I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Never peace and prosperity

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There is nothing new under the sun.

Xie Yao watched for a while, and there were many passers-by talking about it, acting as an explanation, and probably understood the whole story.

The young woman on the ground who was rolling and crying constantly was named Shen Xiaorong, a sales lady from Tiancheng Real Estate Group. (Note 1)

The man who was scolded, Lian Yiquan, was originally just an ordinary salesperson, but with some skill, he stepped up to the position of vice president.

After ten years of hard work, when he is in his early days, who ever thought that the man would be the daughter of the Celestial boss, turned his face and refused to recognize him, and backhanded his ex-girlfriend as a mistress.

Most of the people who spoke were employees of the sales office.

This plot...My name is Chen Shimei in the last days?

Xie Yao touched his chin, feeling that this woman was also very pitiful, and could only say that she was inhumane.

"My first... Obviously my first..."

"Call that **** Lian Yiquan out!"

The woman fell to the ground, holding Jin Chan at the door crying and cursing.

The crowd watched excitedly and kept pointing and pointing.

There are still many people here who know her and are colleagues, but no one helps her.

Every family sweeps the snow on their own, but they don't care about the frost on others.

The few small security guards next to him were watching at a loss, not knowing what to do for a while.

Seeing that more and more people were watching, it greatly affected the company's business, and finally a group of people came down.

A large group of security guards with suits and leather shoes and muscles were surrounded by a handsome young man.

"This person is Lian Yiquan? It's no wonder that he will be attracted by the daughter of Tiancheng, he is really good-looking, and I am 30% of the level." Xie Yao said in his heart.

This group of people quickly cleared a space.

Lian Yiquan stared at the woman, his eyes changed, and annoyed: "What are you doing here? I've said everything, haven't we anymore?"

It's strange to say that before he came out, Shen Xiaorong was still yelling, using the words to be tricky, and the foul language was endless, just like a shrew.

As a result, in front of him, the woman didn't scold her, but hugged his thigh and cried, "Yiquan, I was wrong. Will you come back to me?"

The crowd around the audience sighed and didn't know what to say. Many people gave Lian Yi all pointers.

"Bitch girl, do you want money, I'll give it to you, don't bother me!"

Lian Yiquan's expression changed, and he slapped her away, shoving a lot of white federal banknotes on his head, and turned his head away.

The surrounding people exclaimed, and several of them squatted down, pretending to be inadvertent, and picked up a few that were scattered to the side.

This Lian Yiquan shot is also generous, a rough count, but also thrown out tens of thousands.

"I don't want money, I don't want money. Yiquan, don't leave me!"

Shen Xiaorong wanted to rush inside, but was pushed to the ground by the security guard, crying loudly, but just grabbing Lian Yiquan's clothes.

A glass door, separated by two people, one grabbed the other, and everyone laughed.

When it was a farce, it was just a show of excitement by others.

At this time, the enemies who had been in a deadlock for a long time changed again.

Lian Yiquan slapped Shen Xiaorong severely again. Seeing that she still refused to let go, he said viciously at the security guard next to him: "Trash, what did you do for you? Don't do it!"


The sturdy arm pushed Shen Xiaorong away, and then he screamed and kicked the woman's abdomen.

The security captain had a black face and a body like a gorilla, and his breath was even more open. With this kick, even if the force was held back, the woman's half life would be gone.

At this moment, a delicate and powerful hand leaned in obliquely.

With a bang, a wave of air was blown and the spectators around were pushed up and down.

When everyone came back to their senses, and looked at the crowd, there was no idea when there was a young man with a handsome face than Pan An, smiling and pinching the security captain's ankle.

The size of the two is very different. The security captain said that he was two meters tall and looked like a bear, but was held by the man lightly and could not move.

The young girls and young ladies onlookers stayed for a while, and then screamed.


"Let go of Captain!"

Several other security guards exclaimed and lifted their clothes back, as if they were going to copy the guy.

There was a bulge in the trouser pocket, and it was hard not to doubt whether the gun was hidden in it.

"do not move!"

The security captain's complexion changed and found that he could not move. He was shocked and hurriedly stopped his men. He lowered his posture and said, "Which way is this brother? You want to be the first bird?"

Xie Yao said indifferently: "It's almost done, so many big men, all of them are martial arts in the resuscitation stage, bullying people and girls, do you want to point your face?"

As soon as Xie Yao let go, the security captain couldn't stand still and flew out with his feet on the ground.

