I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Door-to-door service

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The sky is blue and there are paper cranes outside the window.

Today's Sangao gate is quite lively, with three buses parked and ready to go.

There are also many parents who personally send their children to school.

After all, the three-college exam is equivalent to a mid-term exam for them and they have to pay attention.

If the child can really do well in the exam and get a very expensive scholarship, it may be worth one month's salary.

Of course, there are also different kinds.

Xie Yao saw a young couple from a distance, sneaking around in a hidden corner at the school gate.

Good guy, in broad daylight, the world is bright, so dare to be so courageous!

Through identification, Xie Yao found that this seemed to be a student in Class 13, and one of the four classes in which he taught Potions.

Xie Yao remembered their looks, and if their grades were not affected, they would be deemed not to have seen them. Once they found that their grades had dropped, they would go to the Academic Affairs Office to report their puppies and set things right.

"Teacher Xie, go and see Yan'er first." Jin Qingxi leaned forward, causing several parents and students nearby to turn their heads slightly and look surprised.

What weird behavior is this pretty doing?

Xie Yao didn't change his face: "Okay, remember not to leave school."

"Good." Jin Qingxi left with a smile.

Xie Yao squinted behind, watching her gracefully twisting her hips and legs, gradually disappearing.

Sheng Caicai pouted her lips, and said sourly, "I can't see it anymore, just watch it? Can't I usually watch it at home? Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, he was knocked on his head, and he immediately glared at Xie Yao, his knees bent slightly, like an angry kitten, ready to be kicked out at any time.

Xie Yao raised his eyebrows: "Oh? I'm bold, it seems that you have made a breakthrough recently? Have two tricks."

"..." Sheng Caicai's expression immediately stiffened, and he stuck out his tongue: "Dare not dare."

Of course, even though she was convinced with her mouth, she was not convinced in her heart, and secretly scolded him for bullying and bullying herself.

Then the two separated and entered the school gate.

Sheng Caicai hurried back to the classroom.

After the 16th class, the surviving students basically chose to suspend school for a year, and the few who continued to attend classes were divided into 15 classes.

At the first math test at nine o'clock, Cai Cai had to hug Buddhism, because mathematics is her weak subject.

Xie Yao was embarrassed to hit her. Mathematics is really useless to hug Hua Luogeng. It might be useful to hug Hua Luogeng.

Unfortunately, this peerless martial arts has been lost.

Let her go.

"Don't forget, gather at 7:30, you contestants are going to a college exam." Xie Yao reminded.

"I know!" Sheng Caicai waved as he ran and got into the teaching building.

Xie Yao lost a smile, looked back at the direction of the West Campus, narrowed his eyes, didn't say much, and went straight to the laboratory.


In today's laboratory building, there are many people coming in and out.

Banners and slogans are often used to encourage students to work hard.

Whenever taking an exam, a part of the laboratory will be requisitioned to be used as an examination room for cultural examinations.

Fortunately, there are many laboratory buildings with three highs, which is not very stressful.

Xie Yao returned to his laboratory and found that the tables were also neatly arranged on the list of expropriated examination rooms.

Ling Haijing is not there, and I don't know if he hasn't gotten up to school yet or if he has already gone to the bus to wait.

Xie Yao entered the storage room and searched for a long time to find a few idle books.

One is "The Origin of the New Generation of Buddhism", one is "Eight Doors Explained", and the other is "High-Order Potions: Micro-Life Demon Seeds".

Because of the invigilation of the cultural exams, these two days will inevitably be very boring, so Xie Yao must bring something to polish his time.

Of the two books, the former is used to explore the Buddhist sect's claims about supernatural powers. You can compare them with each other to see if you can find a reference for this one in your own body.

The latter, the detailed explanation of the Eight Doors, is used to study the cultivation of the primordial power of the condensed mood, learn some experience, and try to apply it to oneself.

The microbeing magic seed is to expand knowledge. In the field of potions, knowledge can sometimes become power.

Putting the books to be read into the backpack, Xie Yao found some snacks that Ling Haijing collected, some special flavored jerky, and helped her put them away.

The matter of cultural people cannot be called stealing.

"...The jerky tastes really good."

Xie Yao opened a bag, took out a few slices and tasted it.

It is dried pork, this thing is rare in this world.

Just after finishing this, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.


Xie Yao looked up.

In his perception, there were about seven or eight samurai coming outside, and there were still a few good hands with nine tricks.

How many elite sports coaches in the school?

What are they here for?

Xie Yao was curious, and the group of people broke in without knocking at the door.

Bang bang bang!

Not a physical coach.

This is a group of men with straight suits but explosive muscles. They locked the door with their backhands as soon as they came in. A group of people stood in line at the door, looking well-trained.


A pair of piercing eyes, at the same time, they gathered their eyes and looked at Xie Yao quietly.

Xie Yao still bit a piece of dried meat in his mouth and looked at them quietly.

This dress...

Tiancheng Group? How did they get in?

Yes, there are too many students this morning, the access control is not so strict, and the principal is at school, everyone has a more relaxed mentality, and it is understandable that they mixed in...

No, don’t mess around, the security might even think that they are the drivers of the passenger cars coming in...

Xie Yao kept talking while guessing.

As we all know, dried meat is sweet and salty, which stimulates the taste buds. If you don't move your mouth, your saliva will be full.

Haw... haw

The air was very quiet, except for the sound of eating, there was only the eyes of everyone who could barely maintain.

The original tense atmosphere could not be created.

The scene was very embarrassing.


The whole paragraph collapsed.

Upon seeing this, the head of the person directly coughed and stood up.

This person is about thirty years old, with an arrogant look on his face, and there is no wave of vitality on his body.

But he was very confident, and everyone looked like he was the leader.

Holding a photo in his hand, he contrasted it back and forth: "You are Xie Yao? Our boss invites you to take a trip."


Xie Yao ate a piece, after a little thought, took out another piece and pinched it in his hand. This tightened the bag and stopped taking any more.

Then, he tilted his head slightly to look at the other party, glanced around, his eyes filled with doubts, as if he was looking at a fool without speaking.


The man's expression became stiff, hehe sneered and said, "Our boss, Tiancheng Group, Baiyunfeng!"


Xie Yao still didn't speak, and glanced around again, then stuffed the dark red slice of meat in his hand with a clear texture like bacon in his mouth.

The attitude was so plain that they felt a little dreamy.


"Don't eat!" The man slapped the table sharply, his eyes fired: "You can't hear me talking to you?"

Xie Yao stared at him blankly, his mouth bulging.

This made the man feel like he was punching the cotton, and he said coldly: "Don't pretend to be a fool! We know that you showed up last night, come with us, don't toast or punish you!"

Xie Yao: Ha ha ha ha... ha.

Big guys: -_-

One minute later ~www.ltnovel.com~ Xie Yao's Adam's apple rolls, swallows the fully chewed meat, and looks at each other with suspicious and somewhat weird eyes.

When the man couldn't bear it, Xie Yao finally wiped his mouth and said:

"Are you literate?"


The man got stuck at his mouth, wondering: "What did you say?"

"I ask you, do you recognize this word? Do you know how many ways it can be written?"

Xie Yao opened his hands, and a word was printed impressively on the desktop:


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