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Chapter 168 Out of Control

"Lord Daojun, it seems that this trip went smoothly?"

Feng Risheng, who was waiting outside, looked at Zhou Qingyuan, whose aura was getting deeper and deeper, and smiled and congratulated him.

The bald old man standing next to him saw his eldest brother actually coming out with Zhou Qingyuan, his eyes showed surprise and he said nothing. He fully understood that he was not qualified to speak on this occasion.

Mo Xijie maintained the same tacit understanding with him. He just glanced at him with a slightly helpless smile and said nothing, showing that he was headed by Zhou Qingyuan.

What surprised the old man was that after Zhou Qingyuan patted Feng Risheng on the shoulder, he immediately looked at him. Following his gentle and jade-like eyes, the old man's heart began to beat rapidly!

Could it be that.!

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Zhou Qingyuan waved his hand, and the four of them took off in the sudden strong wind and returned to the Golden Crow Station.

"Lord Daojun, can I wait and make a decision?"

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan nodding, Mo Zuweng quietly looked at his brother and started communicating with him. After finally getting a promise from Zhou Qingyuan, how could he use it so easily?

Originally, he came here because of his granddaughter's cultivation. Now that things are going well, his originally dead heart began to become alive, and he couldn't help but want to maximize his interests.

So he wanted to start with his brother first. If the eldest brother could solve his needs, then Dao Lord's gift could naturally be postponed to make better plans.

Facing the futile idea put forward by his brother, Mo Xijie shook his head, feeling helpless, and whispered:

"I am now alone in my family. Where can I get the resources for you to enlighten your grandniece?

Even if you ask me for help, I still have to trouble Mr. Dao. In this case, I am just owed a favor for you.

Do you think my favor is not as valuable as yours? "

Mo Zuweng understood the meaning of his brother's words and responded honestly with a sad face, completely losing his previous treacherous appearance.

His needs are very difficult for ordinary small tribes. He wants to let his granddaughter use the blood pool of a large tribe to awaken the spirit, and strive to achieve the best effect.

Because his granddaughter was not of Shenlong blood, she was rejected by the Shenlong family, and then Zhou Qingyuan thought of it.

"This matter is easy to handle. You can go and bring your granddaughter here."

When Mo Zuweng heard these words, he was a little puzzled. There was still a long way from the station. Why did Taojun say this?

The next second, he was shocked to realize that the strong wind under his feet had subsided, and the four of them had arrived.

Compared to Mo Zuweng's ignorance, Feng Risheng on the side was amazed and couldn't help congratulating him again:

"Congratulations to Lord Dao for your great achievement."

"Great Elder, you should be less polite to me."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head and left, "Please worry about his granddaughter."

In Tingchao Pavilion, Zhou Qingyuan rested his hands on the fence and relaxed.

The harvest from this trip is not small. I have successfully entered the Dharmakaya realm. There is nothing to do next. I just continue to add more points and see the next changes.

"Oh, the scenery here is nice."

Mo Xijie's voice suddenly sounded, and he also leaned up and sat next to Zhou Qingyuan. Zhou Qingyuan glanced at him lazily in response and said nothing.

As if there was a tacit understanding, the two of them stopped talking and fell into silence.

They have all just stepped into the Dharmakaya realm. In addition to the increase in strength, they also have some wonderful insights in their hearts.

As the trivial matters receded, the two of them sat together on a tall building, quietly watching the people and things in the distance, and felt a sense of bliss in their hearts.

Zhou Qingyuan's feeling at this time was even stronger, much stronger than Mo Xijie's.

He felt that even though he was sitting in the pavilion, his mind was wandering to an extremely high point. Vaguely, he felt that he had the entire Immortal World within his field of vision.

Even things that were beyond the range of his spiritual consciousness were transformed into a flow of information and poured into his brain at this moment.

What was a little scary was that such a flow of information beyond Zhou Qingyuan's detection range was stuffed into his perception. It should have made his soul feel tired, but at the moment he felt nothing.

Gradually, the things that made him angry, the things that made him blind, and the things that touched his heart all became a little indifferent.

! ! !

Zhou Qingyuan suddenly woke up from his fugue state. When he opened his eyes, he was still sitting leaning on the pavilion, as if nothing had happened.

But Zhou Qingyuan was in such a state that he had already surpassed the realm of dreaming. How could he really think that the experience just now was just an illusion?

"Your breath suddenly became impetuous."

Mo Xijie on the side came out of his blissful state and asked with concern: "What happened?"

Zhou Qingyuan lowered his hands from the railing and his expression became a little serious.

"What did you feel just now?"

"What do you feel? Well. Very satisfied and happy. I obviously didn't do anything, but everything made me feel very stable and satisfied."

Zhou Qingyuan frowned after hearing this and couldn't help but ask: "Is that all?"

Mo Xijie realized that something was wrong, closed his eyes and thought about it carefully, and then confirmed: "That's all."

"What, is there something wrong with your body?"

Facing Mo Xijie's inquiry, Zhou Qingyuan reached out for a moment, closed his eyes again and sensed the situation just now.

Unfortunately, he did not feel anything in this attempt, as if the feeling of being in harmony with the Way of Heaven just now was really just an illusion.

As for the state of inner peace and abundance that Mo Xijie said, he could not feel it at all.

Something went wrong.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned, realizing that the development of things had exceeded his expectations.

Why was his Dharmakaya realm different from Mo Xijie's?

Why did Mo Xijie's cultivation level no longer improve after reaching the Dharmakaya realm, while he felt that he was far from reaching the upper limit?

What was the state he sensed just now? Indistinctly, he felt as if he didn't care about anything.

According to his personality, if he saw something he didn't like, he should have intervened forcefully. Why did he have the idea of ​​watching from the sidelines?

Zhou Qingyuan couldn't sort out his thoughts, but he had his own way.

"Hey! Where are you going? What happened?"

"I have some problems to deal with myself. I'll find you later."

Zhou Qingyuan took a step forward, and his figure became erratic in an instant, and he actually used his magical powers to move directly.

The next moment, he appeared in his study.

Zhou Qingyuan picked up the ink pen and began to dance wildly, with a gloomy face, he poured all the vague emotions that remained in his mind on it.

When he put down the pen, he looked at the finished painting, looked at the pair of emotionless eyes standing on the dome, and fell into silence.

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