However, Xie Yao started with a sense of measure, and the security captain just stopped at the distance that was about to break the glass.

"Ah this..."

Seeing the bad news, the other security guards stopped their hands one after another, but felt the chilly wind blowing under their feet, and they could not stand steady one by one, and all fell to the ground.


The scene suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone's eyes were on Xie Yao.

Everyone is down, and you are standing alone. It's really hard not to be conspicuous.

Lian Yiquan's face changed slightly, and his expression lied inwardly: "You...what do you want to do?"

Xie Yao sneered, but ignored him, clapped his hands, and left with the two girls.

He shot out inexplicably, and walked so confusingly;

Said he was watching a show, but he took care of it and fell down to keep it safe;

He thought he was going to be a female, but he went on his own again.

It's really uncomfortable.

Especially Lian Yiquan, he clearly saw the disdain of him in the other's eyes, and saw so many people watching his jokes, he was suddenly trembling with anger.

But when he saw the security guard who had fallen to the ground, he knew that he had encountered stubborn stubbornness, so he didn't dare to say much nonsense, and almost fled away, causing a roar of laughter outside.

The man ran to the elevator door and paused. As soon as the elevator door opened, a tall and beautiful rich lady walked out of it.

This glamorous and luxuriously dressed woman, holding his arm, her identity is self-evident, the daughter of the boss of Amagi.

Shen Xiaorong, who was dumbfounded at the door, saw this scene. First, she was all over her body, and then she shouted like crazy: "Let me go and let me in, Lian Yiquan, please make it clear that I am not a junior, I am not a junior!"

The eldest lady in Tiancheng chuckled and did not speak, arm in arm with her lover, and disappeared from her sight.

"...I am not a junior...I am not..."

Shen Xiaorong seemed to have lost her soul, sitting on the banknotes all over the floor, her eyes lost.

She didn't leave, she just sat at the gate, as if she had lost a child.

But this time, the surrounding security guards looked at each other and didn't dare to beat people easily. They were very persuasive and had a gentle voice. Everyone shed tears when they saw it. Someone who didn't know might still think this was a widowed woman. Caring for the organization.

The only one in the audience who was stunned after eating melon was Xiao Cheng.

Holding the best house purchase plan in her hand, she looked left and right with a dazed expression.

Where is my client?

What about my three clients?

The matter of buying a house tonight is ruined.

Xie Yao is not interested in buying a house in such a company.

It's not hypocrisy, but just because of the management's virtues. When the product quality goes wrong, can you count on others to do their best?

Back to the West End, got out of the car and walked on the road.

Suddenly, Jin Qingxi frowned for no reason: "Those who are unlucky enough should die."

Xie Yao:...

Sheng Cai Cai:...

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

She is so murderous!

Xie Yao got a chill suddenly behind him, and curiously said, "Did your ancestor move out of the Flower Palace?"

"Huh?" Jin Qingxi was asked in a daze, "What?"

Sheng Caicai was also curious: "Which school is Yihua Palace?"

Xie Yao touched his chin, did not answer, and stepped into the dark alley first, with pattering footsteps.

The two were very angry.

There are two kinds of people who hate most in the world, one is half talking,

Nothing happened overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, the rooster cried three times, and Xie Yao got up early.

Push open the window to take a breath of fresh air, and pull out the golden egg against the red sunrise in the east, and with a single tap, sign in.

"Sign-in is successful! You have gotten bonus points *1"

"Seventh sign-in progress: 3"

Thunder can't move a little bit.

Xie Yao added to the talent of potions, and the puppet was +21.

The bones all over his body rattled and the heat was full.

Xie Yao stretched his waist, feeling the change of potion talent after breaking through 20.

"Sure enough, I jump one level every time I add five, within 2 kilometers, you can see everything..."

The shadow stretched crazily on the ground, Xie Yao felt the increase in physical strength, and the mystery of being comparable to the miniature in the pocket of a thousand li households without leaving the house, and he was a little bit happy. ,

He is going to ask Cai Cai to get up earlier. Today is Wednesday, he wants to arrive at school earlier, and then he will set off together to the No. 1 High School in the Eastern District to participate in the entrance exam.

At this moment, in the street market downstairs, a small man who sold newspapers ran by:

"Extra nickname! Miss Tiancheng Group was killed in her house! Thousands of family fortunes were scattered overnight!

"Today's headlines! If you want to buy, hurry up~"

The crisp and loud voice tore the tranquility of the dawn.

? ? ?

