingyuan took the initiative to release his spiritual power, the perfect spiritual power of the ninth level of the second heaven was revealed, and Chongxu was delighted and laughed loudly.

Until now, he really believed the words of the two old guys.

Prosperous era!

An unprecedented prosperous era!

The era of great strife is indeed coming!

Such a unique and unique genius appeared in front of him alive, and the world is not in turmoil?

This world. Is it not a prosperous era? It is simply a brocade with flowers and oil boiling in the fire!

If there is such a thing as luck in this world, how much of it can his disciple have in the great world?

"Has it really been accomplished?"


Chongxu Taoist suddenly laughed proudly and unrestrainedly, as if he had thought of the other two families' frustrations later, and said with a smile: "Good disciple, good disciple!"

As he said that, he seemed to have thought of something else, rubbed his hands, and suddenly took out a Taoist book and handed it to Zhou Qingyuan.

"This is the cultivation method corresponding to the third heaven. You try it, practice it now, and I'll see if there are any problems."

Zhou Qingyuan took it and just glanced through it with his mind. The words of entry appeared on the system, and his mental power began to surge again.

Taoist Chongxu's eyes widened, and he was a little absent-minded. He murmured: "The seed of cultivation born in the Tao is worth my six hundred years of waiting."

"I have waited for six hundred years!"

Zhou Qingyuan was already reading the Taoist scriptures carefully at this time. Seeing Taoist Chongxu yelling crazily, he couldn't help but frowned and said: "Master, what realm are you in now?"

Chongxu was stunned for a moment, then proudly puffed out his chest and said: "Hehe, don't worry, as your master, how can I be bad?"

He stretched out three fingers and boasted: "You should have known that spiritual power cultivation is divided into nine layers, and each layer corresponds to a nine-level small level.

And your master, I am one of the only three nine-layer heaven mnemonists in the world, and my strength is even stronger than the other two, the first in the world!"

Is such an old Taoist the strongest in this world?

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes showed suspicion, and he said something that hit the heart: "Then can you not always be crazy, don't Taoists pay attention to tranquility?"

After saying that, he ignored what Old Taoist Chongxu thought and continued to read through the Taoist scriptures.

Old Taoist Chongxu didn't expect to be spoken to like this by his newly accepted disciple. He felt embarrassed when he realized that he had failed to maintain his image as a master despite being so complacent.

In addition, he didn't expect that this disciple would be so straightforward. After all, he was his teacher, but he thought he was noisy?

Just as Old Daoist Chongxu wanted to revitalize his master, Zhou Qingyuan's spiritual power climbed up one level again, and he quickly moved towards the next level.

"Good disciple!"

The old Taoist Chongxu screamed strangely, then stopped under the indifferent gaze of Zhou Qingyuan. He smiled sarcastically, said hurriedly, "Don't bother me, don't bother me," and then quietly left.

But he didn't go far, just a door away, waiting quietly.

The old Taoist clasped his hands in his wide robe and looked up at the sky with a faint look.

When he first came into contact with the way of the reader, he easily broke through to the second heaven. Now, it probably doesn't take much effort at all to reach the third heaven. How long Zhou Qingyuan can maintain such a rampant speed is not even sure.

"Master, I seem to have really waited for the person you asked me to wait for."

Isn't this the reason why he didn't follow his master to the world above the stars?

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