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Chapter 137: The Three Stages of Opening Meridians

Between the terraces, a huge furnace was standing.

Zhou Qingyuan threw all the flesh and blood of the monsters hunted in the fourth-level monster domain and the flesh and blood in the storage bags into it.

As he opened his mouth and spit, the golden life fire was thrown into the furnace, and then nine kinds of spiritual medicine were thrown into the furnace.

It would take some time to refine so much flesh and blood, so he simply moved his attention to the system panel.

At this time, the points added had been restored, and Zhou Qingyuan felt that he was only one step away from the third level of opening meridians.

Without rushing to add points, Zhou Qingyuan sat quietly between the terraces and practiced on his own.

The dark night was quiet and deep, only the furnace was quietly burning the flame, and the Soul Demon Knife stood obediently beside Zhou Qingyuan. Zhou Qingyuan quietly felt the mystery of his body and took the trouble to refine all the monster essence that had not been completely absorbed before.

During this period, some blind monsters occasionally noticed the movement here, and were defeated by the Soul Demon Sword, which was protecting its master, using the [Robbery] magical power, and the newly obtained monster essence was presented to Zhou Qingyuan again.

Each person and sword also realized that the fourth level of Kaimai was already somewhat close to their normal strength.

The monster domain is divided into nine levels. If Zhou Qingyuan really wants to kill through the nine monster domains, even if all means are used, his current strength may not be enough.

The solution is simple, isn't it just to improve?

When the sun rises, Zhou Qingyuan's body opens his eyes under the first sunlight.

Golden-red lines appear on his body, the color becomes darker and darker, gradually turning into a deep golden color like magma, and the inside is dark red. The power of the bloodline completely erupts at this moment, easily breaking through the bottleneck.

New battle patterns are generated, and a large amount of spiritual energy around is swallowed up by Zhou Qingyuan's body. At the same time, a wonderful feeling arises in his heart.

As his mind drifted, he felt as if he was connected to this world, and had a slightly familiar feeling with it.

And this feeling brought

Zhou Qingyuan stretched out his hand, and the spiritual energy in his body connected with the spiritual energy of the world, turning into a miniature sword of the God of Control.

‘So that’s it, the power of the God of Control declined before, because I didn’t understand the spiritual power rules of this world? ’

This time, he was promoted to the third level of Kaimai through his innate magical power of Tianli, which made him have some connection with this world. Excluding the influence of the realm, the power of his magic power can be strengthened by 10% under this connection alone.

But is this a bonus for all the third level of Kaimai, or just for him?

Zhou Qingyuan opened the system panel, looked at the magical power of [Heavenly Principle] flashing with gilded color, and sighed in his heart.

The energy system of the Xiuxian world may not be as powerful as that of the Changsheng world, but the magic power he comprehended by adding points is still applicable and has not been eliminated.

In this way, his means of fighting against the enemy can be more diverse.

Opening the system panel, Zhou Qingyuan casually clicked on the points that had been refreshed.

[Kai Mai Realm - Entry] +

[Kai Mai Realm - Minor Success]

After adding points, the body still did not undergo any changes. Fortunately, Zhou Qingyuan had expected it and did not take it seriously.

The less the system gave him benefits now, the more it showed how violent the explosion would be in the future.

Looking at the alchemy furnace that was still burning, Zhou Qingyuan took out the previous spoils - a drop of holy heart blood, flicked his finger, and introduced it into the furnace.

This drop of core medicinal material entered the alchemy furnace and immediately caused a violent reaction. The alchemy furnace was full of precious light, but it was completely covered.

Despite this, from a high place in the distance, it was still possible to find that the place was shining with golden light, as if a treasure had come out.

"Oh? There seems to be something unusual there?"

Kou Fanzhou, who was also standing on a high place overlooking, saw the golden light curtain in the distance, became interested, and rushed straight towards the direction of the precious light.

He was not afraid that his movements would attract monsters. With his strength, as long as his bloodline skills and race magic skills were used together, he had the confidence to deal with even a fourth-level demon king.

Not to mention, there were three other third-level and one fourth-level bloodline warriors following him.

"Kou Fanzhou, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing someone stopping him, Kou Fanzhou showed a disdainful look on his face, and said to the fourth-level warrior in front of him:

"What, Fan Chuncheng, do you want to order me?"

". I don't mean that, but shouldn't I be careful?

If the movement is too loud and attracts more than three fourth-level monsters, I can't protect you alone."

"Who asked you to protect? Get out of here!"

Kou Fanzhou looked down on the soft buns of the moose family. Even though Fan Chuncheng was a little higher than him, he was not polite.

Fan Chuncheng was gentle in nature. He was a little angry when Kou Fanzhou knocked him away, but he didn't get angry on the spot. He just called the other three to act together and follow Kou Fanzhou's footsteps.

Looking at the other person's back as he left, Fan Chuncheng felt a little unhappy. He hoped from the bottom of his heart that this kid could fall down somewhere and learn his lesson.


As the spiritual energy rushed to the top, the lid of the alchemy furnace was opened. Zhou Qingyuan reached out and a red precious pill fell into his hand.

Just taking a sip, the blood in his body was already stirring.

If it weren't for the different rules of heaven and earth in this place, I'm afraid the moment the pill was made, it would have attracted a thunder tribulation.

After putting this precious pill named [Blood Hua Pill] into the jade box that locked the spiritual energy, a voice sounded in Zhou Qingyuan's ears from afar.

"What kind of pill is this? How can refining it produce such a miracle?"

Zhou Qingyuan turned his head, and it was a long-haired young man dressed in black who was looking at him with greed and wildness.


Seeing Zhou Qingyuan look at him, the man gestured with his hands unceremoniously, wanting Zhou Qingyuan to give him the newly refined elixir directly.


"Are you trying to steal my elixir?"

Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help laughing when he saw the young man's actions.

He has always been the only one who robs others, but he has never been robbed by others. Now it is considered new.

It seemed that Zhou Qingyuan's disdainful attitude was too obvious. Kou Fanzhou had blue veins bulging on his forehead and said coldly:

"If you had given me the elixir from the beginning, as long as you were not from the Golden Crow family, I would have spared your life.

Now, I have changed my mind. No matter who you are, you will die! "

[Racial magical power: blue blood]

Cyan lines climbed up Kou Fanzhou's body, and little bits of blue light bloomed under the interference of blood power.

A coldness suddenly spread in the air, and a thick refreshing mist spread between the two of them. Zhou Qingyuan felt that the activity of his bloodline suddenly dropped.

Looking at Kou Fanzhou, who was full of momentum, and the four people coming behind him who were obviously from the same group, Zhou Qingyuan raised a smile on his lips.

"People from the Moose and Sun Eater families? Did you come to the door yourself? You can save me the time."

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