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Chapter 142 The five strongest people in the realm of thought

Looking at Fan Kongsheng who was roaring and rushing towards him, Zhou Qingyuan felt no emotion, and even wanted to laugh.

This was a fight between two tribes, and there was no fairness or mercy. What was Fan Kongsheng doing?

The long-term neutrality had made the people of this family confused about their position.

Since they had decided to attack the Jinwu family, shouldn't they be mentally prepared to be killed by themselves and their tribesmen?

"Hey, wait!"

Feng Mingsheng inserted himself into the battle diagonally, knocked Fan Kongsheng's axe away with a halberd, and then swept the halberd over his shield, and quickly blocked Zhou Qingyuan who was about to use his bloodline skills.

"It seems that there is another person who is confused about the situation."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head, took a step back, and hid his figure in the darkness.

With the help of the breath-retaining magic, the other two couldn't even find his position.

From this, the two of them instantly understood that if Zhou Qingyuan wanted to attack them, even if the opponent was not as strong as them, the method of hiding the breath alone would be difficult enough.

Fan Kongsheng felt even colder. If what Zhou Qingyuan said before was only 90% true, and he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, now the last glimmer of hope is gone.

In the darkness, Zhou Qingyuan's voice sounded slowly.

"The Moose Family and the Sun-Eating Wolf Family have joined forces to kill my Jinwu disciples. Why are you trying to stop me now?"

Feng Mingsheng looked a little embarrassed. He remembered that Zhou Qingyuan didn't know his name yet, so he took the initiative to say:

"I am Feng Mingsheng of the Jinwu Family, a direct disciple of the Third Elder. Your name is Zhou Qingyuan, right?

Can you let this person go today for my sake?"

"Who asked him to let me go? Come out, I will fight you to the death!"

Fan Kongsheng's heart moved, and his momentum stagnated. He still had a chance to escape?

If he could escape, he must tell the family about this matter. This person called Zhou Qingyuan! I must kill him!

But just as he was thinking this, Zhou Qingyuan's voice came from the darkness again, shattering all his hopes.

"Feng Mingsheng, I'll give you two choices."

"One, you fight him one-on-one now, kill him or be killed by him, and I'll finish it.

Second, I'll kill him directly, you choose."

Feng Mingsheng felt a little uncomfortable, but then he heard Zhou Qingyuan say:

"I don't care why you want to let him go, and I don't care how many Jinwu people I've seen killed by the two families along the way."

When Zhou Qingyuan said this, Feng Mingsheng's heart trembled and he suddenly realized.

The two families' alliance was just an unfair battle for him. But for other members of the tribe, it was an unreasonable massacre. If he let Fan Kongsheng go because of his momentary feelings, would it be fair to those people?

".But since this person has the intention to kill me, I can't let him go."

After that, the dark environment fell into silence again, with only Fan Kongsheng's heavy breathing echoing.

In the darkness, time seemed to stop passing, and it was unknown how long it had been, and a sigh sounded in the air. It was Feng Mingsheng's voice.


In the darkness, the fire ignited, and Feng Mingsheng's halberd was surrounded by red clouds, and he pointed it directly at Fan Kongsheng, with a firm expression:

"He is right, this has nothing to do with you and me, it is a struggle between two tribes. Since your moose family has decided to attack us, it is normal for you to die at our hands!"

After saying that, Feng Mingsheng did not wait for Fan Kongsheng to respond. The halberd burst out with great power while rotating, and swept directly on Fan Kongsheng's shield and axe. The next blow separated his shield and axe, and the tip of the halberd was surrounded by flames, going straight to the throat.

Fan Kongsheng had a death determination before, and his momentum was at its peak. As a result, he lost his determination after a back-and-forth struggle. With Zhou Qingyuan spying on him, he was even less courageous, and finally fell down.


The halberd fell to the ground, and Feng Mingsheng also fell straight down, letting out a long breath. He had a great fight, and he just wanted to take a break after a hearty and refreshing fight.

"Zhou Qingyuan, have all our people really been killed by those two clans?"

"Half of them died."

"Really? Thank you."

Feng Mingsheng then said with a complicated look:

"I didn't expect that a person who grew up in a family would have less sense of faith than you who just recognized your ancestors. Sorry for the embarrassment."

Zhou Qingyuan didn't dwell on this matter, and was too lazy to correct Feng Mingsheng's wrong idea.

He was not standing up for the Jinwu family at all. He was just forced to fight back because the two families regarded him as an enemy. That's all.

Yes, he was forced. If those people didn't want to kill him, how could he fight back?

"I'm going to the ninth level demon realm. Do you want to come with me?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have been rushing for two days and two nights. Aren't you tired?"

"Ah, if you are worried about your fellow clansmen in the ninth level, then there is no need at all."

Feng Mingsheng thought of the most famous disciple in the family below the Ruyi realm, and said easily:

"If it is Feng Cangyuan, even if the two families join forces, they can't do anything to him.

Moreover, the ninth level demon realm is different from other demon realms. It is regarded as a forbidden delicacy by those five people, and they will not let us in."

"I'm not tired. Since you don't want to leave, then I'll leave."


Feng Mingsheng called out to the darkness, but there was no response. Obviously, Zhou Qingyuan had left.

"What a temper."

Feng Mingsheng smiled while lying on the ground, and did not force himself to get up.

According to what Feng Cangyuan told him, except for those who have reached the ninth level of opening meridians and mastered both racial magical powers and bloodline skills, no one else is qualified to enter the ninth level demon domain.

That place has been monopolized by the five of them.

"Don't let that killer star go there and get into trouble. That's it, it has nothing to do with me."

[Ninth Demon Domain - Starry Sky Domain]

In the endless darkness, only the blue sea of ​​stars above is shining with charming light.

Under this charming starlight, in the most dangerous area of ​​the demon hunting ceremony, four people are sitting calmly under the starlight, quietly waiting for the wine table.

It was not until the fifth person appeared outside the table that someone greeted him leisurely:

"You are late."

"I killed a beast on the way and wasted some time."

The blue-haired young man with squinting eyes carried a huge black panther. He could have put it in the storage bag, but he insisted on carrying it himself, undoubtedly wanting to show his strength.

But the four people present did not even blink, obviously not taking his action seriously.

They were all the chosen ones who had comprehended the race's magical powers and bloodline skills. They had gone through countless hardships and obstacles along the way and became the existence closest to the realm of Ruyi.

If they could not even kill the ninth-level demon king alone, what was the use of their wisdom? Why not just become a beast?

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