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Chapter 178 Material World, Real World, Virtual World

"What do you want to do?"

Chongxu frowned and looked at the cassocked monk, feeling a little unhappy in his heart. These two people joined forces and suddenly did this in front of everyone. Was it to force him to succeed?

"I don't care whether you recruit disciples or let your Taoist boys play. In this ceremony, at least one disciple from your Shinto Palace must be in the top ten. In the next ceremony, at least one disciple must be in the top three.

Otherwise, give up your third position in the Shinto Palace and all its accompanying resources. In addition, the boys in your Dao Palace are also talented people. If you don't want to fulfill the responsibilities of a master, why not let them switch to our teaching. "


The sea of ​​clouds swelled, and the giant in the image of the Taoist, holding a sword and a war hammer, drew an outline in the void and appeared instantly.

The monk in cassocks and the Confucian in dark clothes didn't even raise their eyelids. In the 'real world' that was invisible to the onlookers, the corresponding giants of Confucianism and Buddhism simultaneously incarnated and blocked the attack.

Old Taoist Chongxu smiled sarcastically and said sarcastically: "You two are so big-faced. Not only are you interested in the inheritance of our religion, but you also want to take over the disciples as well?"

"Why, don't you like to avoid the world by doing nothing? How long do you think Yun Haitian can last?"

"Unless we are targeting you, seeds full of innate spiritual power have appeared from time to time in the past few hundred years. This is the golden age of this world, and it may also be the last chance.


The battle in the void became more and more intense, but to outsiders, the three of them were just sitting quietly and talking.

Beings like them, who have reached the ninth level of spiritual cultivation, are so familiar with the rules of the void that they can no longer be familiar with them. As long as they want to, no one except them can even see the process of their fight, let alone be affected by the aftermath.

But this is exactly what happened. The three of them gradually showed their true anger. In a place where the three of them could not see, they fought one against two with the old master Xu, and gradually became a little weak.

As the old Taoist Chongxu groaned, the battle in the void was temporarily over. The scholar in dark clothes looked at the Taoist with an unhappy expression and said expressionlessly:

"Chongxu, the star disaster phenomenon is getting more and more serious. I think you also know what the situation has been like in the past few hundred years.

The coming prosperous age will inevitably give birth to countless talents, and it is also my hope to break the situation in a few hundred years.

Since you Taoists don't want to take on this responsibility, then retreat and don't be an eyesore here. "

The cassocked monk at the top of the list didn't say much. He just put his hands together and said, "That's good." The meaning is self-evident.

Chongxu's face turned blue and white, why didn't he let the Taoist boy attend the Laoshizi Hall? Don't these two people know the reason best?

Each attack was so ruthless, and the loser would be reduced to cerebral palsy without wisdom at worst, or lose his life on the spot. It was so dangerous, how could he let those Taoist boys die?

The two families must have reached a tacit understanding in private against his family. I don't know what they were planning, so they could actually come together?

"Since you two have reached a consensus a long time ago, what else can I say?

After saying more than a few words, Master Tao stopped waiting. "

After saying that, ripples appeared on Chongxu's body, and his figure was about to disappear.

"Chongxu, this is your last chance, don't end up making a fuss that won't end."

"I don't need you to teach me how to do things!"

The next moment, Chongxu's figure disappeared completely, and the two people in the first place looked at each other, and their tacit understanding was self-evident.

Although Old Taoist Chongxu has a strong personality, his fear of trouble is deeply rooted in his bones. In addition, Taoism is now weak. As time goes by, the other party will inevitably compromise.

"Senior brother, all the books are here."

"Okay, thank you."

Zhou Qingyuan was floating cross-legged in the Taoist palace, and the books in the collection floated open on their own, arranged in an orderly manner in front of Zhou Qingyuan, and were constantly flipped.

As for the "Jingxin Sutra" left by the old Taoist Chongxu, with Zhou Qingyuan's current vision and legal attainments, he has already mastered it after reading it a hundred times.

His mental power also climbed directly from the ninth level of the first level with full spiritual power to the second level of the ninth level, only the last step away from the third level.

After a long time, all the Dao scrolls in the sky returned to their original positions, as neat as new. Zhou Qingyuan breathed out gently, with a look of enlightenment flashing in his eyes.

‘So that’s it, the virtual world? ’

By browsing Yun Haitian's humanities books and personal biographies, as well as some miscellaneous unofficial histories, Zhou Qingyuan had a general understanding of this world.

What concerned him most was the explanation of the world. According to the classification of the powerful people in this world, this world is simply divided into three realms: [Material Realm] [Real Realm] [Virtual Realm].

Among them, the material world is the world where people like them live, and the virtual world is the world where disaster beasts live.

The real world, which belongs to the starry sky alone, is still far away from Zhou Qingyuan for the time being.

The virtual world is actually, strictly speaking, just a layer between the material world and the real world. It has some characteristics of the real world, but it is far inferior.

Even so, the rules of the virtual world are greatly different from those of the material world, so the rules prevailing in this world often change in the virtual world.

This is also the reason why the spiritual power training system emerged.

Using mental power to break through the rules of the material world and exert a real influence on the virtual world, this is how they, called [Readers], fight against the virtual beasts.

And outside the starry sky, there are truly imperceptible existences that are far more terrifying than virtual beasts. Only those who have cultivated their mental power to the limit can reach that level.

Zhou Qingyuan flipped through the only Taoist scroll left in his hand, his fingers gently slid across a line of text, and he subconsciously recited: "Legend has it that the real world has the property of time reversal, where people can see their past and present lives.

Some people also saw their deceased relatives in the real world and made up for their regrets.

Perhaps there are powerful people in this world who can reverse time and bring the dead back to life."

"Resurrection? Is it really possible?"

Zhou Qingyuan's thoughts wandered.

In fact, he has nothing special to do now.

But if he had to say it, he wanted to revive the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty and let Cui Xi, the slave who helped him with good intentions, live a good life. After he became Emperor Wu, he also looked for the existence of some old people in the Qian family, but unfortunately, when he killed Qian Lili and fled, these people had been buried with him.

If it were to happen again, Zhou Qingyuan would definitely do these things better. But at that time, he just wanted to survive and had no time to care about others.

In fact, if he hadn't escaped quickly, with the strength of the eldest son of the Qian family, he would have died long ago when he was still in the Leather Refining Realm.

But if he could do it, he really wanted those people to live again. Especially

"Cao Lvwen"

In the empty hall, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly muttered a name, and then even he laughed unexpectedly.

At this time, the old Taoist Chongxu, with a gloomy face, found his beloved disciple.

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