I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 216: Children hold 0 gold

, The fastest update I can absorb the latest chapter of mental pollution!

"It's a pity that the teacher of the martial arts competition can't take part in person, otherwise, would I be able to take the limelight again this time?"

Xie Yao sighed secretly, then turned the pen and asked, "Excuse me, every teacher has a qualification for recommendation, right?"

Zhang Qiren just mentioned that he could recommend students to participate in the competition, but Xie Yao almost forgot. Fortunately, the big poster next to it reads "Registration Rules for the Three-University Joint Examination Competition."

Everyone has to take the ordinary cultural examinations, but there are registration rules for the competitions.

Applicants are required to meet one of the following three points:

1. Yuanli resuscitation

2. Provide proof of potion resonance

3. Teacher recommendation.


The staff member responsible for registration at this counter is a sweet-looking young woman who has just joined the job.

She was secretly looking at Xie Yao's face, when Xie Yao just raised her head, the two of them ran into each other's eyes, and her face was flushed.

She hurriedly looked away and stammered: "Ah, yes... yes. Teacher Xie, would you like to recommend it?"

"Yes, how many people can you recommend?"

"Each potion or physical skill teacher can only recommend one person."

"Where is it written?"

"Here here!"

The female staff member hurriedly leaned out and pointed Xie Yao's position, but somehow, she suddenly felt that her legs were inexplicably soft, and she leaned forward when she slipped.

Seeing that he was about to knock to the corner of the table, his body was suddenly held firmly by a jade-white but very powerful hand.

Looking up, it was a handsome face that completely satisfied all her fantasies about the word Prince Charming.

I was looking down at her with deep eyes, and a gentle voice came from my ear: "Be careful."

"Thank you." The voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"Write this?"

"Yes." The girl said.

Xie Yao slowly wrote the name of Sheng Cai Cai in lower letters that were easy to identify.

Then I signed my name at the recommender, and the handwriting was much scribbled and difficult to imitate.

"Thanks." Xie Yao put down his pen.

"You're welcome...Ah, yes, you should." The girl hurriedly closed the application form and sat down to type in the computer. The bunny jumped wildly in her chest, and Xie Yao's face was all in her mind.

Hiss, this skin that can be broken by a blow... this jealous look...

The gentleness that bows the head most, is just like the shyness of a lotus flower in a cold breeze?

Why do I think of such words to describe women...

He, did he smile at me just now?

When Xie Yao walked away, the companion next to her poked her waist: "Hey, little monster, Teacher Ren Xie has gone away, don't be idiots!"

"Oh? Oh!" She reacted and hurriedly clamped her legs to cover her mouth, her eyes were full of spring waves, but her heart was a little upset.

What's the matter, I'm usually serious, I'm not such a person!

Damn it today, but it's just a little more handsome. What's the big deal, isn't it?

She is a little unconfident.

Then, the two girls looked at the words signed by Xie Yao, and both shuddered for no reason.

On the reclining chair behind, a young man whose head was covered by a straw hat gave a chuckle and said quietly, "Tsk, what a murderous look."

"What murderous?" the two girls asked strangely.

But the man swayed again and stopped talking.

"Strange person." The girl murmured.

The companion blamed: "Let's just say a few words. The one who came to the director may be a relative of the director."

"Cut, great, ruaruarua" the former sticks out his tongue.

The two girls made a fuss and got busy again, quickly sorting out the information.

Suddenly a figure came in in front of him, his right arm wrapped in a thick bandage and plaster.

The two women saw the visitor clearly and were startled: "Ah, Director Fan! What's wrong with you?"

"Hehe, it's okay, a little injury, you guys are busy yourself."

The person who came was Fan Tao, his right arm seemed to be broken, and his expression was still ruddy, which seemed to be fine.

He closed the glass door to isolate the sound from outside, looked at the lazy man on the couch, frowned and said, "What are you here for?"

The man stretched his waist and said with a sneer: "What's the matter, brother, I think of the big guy for help when I have something to do. I usually leave my brothers behind and hate to know him. You are not authentic."

"Don't come to this set, just do your job."

Fan Tao snorted, and suddenly thought of something: "Are you here to investigate the extinguishment of the life lamp? Have you seen it over there?"

"I have seen it, but I can't see it." The man rested his arms and moved his cuffs up, revealing some cyan patterns, which seemed to be some kind of tattoos worshipped by the demon species.

Fan Tao frowned: "What do you mean."

"After so long, do you really treat me as a dog nose?"

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention to it, you can receive the last benefit at the end of the year. Please seize the opportunity.

The man turned over and showed his horrible and sick face under his straw hat. Suddenly his eyes were taken aback, and he curiously said: "Oh, who did you provoke? There are enemies of the same level in this small Anding city. Are you injured? Or, brother, you didn't know what you could to challenge the C-level, and you were almost alive?"

Fan Tao gave him a cold look: "I advise you to put away your arrogance, otherwise you will die miserably."

The man sneered, then lay back on the chair, swaying slowly, and exaggeratingly said: "Shuiqian is a king."

Fan Tao touched the injured right arm, was silent for a long time, and said, "Why are you here?"

"Hehe, brother, you don't want everyone in everything, but everyone remembers you! Anding city, this small place, actually got a piece of chess score, don't you say this is not a violent thing? Treasures are virtuous, and you can't waste them. .

"It just happens, brother, what are you? What high school is it from?" The man scratched his head.

Fan Tao said indifferently: "Anding City Third High School."

The man waved his hand impatiently: "Forget it, it doesn't matter. Brother, you are the director here, so it's not difficult to help me get a student status? A masterpiece, let me get it, can definitely shorten my advancement. Hidden time!"

Fan Tao was expressionless: "Why should I help you?"

The man laughed and said, "Why don't you keep this question and talk to the envoy?"

Fan Tao squinted his eyes and said nothing, and a moment later signed a transfer file.

Name: Bai Yan

Enrollment time: November 16, 422 of the Commonwealth.

Then, he crossed out on the 16th and changed it to November 1.

"Take it~www.ltnovel.com~Don't be too pushy." Fan Tao said.

"Don't worry, there are other young masters and young ladies on the list. I have a count. Just take the top ten and the end." The man named Bai Yan stood up and took the file.

Suddenly, he looked at the door and touched his chin and said, "The male teacher just now is very interesting. He is very murderous. It's rare for the flowers and plants of this year to reach this level."

Fan Tao looked at him and said, "I advise you not to seek death."

"Brother, don't you have too much confidence in me? It's just an early stage of concentration. Is he worthy?" The man gathered his clothes. "Where is the classroom?"

"High Grade Three Class 1."

"Go, brother." The man waved his hand without the slightest respect, and disappeared from the window directly.

Inside the house, Fan Tao patted his injured right arm lightly, his eyes deep.


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