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Chapter 115 Arrogant guy

"This world is dying."

Hearing Feng Jinyu's words, Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly.

When he caught this person five years ago, Zhou Qingyuan sensed that she was in the late stage of the Spiritualization Realm, and guessed that she might have some secrets, so he spared her life.

Otherwise, a hundred Feng Jinyu together would not be enough to be chopped by the current Yu Shen, although Zhou Qingyuan could not use his full strength now.

After the flesh and spirit reached the peak, this world was faintly unable to accommodate him.

"I do feel that no matter how we plant algae and create spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in this world is still becoming thinner.

Do you know the reason?"

The only part of Feng Jinyu's body that can move is his head, which flew up and down, and he affirmed: "This is the place where the gods fell.

Everything you live in is the product of the evolution of a powerful creature called the ancient god.

And when the god dies completely, the space here will also collapse, and all of you will perish with the deconstruction of the ancient god."

"You mean, this world, including us, is just the evolution of the corpse of an ancient god?

We all live on a corpse?"

Feng Jinyu nodded, and then Corrected: "It's you, not us."

"Who are you then?"

Feng Jinyu's face became serious, and he said formally:

"I am a blood warrior of the Jinwu family in the Changsheng Realm. I was originally a warrior in the [Kai Mai] realm. Now because of this new body, my strength has not been fully restored."

"But these are not important. The most important thing is that we must leave here as soon as possible.

This ancient god has long been dead. Now it is only the remaining vitality that maintains everything. When the space here begins to collapse, even you will not be able to escape."

Hearing this news, Zhou Qingyuan just nodded. Even though he knew that this world was already very dangerous, there was no anxious look on his face.

"How long can this space last at the shortest?"

"One year."

Feng Jinyu reduced the answer in his mind by two years, and said to Zhou Qingyuan in a dangerous way:

"It can only last for one year at most. The space here will collapse and everything will be destroyed."

"One year? That's enough time."

Feng Jinyu's face showed confusion, and he didn't understand what Zhou Qingyuan meant.

But the other party's next words immediately made her throw away all other thoughts.

"How to leave?"

"Just step into the forbidden area of ​​this world and deal with the guards guarding the entrance of the teleportation array."

"There are guards? What realm?"

Being stared at by Zhou Qingyuan with a cold face, Feng Jinyu said nervously: "The first realm of opening meridians can be understood as the realm above the transformation of spirit.

We blood warriors do not cultivate spirits or bodies. We only need to continuously tap our own blood to improve spirits and strength at the same time. Our strength is far above you fools."

Ignoring Feng Jinyu's so-called "fools", Zhou Qingyuan asked the key question.

"Bloodline power? Can I practice it?"

Feng Jinyu shook his head and said:

"It's not that I don't want to teach you."

"Bloodline power is something we are born with. What we do is just to constantly stimulate the power we are born with."

"If you want to become a bloodline warrior, you must open your spirit through the ancestral blood pool and see through the mystery of fetal breath.

You don't have to think about the Golden Crow bloodline of my Feng family, but I can promise you that as long as you help me return to the Changsheng Realm, I will definitely help you find your corresponding bloodline power.

When the time comes, I will come forward in the name of the family and will definitely help you get a chance to absorb the blood pool."

"Can I take others away with me?"

"I advise you not to think about it. The Changsheng Realm is not a good place.

You cultivators who have not awakened the power of bloodline, except for you, a freak, can't survive at all."

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan who was thinking with his head down, Feng Jinyu had no choice.

She was going to rely on her own strength to gather the resources of this world and re-enter the Kaimai realm.

As a result, she was suppressed by Zhou Qingyuan as soon as she was born. Now there is not much time left for her, so she can only be frank.

But Zhou Qingyuan was thinking about something else at this time.

The peaceful days are coming to an end again. Although it is different from what he expected, he is not opposed to starting a new journey now.

Although his current life is comfortable, it is still more or less lacking something.

Zhou Qingyuan gradually discovered that he seemed to be a pioneer in his bones?

Hearing about the existence of the immortal world, he was surprised that he did not have any negative emotions in his heart, but was faintly excited?

When did Zhou Qingyuan start to feel a little bored with everything in this world?

Was it when he found that no matter how hard the people around him tried, they could not even touch his corner?

Or was it when he felt from the bottom of his heart that no one was worthy of restricting him?

The immortal world. Bloodline warriors. A new world is unfolding in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

The difference is that this time his mentality has changed from passive to active.

Although it was also because of the threat that he had to leave the so-called corpse of the ancient god to find a way to cope with the situation.

But he found that he began to enjoy the feeling of constant exploration and conquest.

As his mentality changed, his style of doing things in the future was bound to change accordingly.

"Let's go, we will go to the forbidden land now."

Without seeing Zhou Qingyuan make any move, the spirit cage that bound Feng Jinyu all the time suddenly dissipated, and she finally gained freedom.

"Are you leaving now? Once you leave, you may never come back. Don't you want to say goodbye?"

"No, the operation of this world actually doesn't need my existence anymore."

Zhou Qingyuan looked calm and continued, "Besides, I will see them again later."

Afterwards, where is the after?

Feng Jinyu complained in her heart, even if she didn't lie, this place would be destroyed in three years at most.

In her opinion, Zhou Qingyuan's statement was just a show of strength after abandoning a person in a world and living alone.

Forget it, let's not expose him, it would be bad if he got angry and didn't take me away.

"The guard in the forbidden area is probably at the Kaimai level, and his strength is higher than yours. You alone cannot take him down.

We can only find a chance if we join forces.

You might as well tell me what means you have to deal with the enemy, so that we can discuss and cooperate later.

Don't even think about leaving here if you don't take this man down."

"What means do you have?"

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan seemed to still have concerns, Feng Jinyu secretly spat in his heart and said first:

"My current realm is the Qiling realm, and my physical body is the most powerful weapon."

"So you are useless?"


Feng Jinyu paused, staring at Zhou Qingyuan and unable to speak.

"You don't have to do anything later, just don't get affected."

Zhou Qingyuan's tone was calm, and in Feng Jinyu's opinion, he didn't take the guards who were higher than him seriously at all.

Arrogant guy!

Forget it, when he gets frustrated, he will understand how difficult it is, and then he can cooperate well.

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