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Chapter 103 Nascent Soul Stage, Breakthrough

"Go in. Based on your accumulated contributions, you can only choose one [Dharma]-level technique at most."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded and walked into the transfer hall.

He came here not to find a certain technique, but to verify a possibility in his mind.

Since entering the world of cultivating immortals, he has experienced several battles, and there is always something that makes him feel very weird.

That is, the monks in this world don't seem to cultivate the physical body, but only cultivate spiritual power.

Therefore, regardless of their level, once their spiritual shield is broken, they will fall into a life and death crisis.

Is it because the body-building techniques in this world are too difficult to practice, or is it?

Walking in the Chuan Gong Hall, the level of spells on the floors below is too low, and some are even at the level of weapon skills. A single jade slip carries several spells.

There is a seal on the jade slip. After the spiritual consciousness penetrates, you can only see the spells included in it, but cannot understand the content behind it, so that the disciples in the sect can exchange for the spells they want.

Zhou Qingyuan's consciousness quickly passed through each spell name, and the conjecture in his heart became more and more certain.


After walking out of the Chuan Gong Hall, Zhou Qingyuan breathed out gently, digesting the shock in his heart.

No, not a single one.

In the entire Chuan Gong Hall, there is not even a single method related to body training.

Combined with the previous behavior of the immortal being separated and sent to death, as well as the vulnerable bodies of the monks, Zhou Qingyuan became more and more curious and hurried back to Wan Zhi Peak.

"What's wrong with you?"

Qi Yuan, who was working in the medicine fields, rarely saw Zhou Qingyuan's distraught look and asked with concern.

"Master, is there no method in this world that can strengthen the body?"

When Qi Yuan heard this question, he smiled slightly and said:

"After all, you have been exposed to the art of body refining in the mortal world, so it's no wonder you have this idea."

Later, he gave an affirmative answer:

"No, someone has already proposed the idea of ​​using spiritual energy to fortify the body, but no monk has ever succeeded.

Reiki is a highly toxic thing to our bodies. After completing pranayama, it is not easy for us to adapt to and use it.

If you want to use it to strengthen your body, the whole process is extremely dangerous and the difficulty is as high as climbing to the sky.

Throughout the ages, no monks have tried this, but no matter what kind of talent they were, the monks who finally tried died under their own aura.

As time goes by, no one can do this anymore.

Apart from"

Speaking of this, Qi Yuan suddenly fell into silence, and his eyes became sad.

He turned his back, not wanting his disciples to see the dejection on his face, and in Zhou Qingyuan's mind came the message that Qi Yuan had conveyed with his spiritual consciousness.

[In short, I can confirm that there is no body training method in this world, and I advise you not to try it easily.

Once it fails, it will at least cause your body to leak from the side and no longer be able to store a large amount of spiritual energy. In severe cases, the spiritual energy will explode directly and the body will die. 】

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Qi Yuan, who had his back turned, and frowned slightly. He didn't know what point he had touched that made this indifferent old Taoist become so sad.

Is it related to the method of body training? Could it be that the master's former friends also tried the body-building method but failed in the end?

Zhou Qingyuan suppressed the doubts in his heart and said to Qi Yuan:

"Thank you, master, for clearing up the confusion. I won't disturb you further."

Qi Yuan, who used to leave Zhou Qingyuan to drink a glass of fruit wine, still kept his back to his disciple.

He did not choose to continue the sound transmission with his spiritual consciousness, but his throat moved slightly, and a weak and hoarse voice came out.


Zhou Qingyuan returned to his small building and digested his findings.

The monks in this world only cultivate the spirit and not the body? No wonder their bodies are so fragile.

At the same time, Zhou Qingyuan's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up. In this case, wouldn't he be the only person in this world who has both spiritual and martial arts skills?

"In the tens of thousands of years of history of the world of immortality, has no monk ever succeeded? This is a bit ridiculous."

Is there something hidden in this?

Reminiscent of Qi Yuan's sad gesture before, Zhou Qingyuan decided not to reveal his level of physical training unless necessary.

Of course, after this outing, Zhou Qingyuan had already made up his mind to practice to his limit before leaving.

Opening the system panel, Zhou Qingyuan wanted to add some points directly, but couldn't help but let out a sigh.

At this moment, a new line of text appeared in the space above the magical power.

【? ? (Natural magical power)]

"My natal magical power? When did it appear?"

After thinking for a while to no avail, Zhou Qingyuan decided to let it go and turned his attention to another line of information.

[Tai Shang Five Qi Gui Yuan Jue-Dacheng]+

Zhou Qingyuan had already tried the Taoist method [Zhuan Dan Jue] previously obtained, but it was of no use.

He also has his natal magic weapon, which is still the highest level innate spiritual treasure. What other factors can prevent him from entering the realm of Nascent Soul?

This barrier that he once regarded as a chasm in the sky was finally broken through. Unfortunately, it was still too late.

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes showed a bit of sadness, and he clicked on the + sign on the frame.

[Tai Shang Five Qi Returning to the Origin Technique - Perfection]

With the addition of points completed, the first thing to undergo transformation was Zhou Qingyuan's golden elixir.

Previously, there were already thirty-one lines on his golden elixir. Now, as he was promoted to the realm of Nascent Soul, and driven by his strong accumulation, twenty more lines appeared in his lower dantian and merged into the golden elixir. .


The flawless golden elixir suddenly made a crisp cracking sound, releasing infinite light from inside, and the entire golden elixir began to melt.

A stream of green spiritual energy appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's body, and its quality was far superior to the spiritual energy in the previous golden elixir.

At the same time, a male baby-like energy body appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, sitting in the center, with the same face as Zhou Qingyuan when he was young.

With the birth of the Nascent Soul, Zhou Qingyuan's consciousness began to expand, rising from the original 400 miles to 4,000 miles in one breath, a full tenfold increase!

This is not over yet. After his realm entered the Nascent Soul realm, the green spiritual energy in his body began to roar and roar, and his realm continued to rise without a moment's pause!

The early stage of the Nascent Soul, the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and the perfect Nascent Soul!

The consciousness also began to rise again from 4,000 miles, 5,000 miles, 6,000 miles, and 7,000 miles!

The expansion of the consciousness did not stop until it reached 7,000 miles!

Before this, Zhou Qingyuan's spiritual sense detection range was only 400 miles.

The gap between the perfection of the Jindan stage and the perfection of the Yuanying stage is so huge that it is simply astonishing.

Zhou Qingyuan adapted to the spiritual sense that suddenly became countless times stronger. With a subconscious thought, a storm caused by spiritual sense had erupted on the mountain where the small building was located.

This is the spiritual sense pressure exclusive to Yuanying stage cultivators, and only those with strong spiritual sense can use it!

"Boom boom boom"

The sound of muffled thunder sounded above Wanzhi Peak, and thunderclouds that stretched for thousands of miles began to gather above the small building.

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