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Chapter 108 Let Zhou Qingyuan come out

"Which Taoist friend is visiting?"

Just as the six sects of the Demonic Path approached the peak of the Wanhua Sect, the elder Meng Zongsheng, who had been in seclusion in the valley, opened his eyes.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered into a spiritual hammer with the will of the spiritual cultivator, and smashed into an ordinary place.


Where the spiritual hammer fell, a five-meter-tall white bone giant suddenly emerged, jumped up to block the blow, causing a huge commotion.

The concealment of the crowd was broken without telling, but it didn't matter, their goal had been achieved.

The blood light flashed in the hands of Li Yuan of the Blood River Sect, and he threw it up lightly. The blood light was like a firework, rising continuously until it reached the dome and split into countless "fireworks".

Under the surging blood light, the sky above the heads of the Wanhua Sect disciples was surrounded by blood.

[Taoism: Luotian Blood River]

The white bone giant that Tu Xianhua had just summoned suddenly split into giant ants made of bones, crawling everywhere.

Every time an ant passed by, the ground turned pale, and new bones were constantly generated on the pale ground, extending outward spontaneously.

The bone ants immediately became more numerous and larger in the newly formed bones, and countless ancient claws grew under their feet, climbing faster.

Obviously, as time went by, all the ground in Wanhua Sect would turn pale, and this person was turning this place into his home court.

[Magic Power: White Bone Taoist Temple]

As the two incarnation monks took action, the world changed in the blink of an eye.

Although Meng Zongmeng knew that the visitor was not kind, he did not expect that this time it was the six major demon sects that joined forces?

What were they going to do, and what brought these people with different thoughts together?

At the same time, he had sounded the sect alarm, and believed that the elders of the other three sects would rush here soon.

"You came to my sect with great fanfare, are you trying to start a war?"

Meng Zongsheng tried to delay time with words. After all, the other party was outnumbered and powerful, and he would definitely not be able to fight alone.

If he really had to sit through a fight, it would be lucky for his Nascent Soul to escape.

And in this case, the Wanhua Sect would certainly be completely destroyed by the fight between the seven Divine Transformation cultivators.

"Old ghost, want to delay time? That's fine."

The short Jin Changping walked out of the crowd, thinking of himself as the leader of the cultivators, and said arrogantly:

"Hand over the disciple named Zhou Qingyuan from your sect, and everything can be discussed."

The Divine Transformation cultivators looked at this scene coldly and said nothing.

They were not united, and even had grievances with each other, but they just gathered together for the sake of interests.

If they took action at this moment, it would not be difficult to destroy Meng Zongsheng's physical body, but the opponent's Nascent Soul would most likely escape.

At that time, being remembered by a Divine Transformation cultivator every day, the losses caused would not be compensated by everyone sharing the Wanhua Sect equally.

Besides, no one wanted to take the lead, and they didn't want to cause trouble if they could achieve their goal without taking action.

After all, some of them have a short lifespan. If Meng Zongsheng desperately grabs one person and dies together, will the other beasts help?

It's good enough that they don't add insult to injury.

Meng Zongsheng saw that the six people came with great fanfare, but they didn't seem to have any intention of taking action, and a little bit of luck rose in his heart.

"You are all outstanding people, but you want to embarrass a disciple of our sect. What's the meaning?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Either you hand over this disciple, or we will start fighting. You decide."

Meng Zongsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing that everyone was thinking differently, and felt a little relieved. He said lightly:

"You can hand over the disciple, but you have to wait for the other three fellows to come first, right?"

Jin Changping's tone was a little impatient, but Tu Xianhua showed a subtle smile at this time and interrupted:

"Okay, anyway, this secret will be of interest to you four."

While everyone was waiting, the leaders of the twelve peaks and the sect leader Wanchun felt the great movement between heaven and earth and rushed over in surprise.

When they saw the six cultivators with unfathomable auras, their faces changed drastically.

Meng Zongsheng sent a message through his spiritual sense, asking everyone to wait and see behind him first, and not to intervene rashly.

After a while, Xun Jianyi, the leader of the Tianjian Sect who was closest, arrived. He was also shocked when he saw the scene on the scene, and quickly communicated with Meng Zongsheng through his spiritual sense.

Qi Yuan looked at a group of silent and numerous great cultivators from afar. For some reason, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He seemed to have seen such a scene before? Was it because of Xiaorou when these people gathered last time?

Qi Yuan's heart subconsciously ached when the name flashed through his mind.

The demon in the eyes of Xiaorou and others

Thinking of Zhou Qingyuan's specialness, Qi Yuan began to panic.

Could these people come for his second disciple?

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan frowned and wanted to leave quietly.

But the next moment, a white bone giant that had grown to ten meters high was blocking Qi Yuan, like a huge wall.

"No one who has come here wants to leave."

Tu Xianhua crossed his arms and looked coldly at Qi Yuan who wanted to leave quietly.

Looking at the silent Grand Elder, Qi Yuan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the second Divine Transformation cultivator had also arrived. Seeing the scene here, he was also shocked.

Then came the third and fourth.

Because of a disciple and a legend of a demon, all ten great cultivators in Shifangzhou gathered here.

Li Yuan looked at this scene with a little sigh in his heart.

Originally, their Xuehe Sect was the first sect to produce the second Divine Transformation cultivator.

Unfortunately, his descendant Li Hua was too arrogant and actually thought that he could see through the secret of Divine Transformation and chose to enter the forbidden area.

As a result, no news has been heard so far.

The eldest disciple Qiu Chiyin seemed to know something, but he died inexplicably outside.

After solving this matter and getting the secret of body forging, Li Yuan must figure out the ins and outs of this.

"Okay, everyone is here, hand over your disciple."

Meng Zongsheng looked at the three fellow Taoists around him, and his heart was much more confident.

Even if the four of them were not as good as the other six, they would always have no problem retreating safely if they worked together.

After all, this was within the Wanhua Sect's sect formation. With the help of the formation, he would not be at a disadvantage even if he fought with the other side.

"You invaded my sect with such fanfare, just because of a disciple?

If you don't explain the reason clearly, it's a bit too much to take my Wanhua Sect seriously?"

Jin Changping has not been involved in worldly affairs for a long time. Feeling the grand scene at the moment, he said with a little excitement:

"You don't know that your disciple has refined the acquired spiritual treasure into a life-long magic weapon?"

"Call him out!"

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