I can add one every day

Chapter 114 The world is dying

Zhou Qingyuan sat on the towering peak of the sea of ​​clouds, opened the system, and sorted out his gains in the past two months.

[Taishang Wuqi Guiyuan Jue - Supreme]

[Wu Dan Realm - Supreme]

[Heavenly Principle (Innate Divine Power)]

[Hidden Yuan and Breathing (Divine Power)]

[Imperial Sword (Divine Power)]

[Nine Changes of the True Spirit (Divine Power)]

[Escape from the Void (Divine Power)]

After sweeping the Sun Chaser Realm, he finally found time to upgrade the Wu Dan Realm to the Supreme Realm.

The Wu Dan Golden Dragon now shines like a substance in the body. If necessary, it can even penetrate the body and become a protection similar to the Golden Body Realm.

Taishang Wuqi Guiyuan Jue is originally a combination of five kinds of exercises, so there is no need to look for other exercises. He easily upgraded it to the Supreme Realm.

After the breakthrough, Zhou Qingyuan's body was fully energized. Indistinctly, he felt that he could even exercise authority on behalf of this world.

The body and spirit have reached the pinnacle of this realm, blending seamlessly, and the experience brought to the soul is indescribable.

After Zhou Qingyuan studied the other six breath-retaining techniques to perfection, [Hidden Yuan Breath Retaining Vein Technique (method)] also changed, and the option of adding points reappeared.

After Zhou Qingyuan added points twice, it officially became a magical power.

After this attempt, Zhou Qingyuan finally determined that he could not continue to add points before, just because his knowledge was not enough.

As long as his understanding of magic continues to improve, in theory, he should be able to upgrade any potential magic to the realm of magical power.

In this case, what is there to hesitate about?

Ten new magical powers are now on the system panel, quietly emitting flowing light.

As Zhou Qingyuan mastered more and more magical powers, his understanding of Taoism and spiritual energy became stronger and stronger. Now, even if he uses the same divine control, the effect is completely different from that day.

Now, as long as he wants, no cultivator can use any spiritual energy in front of him.

As for the innate magical power of Tianli, Zhou Qingyuan started to study it immediately after he discovered it by accident, and roughly figured out its usage.

Now, he has developed the art of praying for life in the mortal world through the magical power of Tianli, and any cultivator with spiritual energy can communicate with him through specific prayer techniques.

At the same time, this magical power can help Zhou Qingyuan find places with weak spiritual energy and attack the enemy.

Although it is not as simple and crude as [Divine Control], it is also a very useful magical power.

After solving all the chaos, Zhou Qingyuan, whose spirit and power have reached the peak, finally got time to recuperate.

The entire world of immortal cultivation, under his transformation, has not experienced any unrest in the ten years of peace.

If there were no accidents, such a prosperous world of immortals could have been maintained.

Standing on the steep mountain peaks, in front of the sea of ​​clouds, a melodious flute sounded, with a hint of gentle sadness.

"Fool, this song is quite nice. Does it have a name?"

Zhou Qingyuan put down the jade flute and glanced at the young woman beside him, "[Peach Blossom Island]."

"Peach Blossom Island? What does it mean?"

Zhou Qingyuan ignored the Yaksha King who was at the late stage of the Spiritual Transformation beside him, and quietly looked at the surging sea of ​​clouds in front of him.

After confirming that the pinnacle of cultivation in this world is the Perfect Spiritual Transformation, and that it is no longer possible to increase the realm, Zhou Qingyuan's sense of crisis has been reduced a lot.

Except for the first two months of the establishment of the Heavenly Court, there were a few more things, and then everything quickly got on track.

Now as the most powerful cultivator recognized by the Sun-Chasing Realm, no one can threaten his safety.

Countless beautiful fairies want to enter his eyes, countless young talents try to get his appreciation, and various treasures and divine objects are presented to Zhou Qingyuan through the hands of various people every once in a while.

After mastering the ten magical powers, Zhou Qingyuan's body is already full of ninety-nine golden Dao patterns, completely reaching the upper limit.

Strangely enough, these ninety-nine patterns were very obvious before they were gathered together.

After they were gathered together, they quickly differentiated into mysterious characters hidden under Zhou Qingyuan's body surface, becoming very low-key.

This phenomenon aroused Zhou Qingyuan's interest. After all, this pattern looked very extraordinary, and there must be a secret inside.

Unfortunately, he spent a lot of time studying it, and only deduced that it was some kind of secret inheritance that lacked the conditions for opening, and finally had to give up helplessly.

In the past ten years, Zhou Qingyuan has mastered a total of 3,600 spells, 990 Taoist spells, and 99 magical powers, almost reaching the upper limit of this world.

After that, he officially began to enjoy a retirement-like life in the long leisure time.

Every day, he sat and watched the clouds roll and spread, drank tea facing the scenery, and added points to the twelve arts of cultivation to perfection, and even began to involve piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The song Peach Blossom Island just now was a song he liked very much in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, I, who knew nothing about music theory and sang out of tune in my previous life, made up for the regrets of my previous life in this life.

Zhou Qingyuan is very satisfied with his current life.

The life span of ordinary cultivators who have reached the perfection of the spirit transformation is up to 2,000 years, but he himself does not know how long he can live, as he has a strong physique of a warrior and is always nourished by martial courage and innate energy.

Before he is completely tired of everything, he has plenty of time and strength to enjoy everything in the world.

In the morning, he sees the blue sea and in the evening, he sees the blue sky and climbs the white sun.

The various hardships in the past, the discriminated background, the precarious life, the crisis of the resurrection of the immortal and the blood sacrifice of the whole country.

Everything was slowly forgotten by Zhou Qingyuan in the beautiful scenery.

Maybe after a while, he will be able to completely forget all this.

But at this moment, a voice that ruined the mood came.

"Fool, what do you think about what I said before?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the Yaksha King in front of him with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and his heart was stained with a bit of gloom.

In the fifth year of the Wanfa calendar, the underground Yaksha disaster broke out. Hundreds of Yakshas with cultivation bases above the Nascent Soul appeared from the underground caves, and the Yaksha Lord who led the Yaksha had reached the late stage of the Spiritualization.

If Zhou Qingyuan had not discovered and suppressed it at the first time, I don’t know how much trouble would have been caused.

Feng Jinyu is also very depressed now.

Forced to flee this world, she found a new body to cultivate to the perfect state of [Awakening Spirit], and thought that it was more than enough to deal with the cultivators in this world.

She was thinking about integrating the resources of this world and quickly cultivating back to the Kaimai realm, but who knew that she encountered a heavenly sword as soon as she was born, which almost completely cut off her bloodline power.

If she hadn't begged for mercy early, she would have died like all the other brothers.

Forget it, this is not the time to think about this. Since I can't do it by myself, I'll rely on this killer to return to the world of immortality!

"Based on your ability, I think you have already confirmed it secretly, right?"

Feng Jinyu looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a serious expression.

"This world is dying, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is withering."

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