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Chapter 102: Innate magical power, spiritual treasure magical power

A magical power blasted away the thunder tribulation above his head. It didn't matter whether it was the Five Metal Thunder Tribulation or the Thirty-Nine Thunder Tribulation. Zhou Qingyuan didn't care.

He stepped into this world of immortal cultivation without knowing anything, and broke all obstacles with great power.

Except for the two cultivators Li Hua and Qiu Chiyin who brought a cloud of sorrow to Zhou Qingyuan's heart at the beginning, nothing else could make him feel frustrated.

He gradually began to have great pride and ambition in his heart. This thought that no one in the world could stop him quietly planted a seed, waiting to take root and sprout.

On the panel, a new line of text quietly appeared at this time.

[? ? (Innate magical power)]

A new magical power began to be nurtured, but it had nothing to do with the system, but was caused by Zhou Qingyuan's own thoughts.

As long as Zhou Qingyuan can keep this invincible momentum, sooner or later, this unknown magical power will show its full appearance.

Zhou Qingyuan held the magic knife in his hand, looked at the many mysterious golden Dao patterns above, and nodded.

The once eerie and terrifying demon sword, now under the cleansing of the natal Dan fire and the golden Dao pattern, has become somewhat "handsome".

"Should I give you a name?"

"Soul, Sha."

"Did you come up with this?"

Feeling the demon sword in his hand tremble slightly, Zhou Qingyuan nodded and said nothing.

It's just the name of a sword, not important.

"Zhou Qingyuan, why is it you?"

The twelve peak masters and the sect master saw the thunder tribulation dissipate and fell outside the Wanzhi Peak together.

When they saw that the person holding the sword was Zhou Qingyuan, their eyes shrank, and their attention could not help but flow to the demon sword in his hand.

Feeling the aura of Taoism flowing on the blade, Master Guangtie, the head of Wanzhu Peak, was so excited that he trembled and said:

"Innate spiritual treasure! It is really an innate spiritual treasure! Zhou Qingyuan, how did you do it?"

"Is it really an innate spiritual treasure? Why does an innate spiritual treasure appear in the hands of a disciple?"

"Everyone, I will tell you the reason later when I understand it clearly."

Qi Yuan took a step forward and blocked the inquiring eyes of the other peak masters, "As for now, please don't disturb my disciples."

As the spiritual light flashed, the mountain protection formation of Wanzhi Peak was activated, and the peak masters were strongly excluded.

Of course, this was also the result of the lack of resistance by the peak masters.

Everyone was driven out of Wanzhi Peak, surprised by Qi Yuan's decisiveness and impoliteness, and directly stood outside the peak to communicate.

At this time, they had no time to consider such things as a genius disciple from a sect or the future of a sect.

Innate spiritual treasures, even though the youngest one present had lived for more than 200 years, they had never seen an innate spiritual treasure.

Even the lotus of rebirth, which was the most precious treasure of the sect, was only an acquired spiritual treasure. The power it showed in several battles had already frightened them.

Now this disciple actually mastered the innate spiritual treasure.

At this moment, regret was like a vine that slowly wrapped around everyone's shoulders from the soles of their feet, binding them tightly.

Although they thought they had done their best, it would have been better if they had put more effort into recruiting that young man in the hall.

If only they had stood up first instead of Qi Yuan when Granny Hua started to make things difficult.

And Granny Hua, who was missed by everyone, was calm at this time. As long as Zhou Qingyuan was a disciple of her Wanhua Sect, it didn't matter whether he was her disciple or not.

However, I really should find a time to apologize to him. Quickly, the sooner the better.

After everyone dispersed, a figure activated the long-distance teleportation array and delivered a message.

The magic knife has been promoted to an innate spiritual treasure in the hands of Zhou Qingyuan, a disciple of Wanhua Sect.

Even the person who sent the message did not expect that this magic knife had been refined by Zhou Qingyuan into a life magic weapon, which was difficult to be easily divided.

Qi Yuan looked at the soul demon with a big eyeball on the handle of the knife, frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking:

"Why did you refine such a magic weapon? This kind of weapon spirit is easy to harm the master."

"No problem."

Zhou Qingyuan's voice was calm, but his words were full of extreme confidence and power:

"It's just a weapon spirit. If it can't figure out its own position, I will destroy it."

"Gah, sizzle, sizzle."

The demon eye stretched out a big tongue again, licking Zhou Qingyuan's hand flatteringly, using actions to show that such a thing would never happen.

If it was forcibly refined by Zhou Qingyuan, it might still be a little resentful in its heart, but at this time it had been completely refined by Zhou Qingyuan into a life magic weapon, which meant that both its body and soul were occupied, and it was difficult to have second thoughts.

Qi Yuan looked at this scene, shook his head, and no longer insisted.

He believed in Zhou Qingyuan's opinion, and he would not try to change this disciple's mind.

This was the case before, and it was even more so after he learned that Zhou Qingyuan had mastered a magical power.

This disciple, I'm afraid... Let alone waiting for three hundred years, Qi Yuan always had a hunch in his heart that perhaps within thirty years, this disciple would surpass himself.

"How did you refine the innate spiritual treasure? Can you tell me about it?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Yuan immediately added:

"Of course, if you don't want to say it, or if it involves some secrets, don't say it, I will help you get rid of them."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head. Although he didn't care much about the so-called innate spiritual treasure, it didn't mean that he would tell his secrets to others.

If someone is really interested and brave enough, just ask it yourself.

It just so happens that he also wants to try, what kind of power does the so-called innate spiritual treasure have?

According to the Demon Sword Soul Evil, it currently has three functions: [Soul Breaking], [Soul Chasing], and [Soul Robbery].

Soul Breaking targets various magic weapons, talismans, and even spells that use spiritual energy as a medium.

As long as the spiritual power carrier is attacked by the Soul Evil, a certain degree of disorder will occur. The more attacks it endures, the more severe the degree.

Soul Chasing is an attack specifically targeting the spiritual consciousness. As long as the opponent's spiritual power is attacked, the resonance force can be extended to vibrate the spiritual consciousness and cause mental pollution.

It is somewhat similar to Zhou Qingyuan's golden pill fire, but the effect will be stronger.

After knowing this function, Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help looking forward to it. If the golden pill fire is used on the magic sword, can it create an effect of 1+1\u003e2?

As for the last robbery, it is a magical power unique to the Soul Evil Demon Sword.

Every time the Soul Evil Demon Sword attacks the same person, it can pry the energy of heaven and earth and accumulate the power of resonance between heaven and earth.

It only takes nine attacks to detonate the power of heaven and earth. According to Hunsha, the lethality will not be weaker than the white light he blocked before.

"You can actually compare with my magical power? Is this true?"

"Ha ha ha!"

The magic eye on the broadsword gave an excited smile, but did not use the divine sense to answer Zhou Qingyuan's question, obviously a little proud.

Zhou Qingyuan did not care and did not have the slightest doubt about the power of Yu Shen.

After all, the Yu Shen that Hunsha's magic knife faced at that time was just a castrated version of what he used in the foundation-building period.

He knew the real power of Yu Shen.

"Then. The matter of the natal magic weapon is also settled, and it's time to figure out another thing."

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