I can add one every day

Chapter 141 This is no longer necessary

Two figures who mastered the power of the true form collided fiercely, and the shield axe and the halberd made a loud noise when they met.

Kou Qiufeng looked at the two people fighting together, and a huge sense of absurdity arose in his heart.

Feng Mingsheng was fine, after all, the other party and Feng Cangyuan were the most famous disciples below the Ruyi realm of the Jinwu family, and it was not surprising that they behaved like this.

But Fan Kongsheng, who had always been looked down upon by him, was also like this, which was a bit unacceptable to him.

At this time, a voice happened to sound in his ears, which was like hitting the muzzle of the gun.

"Oh? It's very lively here."

"A strange face I haven't seen before, who are you? How dare you interfere in our battle?"


Kou Qiufeng's vision was spinning, and when he came to his senses, he had been stepped on by a foot, and a hideous long knife was already standing on his neck.

What happened?

Looking at the true form of the candle dragon flashing on Zhou Qingyuan's body, Kou Qiufeng struggled desperately with an unspeakable mood.

Thick frost mist turned into armor, trying to block the blade. But as Zhou Qingyuan started to bleed, the surging blood power turned into boundless force, forcefully breaking through the ice armor.

Another person who has mastered the power of the true form? When did the power of the true form, which symbolizes one of the keys to open the door to the Ruyi Realm, become such a common existence?

Who is this unfamiliar face that has never been seen? Why is he so powerful?

Why is he the only one who has not mastered the power of the true form?

Before dying, Kou Qiufeng was left with only reluctance.


Looking at Zhou Qingyuan who suddenly appeared in the field and killed Kou Qiufeng neatly, the other two people in the field stopped fighting vigilantly.

When did he appear? Why didn't this person's breath and spiritual perception remind him at all?

After seeing the red-gold lines on Zhou Qingyuan's body clearly, Feng Mingsheng laughed.

He had an impression of this person, he was his clansman. Although he didn't know why this person had only completed his fetal breathing before, he came to this eighth-level demon domain and even easily killed Kou Qiufeng.

But in any case, the current situation was favorable to him, and he instantly got out of the situation where he was forced to fight 2 vs. 1.

If Zhou Qingyuan hadn't dealt with Kou Qiusheng, he would have been doomed to be on edge and fight Fan Kongsheng under the cold arrows of this kid.

Now, the enemy and our situation has changed, how can he not be happy?

"I remember you, you are the new genius Zhou Qingyuan in the clan? Good boy! I will chat with you after I deal with him."

Fan Kongsheng looked at the two of them vigilantly, without speaking, but silently raised his axe shield to show his attitude.

"Don't worry Fan Kongsheng, I won't let him take action."

Feng Mingsheng gave Zhou Qingyuan a look, indicating that this was his own battle and he didn't need to intervene.

"You and I are fighting one on one. Only when one of us falls, the battle is over. Stop your blood resonance technique."

Fan Kongsheng's eyes lit up. Seeing Feng Mingsheng's face showing a hint of excitement, he silently stopped the blood resonance technique.

"Whatever you say."

Zhou Qingyuan neither supported nor opposed Feng Mingsheng's decision.

Taking his loot storage bag, Zhou Qingyuan left without looking back.

Although it was easy for him to kill Kou Qiufeng just now, he actually used the race's magical power, blood burst, to push his blood power to the extreme.

Except for the blood skill Dusk Boundary and the means of Xiuxian Realm, which have not been used yet, it is almost his strongest means.

If possible, he hopes to kill more monsters at the eighth level and enter the eighth level here.

The further he goes, the stronger the monsters will be and the fewer their number will be. It is really not an easy thing for Zhou Qingyuan to get as many benefits as possible.

However, since the struggle between the three families is constantly going on in this secret realm, it is convenient for Zhou Qingyuan to improve himself.

If it were the past, it would not be so easy to get such an improvement.

Two days later, a huge spark erupted in a dark space somewhere, and the shield axe and the halberd collided fiercely, and a huge spark was emitted.

"It's great! Hahahahaha"

Feng Mingsheng's voice rang out in the field. Although Fan Kongsheng, who was opposite him, kept his mouth tightly closed, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The two fought for two days and two nights, and it was difficult to tell who would win. At this time, they looked at each other with admiration.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, forcibly inserting the warm atmosphere between the two and pouring a basin of cold water.

"I said, you haven't finished fighting yet?"

The two turned their heads and saw Zhou Qingyuan in black again.

After two days of not seeing each other, this person's temperament became more calm. I don't know why. Although they couldn't feel his specific realm, they both felt that this kid seemed to have become stronger again.


Feng Mingsheng suddenly hesitated. To be honest, after two days of fighting, he and Fan Kongsheng had developed a mutual understanding.

Fan Kongsheng had already keenly sensed that the situation had changed, and quietly activated the blood resonance technique again.

Feng Mingsheng noticed this, but did not speak. Instead, he took the initiative to ask Zhou Qingyuan:

"Why are you back again? Don't you want to continue hunting monsters?"

"There is no need for this anymore."

"Hey, over there, you don't need to use the blood resonance technique anymore."

Zhou Qingyuan's tone was calm, but the two people in the field suddenly felt uneasy. Thinking of the scene where Zhou Qingyuan "easily" killed Kou Qiusheng before, they began to feel uneasy inexplicably.


"Hey! What do you mean by no need!"

Fan Kongsheng's heart was pounding, and he interrupted Feng Mingsheng's words and yelled at Zhou Qingyuan.

Why. No one in the tribe responded to him when he used the blood resonance technique this time?

Could it be that. "I said, no need means no need."

Zhou Qingyuan's voice was still so calm, but Fan Kongsheng felt like he was falling into an ice cave after hearing it.

"Whether it is the eighth-level demon or the two families of the Sun-Eating Moose who still stayed in this demon realm, they have all been killed."

'All killed? '

'All killed'

Feng Mingsheng and Fan Kongsheng echoed this sentence in their minds, and they felt mixed feelings in their hearts.

The next moment, a raging flame filled Fan Kongsheng's chest. He rushed towards Zhou Qingyuan desperately. The blood in his body began to burn, and he exploded with the strongest attack in a way that damaged his origin.

His people, who were distributed in the eighth-level demon domain, plus him, a total of four eighth-level disciples, were slaughtered by Zhou Qingyuan just like that?

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan's relaxed attitude, combined with the fact that he had disappeared for two days, Fan Kongsheng could not have any doubts in his heart, and shouted at Zhou Qingyuan: "Don't joke! You beast!"

"Why, you don't want to talk about your family and the Sun-Eating Wolf family joining forces to slaughter our Jinwu people?"

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