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Chapter 109 Why did he attack us too?

"What! There is actually a monk who has made the acquired spiritual treasure into a natal magic weapon?"

"Is it possible that this is a misunderstanding?"

"In this case, this disciple may indeed be a demon. We must investigate carefully."

Meng Zongsheng frowned slightly when he saw the words of his three comrades, knowing that things would not go well if he didn't hand over this disciple today.

Not to mention, he is also interested in the secret of body training. After all, according to the experience summarized by all of them, if you want to go further in the realm of transformation, you must strengthen your physical body.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try over the years and find their own methods, they seem to have little success.

Except for a female demon who appeared a hundred years ago and gave them a vague hope, if it weren't for

That's all, in short, they will never miss this opportunity this time.

"In that case, let's call that disciple out and ask him clearly."

When Qi Yuan heard this, his brows knitted together tightly, and his heart started beating violently.

A strong feeling of powerlessness surged into his heart, and his heart began to ache.

Could it be that the same tragedy will happen again?

"Wan Chun, do you know that disciple?"

".I know him."

"Very well, go get him."

"Why bother? We can all go together.

It just so happens that I also want to see what this genius disciple looks like. "

It was about the chance of enlightenment, and no one wanted to let it go, so a large number of people flew towards Wan Zhi Peak.

Zhou Qingyuan was sitting in Wanzhi Peak, meditating on the magic, when his spiritual consciousness suddenly noticed countless tyrannical auras approaching this place arrogantly.

He frowned slightly and walked out of the small building. Countless monks were already standing in the sky.

The six god-transforming monks he led were surrounding him at this moment, with disdainful expressions and searching eyes, like diners choosing meat sticks at a butcher shop.

However, they communicated using their spiritual consciousness, and only Jin Changping deliberately said a mocking word.

"Is this the male demon? It doesn't look like anything special."

Meng Zongsheng walked into the encirclement at this time and said to Zhou Qingyuan: "Don't be afraid, child."

"Let me introduce myself, I am the supreme elder of Wanhua Sect, Meng Zongsheng.

There are rumors outside that you have refined the acquired magic weapon. Is this true? "

Zhou Qingyuan sensed the auras of everyone and knew that the person coming was evil, so he felt a lot of evil energy in his heart.

"So what?"

When Meng Zongsheng saw Zhou Qingyuan admit it in person and his breathing became heavier inadvertently, he couldn't help but ask:

"How did you do it?"

Qi Yuan couldn't help but said:

"Elder, when did we, the righteous monks, start to explore the opportunity of our disciples?

"Such conduct"


The cultivator of Transformation God can also activate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with a casual strike. In addition, he has already activated the pressure of Transformation Soul. Qi Yuan is unable to resist this palm without any preparation.

The monks of the Transformation God looked at this scene with cold expressions and said nothing.

Even in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you dare to interrupt? Don't you look at your identity and strength?

But just when the big handprint transformed from spiritual energy was about to hit Qi Yuan, the figure surrounded by everyone disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Qi Yuan the next moment.

The uniquely shaped magic knife suddenly appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's hand, and it spontaneously protected its owner, easily killing off the attack.

At this time, Zhou Qingyuan's voice sounded leisurely in the field, with a hint of coldness.

"I think it's you who's making the noise, right?"


Jin Changping took a step forward and his face turned red.

"It seems that you can't suppress this disciple, Meng Zongsheng? Then, we will break the agreement and intervene."

Tu Xianhua took one step forward, and on the pale earth, there were piles of bones. In an instant, they turned into ten white-bone giants and surrounded Zhou Qingyuan.

"Demon, I don't have much patience. If you hand over your body training method, I can still pretend that nothing happened."

"What is a demon?"


While Tu Xianhua shook his head, ten white-bone giants were already punching Zhou Qingyuan in unison as their spiritual energy surged.


Facing Master Qi Yuan's worried voice, Zhou Qingyuan pushed with one hand and brought him back to the crowd to face the bone giant alone.

Fortunately, senior brother Fei Jian has gone somewhere this time and is not here at the moment. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome for him to protect two people.


The dust and smoke stirred up, and Zhou Qingyuan's figure was surrounded by thick fog.

"Hey, don't beat people to death."

"Since he is a demon who has mastered the method of body training, how could he die so easily?"

Tu Xianhua walked step by step into the dust and mist without any relaxation in his mind.

Why couldn't he feel the breath of this demon? Is it the devil's unique method?

An idea flashed in his mind, and Tu Xianhua suddenly realized that this trip might not go smoothly.

"This guy is in trouble! Don't."


The strong wind swept through, and the smoke and dust scattered. Zhou Qingyuan stretched out his fingers, and the Soul Demon Sword was like a giant crossbow, piercing Tu Xianhua.

At the same time, Zhou Qingyuan's murderous intention was revealed as he opened and closed his lips.

"Royal God."

The sky is full of murderous intent, and everything is turned upside down.

The white murderous intention appeared, and all the Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators present felt the terrifying energy and their eyes were split open, and they used all their strength to resist.

"Supernatural power!"

Just as the other gods were about to react, ten giant blades formed by countless sword qi condensed in the sky, all aimed at the ten gods in the field.

Now, they were also unable to take care of themselves.

The ten gods showed their magical powers. Tu Xianhua, who was facing Zhou Qingyuan, frowned, and the alarm bells in his heart were ringing loudly.

[Magic Power: White Bone Taoist Temple]

The ten white bone giants collapsed in an instant, and countless skeletons began to build and stack around Tu Xianhua, gradually turning into a white bone giant python with a complex and dense internal structure.


This voice was like a death spell, and the whole Wanzhi Peak burst into a loud noise. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth was affected at this time, becoming violent and dangerous.

The gods, the whole body is energy, the body and soul are combined, and every move can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

Once two gods are allowed to fight desperately, the spiritual energy within a thousand miles will be drained again and again.

The war between cultivators is a war of magical powers and magic weapons, but the most essential thing is still a war of spiritual energy!

At this moment, the dominance of the offensive magical power of the God of Control was fully demonstrated. The ten gods of transformation fought together to compete for the spiritual energy supply of the surrounding thousands of miles, but all of them were at a disadvantage.

The tornado formed by the riot of spiritual energy rolled up countless broken leaves and dust. In the earth-colored tornado, Zhou Qingyuan's murderous voice rang out in the field, like a demon lord awakened by the arrogance of the man.

"I haven't had time to find trouble with you demon cultivators, but you guys came to my door?"

"Just right, let's stay here together."

The ten gods of transformation, who had suffered some losses in the previous fight, looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was walking towards them alone, and their hearts were shocked and speechless.

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