Xie Yao looked down, and saw the boy in the hat riding a bicycle through the alley full of breakfast and grocery shopping stalls.

"Hey, brother." Xie Yao stood at the window, raising his voice to call him, "Bring me a copy of the newspaper."

With a tear on the brakes, the newspaper seller drifted around a corner, wrapped the folded newspaper with a small piece of wood, and threw it up far away, saying loudly: "Come on, boss, 5 yuan a piece!"

"I'll give you ten yuan and go have breakfast." Xie Yao threw down the ten yuan left yesterday.

"Thank you, boss, the boss is as good as the East China Sea! The dragon is fine and the tiger is fierce!" The young man sang auspicious words and left happily.

Xie Yao opened today's Andingcheng Daily and found that the front page took up a large part.

Title: The eldest lady and vice president of Tiancheng Group hanged on the roof!

The following said: At three o'clock in the morning on November 18, Tiancheng vice president Lian Yiquan and Tiancheng daughter Baiguyu were found hanged on the rooftop.

Below the title, there is a photo and description.

The eyewitness was an astronomical observing enthusiast in the opposite building. He had got up in the middle of the night and was going to observe the weather. He accidentally discovered two bags of strange things hanging in the distance. When he took a photo with the telescope, he saw two things. A hanged man was so scared that he hurried to report the crime.

The photo is not very clear, and only two people can be seen roughly. The posture is very strange, as if praying, hanging on the handrail of the fire ladder.

The Andingcheng Daily is also strong enough to release this kind of big news. As for the follow-up content, it must be completely controlled by the Eastern District Public Security Bureau. Before the case is solved, it will not be easily spread-the city center is all belonging to the Eastern District Public Security Bureau. Jurisdiction.

"It's really dead. It sells newspapers and runs the train, but it's not a complete headline party...

"Moreover, this strange way of death, from the photos, I can see that it is definitely not a normal death." Xie Yao is sure.

Can ordinary people hang themselves on a handrail just over a meter?

How much perseverance is this to ensure that I can keep curling up without touching the ground?

The difficulty is much higher than suffocating yourself in the basin!

Xie Yao's eyes were solemn, and he looked at the door of the room, as if he could see through the wall.

At this moment, the door was opened at once.

Wearing a thin pink girl's pajamas, her hair has just been washed, and she put her wet on her chest, and suddenly Jin Qingxi, full of seduction, appeared.

She was holding the doorknob, her face was slightly pale, she bit her lip, and said with a sad expression: "Teacher Xie, it was not made by a concubine."

Xie Yao:? ? ?

Damn, you know how to read minds, right? I just thought of it just now. Don't ask, I didn't even have time to doubt it!

Xie Yao was silent, watching the news in the newspaper, touching his chin, thinking for a while and said:

"Don't go out today, stay at home honestly. After such things happen, the people in Tiancheng are probably in a mess. You have to prevent them from biting people."

This is really unfortunate. The influence of the big boss of Tiancheng is not small. Although it is only a mortal, but money has accumulated to a certain thickness, as long as you can hold it, it is strength.

Xie Yao guessed that in all likelihood, this matter was done by a certain enemy in Tiancheng. Of course, the possibility of random crimes was not ruled out.

The Eastern District is afraid that the undercurrent will be surging for a while.

After thinking about it, Xie Yao changed his words again: "Forget it, don't stay at home today, go to school, just say visit Xu Yan, you can stay in my laboratory."

"Okay, it's all up to you to arrange for the concubine." Jin Qingxi said.

He was caring about me... there was warmth in her eyes.

Suddenly, the woman's eyes waved, and finally landed on one-half of Xie Yao's. She gradually became surprised, and her red mouth opened slightly.


The atmosphere that was still somewhat solemn instantly became anxious. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Xie Yaomu blushed for a while, and covered his pants with a newspaper: "I just got up, but I haven't washed it yet."

"Yeah, then you wash it first." Jin Qingxi's face was red, and the little chicken nodded as if pecking at the rice, and went out in a panic.

Xie Yao breathed a sigh of relief. He lowered his head and patted the healthy and healthy Xie Xiaoyao. He thought that he was at the pinnacle of physical skill and had a non-sullied golden body, but he still couldn't escape Uncle Chen's visit, and he was speechless.

At less than 6:40, the three of them went out and rushed to the third high school in the morning on the second bus.

Note 1: Tiancheng real estate in the text is a non-concrete abstract concept, any similarity is purely coincidental.

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