I can add one every day

Chapter 167 Leave or enjoy yourself first

As the points were added, Zhou Qingyuan's aura began to rise again, and the bloodline in his body that was already close to the limit of potential once again glowed with new vitality, completely surpassing the limitations of the bloodline of warriors in this world.

Mo Xijie just made a mistake. Although he couldn't feel Zhou Qingyuan's realm, he could roughly know that this person was at the same level as himself. Now that the opponent's aura has risen again, he must have entered the dharma body realm.

In fact, Zhou Qingyuan has just entered the realm of all things.

At this moment, the true power of Zhulong integrated into every part of his body was transformed and sublimated by the infusion of heaven and earth energy. Zhou Qingyuan felt his new body, and his smile became even wider.

Now that the problem of insufficient foundation has been solved, entering the realm of Dharmakaya is just a matter of course.

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan, who no longer suppressed his aura, activated all his energy, blood and spiritual power, and the resonance with this world reached its peak.

The uniqueness of the Dharma Body Realm was already revealed at this time. Even though he had broken through such a critical realm, Zhou Qingyuan's body did not have any obvious fluctuations. It was just his aura that kept rising.

All the drastic changes are hidden inside, and they are all melted into this new legal body, without even a trace leaking out.

Mo Xijie watched in silence as Zhou Qingyuan's aura began to rise again, without disturbing him, but the expression on his face began to change again, and eventually, he lost his soul.

He felt like he was going to cry. It was embarrassing to say that. A grown man, a strong man who had broken through the last great realm in this world, should be high-spirited.

As a result, after Zhou Qingyuan appeared, his high spirits only lasted for a very short time. At this moment, he only felt aggrieved.

The goal I have worked hard to achieve for hundreds of years can be easily achieved by you just saying a few words to me.

I want to teach you, and I don’t mind sharing selflessly, but how can I accept it when you do this? T T

Mo Xi thought a lot about the teleportation circle left by his ancestors, the instructions and expectations his ancestors had for him. He thought that he had fulfilled the requirements of his ancestors, and that he was a destined person. But now.

"Hehehe, it turns out that destiny is not mine at all."

Mo Xijie cried and laughed and let out a breath, feeling that his soul was floating up to the sky with this breath.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan's slightly closed eyes quietly opened, with divine light flowing in them, he looked at Mo Xijie, bowed solemnly and thanked: "Thank you for sharing, it helps me a lot."

"Of course it's a big help. You've jumped from Wanxiang to Dharmakaya in one step, how can it still be a big help?" Mo Xijie said in a deep voice, suddenly slapped his hands on Zhou Qingyuan's shoulders, and shouted angrily, not at all the same as before. gesture.

"How did you do it? How did you do it!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Qingyuan also burst into laughter. Speaking of it, this was one of the few people who could truly experience his rocket-like upgrade and still be able to talk to him.

After adding points before, he should have started killing people.

Seeing that the other party has been cultivating here for hundreds of years, I thought that the other party was a person who came out of the world. It turned out that he just suppressed his escaping thoughts and forced himself into silence. No wonder it took so long.

Thinking that the other party had helped him a lot, Zhou Qingyuan took the initiative to comfort him:

"This is an idea that I understood when I was practicing martial arts before. It's embarrassing to say that I was sitting on a treasure mountain without knowing it. If it weren't for your enlightenment, I'm afraid it would have taken a lot of effort."

This is the truth. Without Mo Xijie's advice, I am afraid that Zhou Qingyuan would have focused more on the manifestation of external forces, thinking about enhancing his own strength, and had no idea of ​​dissolving the true nature throughout his body.

After hearing this, Mo Xijie became even less calm and couldn't help but ask: "Martial arts training? What martial arts training?"

There was a look of nostalgia in Zhou Qingyuan's eyes, but he didn't want to tell anyone about this matter.

Under high pressure, he forcibly advanced his inner energy martial arts to three realms. There was no need to tell people who were not close to him such a secret.

"It's just a past event."

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan didn't want to talk, Mo Xijie didn't hesitate and immediately moved on to the next topic:

"Now that I have entered the realm of Dharmakaya, do you want to leave with me?"

"Leave? Where to go?" Zhou Qingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, vaguely guessing something.

Mo Xijie's expression became serious and he said solemnly:

"Follow the footsteps of our ancestors and go to a larger world."

"You should have felt that the Dharmakaya realm is already the ultimate in this world. If you want to go further, you must devote yourself to a wider world."

Mo Xi looked at Zhou Qingyuan sincerely. At this time, he had already concluded in his heart that this person's talent was far superior to his. Going to a new realm rashly made Mo Xijie feel a little uneasy. He would feel much more at ease if Zhou Qingyuan was with him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qingyuan would completely defeat him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"No, I didn't feel it."

"What did you say?"

"I said, I haven't reached the ultimate level yet. I can feel that I can continue to improve."

Mo Xijie: "."

His expression began to change again, with mixed feelings in his heart, and finally settled on an expression as if he wanted to eat a child.

"Why can you still improve? I clearly feel that my body is completely full."

Zhou Qingyuan had an answer vaguely in his mind, but he didn't like to say it before he was completely sure.

"I don't know. Anyway, we will have the answer after a while."

"Besides." Zhou Qingyuan sat on the tea table again, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, and said calmly: "Even if I can't be promoted anymore, I have no plans to leave in a short time."

"You have been silent here for hundreds of years. Maybe you are tired of living. Only becoming stronger can bring you a little excitement."

“For me, life itself is a very interesting thing.

My life span is still very long, almost to eternity.

If there are no accidents, I plan to stay in this world for a hundred years, and then maybe I will consider what you said. "

With the blessing of various realms, the vitality in Zhou Qingyuan's body is almost endless. Even he himself doesn't know how long he can live now.

Anyway, it is no problem to live for at least a few thousand years.

This can be regarded as fulfilling his long-cherished wish in his previous life. Although the world calls him Daojun and keeps trying to mythologize him, in fact he is essentially just an ordinary person who is forced to suppress his thoughts in a dangerous environment. That’s all.

Now that the crisis is resolved, he can continue to add more points to become stronger, so why rush to leave? It's time to enjoy and enjoy.

"You actually think so."

Mo Xijie murmured to himself, his eyes brightened again, and he suddenly realized, yes, he has been cultivating here for hundreds of years, why would he go to the upper world right away?

You might have to knock the dog's brains out as soon as you get there, and you have to help the ancestors, so why not enjoy it here first?

And for some reason, Zhou Qingyuan had a power that convinced him. In a vague way, he didn't want to leave this comrade alone.

Thinking of this, Mo Xijie's thoughts were completely clear.

"Then I won't leave either!"

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