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Chapter 160 Please let me lead the way

In the abyss, the three-legged bird, which had no injuries on its body, looked at the scene in front of it in disbelief, and its mind was blank for a moment.

What protected him just now? With such a powerful attack, he was not hurt at all under the protection? This terrifying appearance is Zhou Qingyuan?

Before Feng Risheng could think about it, the ferocious red pupils of the candle dragon reflected the deep red color of magma. With this change, black and white appeared, and intertwined into a dark chaos. The power of light and darkness merged at this moment.

Zhou Qingyuan did not see any other movements. The place where the giant wolf touched was swallowed by the black hole, and finally the whole body turned into nothingness, like the scenery on the white cloth, easily wiped out by the chaos.

Feng Risheng stood aside and watched Zhou Qingyuan reveal his true self. Although he had just heard his voice, he still couldn't believe it and said in a daze:

"You are Zhou Qingyuan? Have you comprehended the way of origin?"

The red face turned around, and Feng Risheng met the pair of equally red vertical pupils. His heart skipped a beat. Just being stared at by this creature, he felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, as if it would turn into a wave to swallow him up.

"It's me, the elder."

"Really? That's great!"

Feng Risheng felt relieved and looked at this creature he had never seen before. He couldn't help but continue:

"How did you do it? You have actually entered the Wanxiang Realm?"

How long has this person returned to his Jinwu tribe? Is it a month? Feng Risheng was in a trance. He didn't dare to imagine such a speed of progress in his dreams, but it happened right in front of him.

Compared to this matter, even Kou Zhongqiu, a strong man in the Wanxiang Realm, didn't even take a single move in front of Zhou Qingyuan. This matter is not important.

After all, not everyone can be unscathed by the energy ball just now. If Zhou Qingyuan had not broken through at the critical moment, according to Kou Zhongqiu's plan, he and Feng Risheng should have been seriously injured, and Zhou Qingyuan should have died in the energy explosion.

But Zhou Qingyuan showed such terrifying strength as soon as he broke through. Not only did he protect him directly, but he himself was also unscathed. Only Kou Zhongqiu was seriously injured in the explosion and naturally could not escape.

Feng Risheng's brain was overly shocked at this time, and his wisdom was a little insufficient. He didn't even think that since Zhou Qingyuan could be unscathed under such an attack, what difference would it make to kill a Wanxiang realm in a complete or incomplete state?

Just when Feng Risheng wanted to say something, the red face suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky. The red eyes pierced through countless darkness and saw the three Wanxiang realms above.

The next moment, the huge body soared up and disappeared into the dark bottom of the pit. Feng Risheng watched this scene in a trance, and it was not until several breaths later that he reacted and followed.

Zhou Qingyuan shuttled quickly in the darkness, so fast that it seemed as if there was a straight passage taking him up quickly.

His eyes were fixed on the moose and tiger above the abyss, and the sun and moon flowed in his eyes.

[Bloodline Skill: Sun and Moon Division]

He had no interest in greeting the two people. As the power of the sun and moon of the Candle Dragon flowed in his eyes, the outside world appeared.

The world was clearly divided into two time dimensions.

In the light, the autumn wind and winter snow accompanied each other.

In the darkness, the spring rain and summer thunder sounded.

"What is this strange phenomenon? What happened!" Fan Konghuang watched this scene in fear, and his mind was lost.

Wang Chenlu, who was standing aside, was in a state of confusion. Just as he became alert in his heart, he found that he had been imprisoned in the ink-like darkness, and only his terrified pupils could shrink.

The power of the four seasons emerged, the principles of light and darkness intertwined, and an invisible boundary appeared in the center of the moose and the tiger, absolutely cutting their bodies, souls, and true forms.

Light and darkness each devoured their huge bodies that were split into two halves. The next moment, the strange phenomenon disappeared, the sky was clear, and everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The green dragon, who stayed in place and dared not move a step, looked at the magical scene happening in front of him, and felt that he seemed to have experienced a ghost wall, but the warning brought to him by his blood just now was definitely not an illusion.

So. What happened?

Mo Qiuzhen lowered his head in a daze, looking at the extremely deep abyss, subconsciously left the high sky, and stayed at the edge of the natural chasm.

At this time, the huge Candle Dragon appeared in the sky, and before Mo Qiuzhen could react, he had transformed into Zhou Qingyuan.


"Mo Qiuzhen, the three of them have all been killed. I will slaughter the three tribes later. Do you, the Shenlong tribe, want to submit to me or die?"

"You and me."

Mo Qiuzhen's eyes widened. It was difficult for him to sort out his thoughts in a short time. He opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Mo Qiuzhen like this and felt a little funny. Didn't this old man always act like a big shot? It turns out he has this face?

At this moment, there was movement again under the abyss, and Feng Risheng's figure also appeared in the sky.

"Can't you think straight? Forget it, I'll give you some time."

Zhou Qingyuan no longer paid attention to Mo Qiuzhen, who was stunned by the huge impact, and turned to look at the remaining divine birds.

"The wind is getting stronger, it's time to fulfill my promise to join the Golden Crow clan."

Zhou Qingyuan landed on the bird's back and continued:

"Fan Konghuang and Wang Chenlu are both dead. Next, take me to the base of the three clans, and we will clean up all the affiliated families together."

"Wait a minute!"

Feng Risheng was also stupid, and couldn't help but confirm, "Are they really dead?" Then, he recalled the scene of Zhou Qingyuan easily killing Kou Zhongqiu.

Yes, this person is really worthy of the ancestor's spirit. Is his power among the same level really so unstoppable?

He just stepped into the Wanxiang Realm, and surpassed the accumulation of these old guys for hundreds of years, and became invincible in the same level?

In just a few days, the impact Feng Risheng received has exceeded the sum of his life.

First, he was set up by the two tribes, and then they used the tribesmen as a handle to force him back, and then he was forced to participate in the Ruyi War. He thought he would exhaust the tribe's living forces, but Zhou Qingyuan solved it all with force.

Speaking of which, the conspiracy of the two tribes had already started at the Monster Hunting Ceremony. Wasn't it Zhou Qingyuan who participated in the ceremony at that time who stopped them?

Feng Risheng's heart was shaking and shaking again, and he felt that his brain began to tremble, and even his whole body began to tremble.

That was the shaking of excitement

Although the things that happened to Zhou Qingyuan were more outrageous than the last, he gradually began to accept them. After all, Zhou Qingyuan did all these things!

Yes, everything the other party did was justified! What was unacceptable!

Thinking of this, Feng Risheng laughed loudly, took the initiative to carry Zhou Qingyuan, and flew towards the Sun Devouring Wolf Family's base.

"You just said you wanted to integrate the five major clans?"

"Please let me lead the way for you."

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