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Chapter 159: The Realm of All Things, the True Body of the Candle Dragon

In the air, five original true bodies were facing each other. Whether they were attacking or protecting, their targets were all aimed at the dark horse of the Jinwu clan that appeared out of thin air on the ground and killed three people in the Ruyi realm.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at this scene, but he was very relaxed and his mind was wandering. When he entered the realm of transformation and tribulation in the world of immortal cultivation, he seemed to face the same situation.

It was quite interesting.

After entering the Wanxiang realm and integrating this world, it was time to move the people there here. As for these people. Zhou Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the fit between the true body in his body and himself, and the endless power surged in his body.

It was strange to say that just the fusion of the true body and the flesh, the increase in strength was so exaggerated?

It was just like changing a body. Whether it was the stimulation of the flesh or the carrying of the spiritual energy, everything broke the limits of common sense and continued to rise unreasonably by ten or even twenty times.

Even if he added points to the Ruyi realm and then made a breakthrough, such a change was too amazing.

Zhou Qingyuan only felt a slight itch in his body, as if he was bound in a shell. As long as he exerted a little force, his whole body would undergo amazing changes.

‘Every extra second, my understanding of this realm increases. It’s really magical. I wonder how much time the elder can help me buy? ’

Although it’s not impossible to take action now, since Feng Risheng and Mo Qiuzhen helped him buy precious time, Zhou Qingyuan naturally wouldn’t waste it.

The debate and battle about him above have also started simultaneously, but they are thinking about how to kill Zhou Qingyuan.

Little did they know that they had lost the ability they thought they had.

Ice, fire, thunder, strong wind, giant tree, five images collided fiercely, and there were constant muffled sounds. The other Ruyi realms on the high platform had all evacuated at this time, and they dared only to watch from afar.

This is no longer a battle that the Ruyi realm can intervene in. Even if they watch the battle, they have to flee to a very far distance and look far away from a high place. If they are not careful, they will be affected.

"The fifth elder is still there! What should we do! We have to take him away!"

"It's impossible. The area over there is now covered by multiple domain forces. If you and I go in, we will probably stop and tremble. Hey! Fifth elder, are we really going to die here today?"

"Sun Devouring Wolf Family! Too shameless! Too much bullying!"

The strong anger turned into firewood for the raging fire. Feng Peisheng vaguely felt that he seemed to have a deeper fit with the true form of the Golden Crow in his body. He seemed to have touched the threshold of the Wanxiang Realm. He only needed to comprehend it carefully, and perhaps he could step into the Wanxiang Realm he had dreamed of.

But! It's too late!

Whether it takes seven days or half a month, no matter how long it takes, what he needs is to step into the Wanxiang Realm now! He can't watch the fifth elder who came forward to kill the powerful enemy for the tribe die here!

In the air, the four-clawed green dragon fought the giant tiger and the giant wolf alone, and only the moose and the Golden Crow were tightly together, not allowing Feng Risheng to have the leisure to help others.

"Feng Risheng, don't make it difficult for me. Let's just wait here for things to develop. There is no way for you and I to change this."

"Fuck you!"

The golden flames swept across the sky, mixed with the rage of the envoy. The burning black divine bird was shining with golden light, and instantly emitted a strong light, sweeping across the four Wanxiang Realm in the field. The furious Feng Risheng no longer cared about Mo Qiuzhen, and directly launched his strongest killing move.

The bloodline skills performed under the origin true body, with the ultimate bloodline power addition, burst out with the might of destroying everything.

[Bloodline Skill: Sun Flame]

"That's the bloodline skill of the great elder! Run farther! Don't look! Don't sense it!"

The strong light illuminated this world. Except for the small world where Zhou Qingyuan stood, which was deliberately isolated, all the five high platforms and the planes on the ground collapsed in the strong light and turned into dust.

The four giant beasts all looked solemn at this moment, and they also used bloodline skills to resist this move. Without this, they could not compete.

Five bloodline skills performed by the Wanxiang Realm squeezed together, bursting out with the power to annihilate space. A huge energy ball was generated out of thin air under the collision of the five forces, and it kept rotating and jumping.

‘What is this? Damn it! ’

The divine bird suddenly grew three points larger, and flew up and down without hesitation, spreading its wings that were enough to cover everything and protecting Zhou Qingyuan on the ground.

The next moment, the energy ball exploded, and destructive energy filled the world. The energy that was ten times stronger than the previous sun flame suddenly exploded!

The black divine bird looked back at the sweeping light of destruction, and a firm look appeared in its eyes. I didn’t expect that such a phenomenon would occur when five powerful bloodline skills collided.

Resist this move, and then take Zhou Qingyuan away! This situation can be broken!

"Want to take him away? No way!"

What Feng Risheng didn't expect was that a giant wolf ignored the danger above its head and rushed straight towards him. The spiritual energy on its sharp claws rose and turned into ice. The power of spirit and force was perfectly integrated at this moment!

"Kou Zhongqiu, are you crazy!"

Feng Risheng's roar exploded in the sky, but was instantly swallowed up by the burst of energy.

Just when things were developing towards an unknown danger, a long tail suddenly sprang out from under the wings of the black bird, and in an instant it twisted into a pile, protecting the divine bird inside.


Everything was destroyed by the explosion of the energy ball. The other three giant beasts fled 80,000 miles away in an instant, looking at the deep pit at the center of the energy explosion with lingering fear.

"Sometimes I really admire this guy Kou Zhongqiu. In such a situation, he didn't escape and counterattack?"


Facing the generosity of the tiger, Ju Lu felt a little uneasy. Will his future be good or bad if he cooperates with such a ruthless person?

When the first wave of energy explosion ended, the three of them went to the deep pit against the aftermath of the subsequent explosions.

The terrain here had already collapsed under the attack just now, turning into a bottomless abyss.

The endless darkness that continued to spread downwards gave people a sense of danger brought by the unknown.

But! The three soon discovered that this danger was not a simple sensory influence, but a real murderous intent!

In the dark abyss! The murderous intent was revealed!

At the bottom of the pit that the three could not explore, the face of the footless dragon with a red face and a snake body had no expression on his face. In front of him, a giant wolf had been completely swallowed by the darkness and lost its perception and power.

Zhou Qingyuan, who had just entered the Myriad Realm, did not even need to use his bloodline skills. He only used the natural talent of his true body to easily suppress Kou Zhongqiu, who was also in the Myriad Realm.

"Thank you for your hard work, Great Elder."

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