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Chapter 138 I am so scared?

"You don't have to do anything, I can do it alone!"

Kou Fanzhou stretched out his hand to stop the four people behind him, his face grim, and said to Zhou Qingyuan:

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."


Zhou Qingyuan shook his head. This group of people came at the right time. He also wanted to try it. After establishing a slight connection with this world, he would change the spell again.

He stretched out his finger and locked the four people behind Kou Fanzhou together. Golden red lines appeared on Zhou Qingyuan's body.

"God of control."

With Zhou Qingyuan's command, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth began to surge, and white murderous intent appeared, turning into white long swords, hundreds and thousands, densely surrounding the five people.

Except for Kou Fanzhou, the other four people sensed the sense of danger emanating from the long swords, and their expressions all changed.

"Ha, you are from the Jinwu tribe? I didn't expect that such a person as you could appear in this useless family."

"You are quite secretive."

Zhou Qingyuan pointed his sword downward, and a bunch of white long swords fell like precision-guided missiles, raining down on the place where the five people were, and madly swept.


Countless dust and smoke rose, but Zhou Qingyuan could sense the situation inside.

Except Kou Fanzhou and the fourth-level Kaimai warrior who still had the power to resist, the others were exposed under this attack. They only managed to hold on for the first few swords, and then they were submerged in the endless white sword rain.

After the bombing lasted for a minute, the fourth-level Kaimai warrior let out an angry roar, and blood splattered. He was injured in the rainstorm that would never stop.

The blood stimulated his ferocity, and he swung the two short swords in his hands more vigorously.

And Kou Fanxing held a sword made of ice in his hand. Although he was a little embarrassed in the sweep of the God of Control, he had not been injured so far.

Zhou Qingyuan was observing the two people at leisure.

The people in this world are not completely without the concept of refining weapons, but their methods are quite crude, and it can be seen that they all rely on the strength of the materials themselves.

And their way of fighting the enemy is basically to rely on the powerful combat ability brought by the physical body. Their understanding of the art of magic is nothing more than the so-called racial magic and bloodline skills.

Once they fail to comprehend the corresponding magic moves in the two realms of fetal breathing and awakening spirit, their actual combat power will be greatly reduced.

However, it should be limited to the realm below the Ruyi realm, otherwise, this world cannot maintain this state of development.

It must be that the Ruyi realm has a powerful combat method that all Ruyi realms can possess, so that they can tolerate the single means of fighting the enemy.

Seeing that he could not take down the two people for a while, Zhou Qingyuan swung his sword finger, half of the long swords maintained the suppression force of sweeping, and the other half began to merge, gradually turning into a huge blade, pointing directly at the remaining two people who were struggling to resist.

"Kou Fanzhou! Save me!"

Feeling the terrifying murderous intent above his head that could fall at any time, his whole body's spiritual sense was frantically warning him, and Fan Chuncheng could no longer hold back and asked for help.

Although he had cursed Kou Fanzhou, his temporary partner, hundreds of times in his heart, he still had to ask him for help on the surface.

He didn't expect that he hoped Kou Fanzhou would fall the moment before, and the next moment this fall really came.

But he didn't say that he would fall with this fall!

And why did this Jinwu tribe member attack them so decisively? Has the deed been exposed?

"Waste! Hold on for a while, my brother will come."

"If you can't hold on, you will die!"

Unlike Fan Chuncheng, who was in a state of anxiety, Kou Fanzhou's heart was already filled with anger.

This was the most powerful Kaimai Four Realm he had ever seen, and it also frustrated his heart.

Not only did he always boast that he was invincible in the same realm, but he didn't even take Kaimai Four Realm seriously.

Even Kou Fanxing, who had also comprehended bloodline skills and race magic, was never taken seriously by him.

The smooth journey made him believe that he would become the strongest bloodline warrior in the entire Changsheng world.

Unfortunately, after meeting Zhou Qingyuan, this cognition was ruthlessly broken.

The other party just stood there, and didn't even attack them. He just relied on something that might be a bloodline skill to beat them like this.

No! He should have no spare energy! Otherwise, why not do it?

Zhou Qingyuan brought more and more pressure to Kou Fanzhou. Looking at the giant above his head, he was mentally prepared to be injured.

Fortunately, he quietly used the bloodline resonance technique at the first time and notified his brother to come over.

Under the cover of the blue blood light of the God Clan's magic, the other party didn't notice this.

At this time, he had sensed that there was a bloodline calling him, which meant that his brother had also brought a team of open-bloodline warriors over.

What Kou Fanzhou didn't know was that Zhou Qingyuan, whose realm he couldn't see through, was not at the fourth level of Kaimai, but had just entered the third level.

Moreover, he was not as exhausted as Kou Fanzhou imagined, but just wanted to test the current limit of Yushen's lethality.

Hearing that Kou Fanzhou was using the blood resonance technique to inform his fellow tribesmen, Zhou Qingyuan became a little interested, and the Yushen giant blade in his mouth also stopped in mid-air, and did not fall for a long time, but continued to gather spiritual energy and continued to grow.

"Fanzhou! Are you okay?"


Five figures appeared again in the distance, and Kou Fanzhou showed the joy of surviving the disaster on his face. It was the first time in his life that he felt that his brother's voice was so pleasant.

Brother is here, this guy is dead! I don't believe that he can escape from the siege of so many people.

Such a genius, a genius stronger than me, must die here!

Kou Fanzhou's battle pattern on his body was activated, and the three battle patterns glowed blue at the same time, and his bloodline skills were completely activated.

[Bloodline Skill: Sky Frost Flower Burial]

The mist that had always made Zhou Qingyuan feel a little cold surged together at this time, and countless blue raindrops quickly fell from Zhou Qingyuan's head to his body, forming ice flowers, and finally froze him inside.

Kou Fanzhou's face showed ecstasy. He had already realized that he was not his opponent the moment Zhou Qingyuan attacked, so he deliberately held back, just waiting for this moment to burst out and escape.

Ignoring Fan Chuncheng who was bleeding all over, Kou Fanzhou turned around and was about to meet up with his own brother.

But at this moment, he felt that everything slowed down.

He heard his urgent breathing.

He heard the explosion sound of his feet on the ground.

I heard my heart beating so fast that it seemed to jump out of my chest.

So I was so scared?

Kou Fanzhou realized this and felt a complicated emotion in his heart.

But at the same time, he had a different experience of the power in his body. He would learn it carefully after this incident was over, and the harvest would be great.

All this was thanks to the man in black!

Kou Fanzhou's smile widened and he was about to turn his head and say something cruel.


The terrifying giant blade with extremely concentrated power smashed into the place where Kou Fanzhou was like a space-based weapon, and the surrounding area within a hundred miles turned into dust.


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