I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 215: This is a serious suspense film

"I can absorb mental pollution novels ( to find the latest chapters!

Xie Yao's eyes were shining, and Zhang Qiren's old face stained with dessert scum looked at each other for more than five seconds, and he still looked not embarrassed at all.

On the contrary, Lao Zhang was the first to lose his breath.

Zhang Qiren looked at the door, and said to the dazed, milf-aged cleaning aunt: "Bring the door and go down by yourself."

The aunt was at a loss, and then she closed the door slightly awkwardly with her hands and feet. When she walked to the top of the stairs, her expression gradually returned to normal, and she said to herself in doubt, "Oh, that's weird, what am I doing here?"

She looked left and right, scratching her head, but subconsciously reminded her to leave, so she took the mop and waited for the sanitary ware to leave.

At this moment, Zhang Qiren wiped his mouth, and said a little bit of blame: "What happened, why is it so reckless all of a sudden."

Xie Yao sat down on the sofa and said, "I know teacher, you will erase her memory."

Humph! Zhang Qiren blows his beard with anger.

Good boy, it's only been a day since I haven't seen you, and my courage is getting bigger and bigger, dare to use me as a tool man.

Xie Yao opened the backpack and flipped through it.

Zhang Qiren thought that he was looking for another rare baby, and came to honor him, but the next moment he saw Xie Yao picking up two big heads like a chicken.

This is a pair of ordinary-looking young and middle-aged men and women, dragging a long, intact esophagus entangled like a twist under their heads, and there is an unclear conversation in their mouths.

The man is learning to cat meow: "Mimi, Mimi. Have you fed him?"

The female dumb said: "Next door Wang Cheng made four thousand yuan last month."

They tweeted for a long time, turning over these two sentences over and over.

Zhang Qiren touched the beard on his chin and said, "It's a bit familiar."

Xie Yao said: "It's not just familiar, I have confirmed through experiments, they are from the same pollution source as the one in the laboratory."

Then, Xie Yao reported that he had received a report today to track down the black hand behind the scenes. The other party issued a scream to urge the outbreak of pollution in a large number of residents, picking up and telling the important thing.

This middle-aged couple was one of the victims at the time.


As he said, Xie Yao smashed on the table and said bitterly: "That guy is a martial artist at the pinnacle of concentration, and it is very likely that he is also a dual cultivation of magic and martial arts! If he hadn't used the means to detonate the pollution, I would have taken him. !"

Oh... Zhang Qiren nodded and said a word of relief, and at the same time looked at Xie Yao with a strange expression in his eyes.

This little guy, can he single out the peak of his mind? Did he use that containment item?

If that thing is not used, this talent would be terrible...

Xie Yao interrupted his thoughts and said, "Teacher, this case is now in my hands. In any case, I have to investigate to the end and find out the real culprit."

Zhang Qiren nodded and said, "Yeah. Then you just asked about what happened to me at that time?"

Xie Yao fixedly looked into the principal's eyes. After at least five seconds, he slowly said: "Teacher, you told me that night when an accident occurred in Class 36, you happened to leave school, right?"

Zhang Qiren frowned and said, "Indeed, what do you think?"

Xie Yao said: "When I was fighting with the masked man today, he detonated the surrounding area, and for a short while before the residents there mutated, I had an extremely obvious perception that pollution was growing.

"I'm thinking, if you didn't go out that day, the teacher, then, the moment the accident broke out, you would definitely be able to detect it in advance, and maybe even organize it."

This is a very simple inference.

Warlock E-level can have a preliminary foreboding of this kind of pollution outbreak.

Then, if Zhang Qiren's C-rank warlock was present, it would not be impossible to cut off the point where the accident broke out in advance.

As a result, he happened to be so coincidental that day that he happened to go out.


Zhang Qiren knocked on the table and whispered: "Are you suspicious, someone designed it? This is not an accidental retaliation, but an organized and premeditated crime?"


The two looked at each other and thought of four words.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain.

"Although you haven't said that, teacher, but you can change your plan and set off temporarily, haha, I'm afraid there is only one place." Xie Yao sneered.

Zhang Qiren's face became solemn: "Yes. Speaking of which, you know the person who came to invite me over that day."


"Your sister."

Principal, don't scold people... Xie Yao raised his brows: "Xie Xiaochan?"

"Yeah. And, when you said this, I did remember that something was wrong. They hurried to call me that day. When I got there, it was just an insignificant joint consultation..."

"There is an inner ghost." Xie Yao directly pointed out his voice and added: "I suspect that the masked person I met this afternoon is from the Warlock Association."

Zhang Qiren didn't object and said he acquiesced, and suddenly said: "Does the other party recognize you?"

"I wear a mask."

"That's good. What are you going to do?" Zhang Qiren said.

Xie Yao categorically said: "I want to kill someone directly! The guy's ankle was broken by me, and I can try it out. As long as I haven't seen it in the past this time, it may be a suspect!"

"Improper." Zhang Qiren immediately denied.

Xie Yao stood up suddenly and stared closely at his eyes: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Qiren didn't notice that Xie Yao kept staring at him today, but shook his head and said: "Since there is one, you have to prevent two or three. How can you be sure that that person has no other party?

"He can bury his eyeliner in the Warlock Association, but what about other departments? Does the City Defense Department have it? Is there in the police station?"

Xie Yao retracted his gaze, thinking about Lao Zhang's words carefully, and suddenly felt a chill in his back.

It's really possible!

That person, no, or that organization, since they can place people in the sorcerer association, there is a possibility that there will be an internal response in the police station, and it is even very high.

The Warlock Association is not a civil society, it is a serious federal official department!

In many cities, the Warlock Association has a strong political voice, especially in Taichu City, which has another name: Parliament!

Zhang Qiren patted Xie Yao on the shoulder and said: "If you go for the investigation, you will only expose yourself and cause disasters. It needs to be done slowly. It is best if you can be in the dark."

The other party is in the dark, and I am also in the dark now, but if you check it out, you will become the enemy's secret.

Xie Yao was silent for a moment and said: "Good teacher, but there is another strange thing about this matter. If Lu Jia knew what he did and could understand it, he wanted to retaliate against me; but now it seems they It's an organization, so what's the motivation?"


"It is impossible for such an organization to do things that are not beneficial and harmful to itself. If it is to develop believers and obtain flesh and blood sacrifices, then like some sects, it is best to start in the slums, because the above will not pay too much attention. Something went wrong and the limelight passed for a while.

"But he chose to do it in school. There is too much involvement here and no one will tolerate it. This is not in line with the style of a mature organization."

After Xie Yao finished speaking, the two fell silent at the same time.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

Obviously there are clues, but in some places, it can't stand scrutiny, and after a little thought, it feels logically unreasonable.

Unless the opponent is a complete lunatic.

But it is impossible for a madman to hide in the Warlock Association.

At this time, Zhang Qiren thought for a long time, and suddenly said: "Xie Yao, I will deal with this matter, don't do it yet."

"Teacher?" Xie Yao wondered.

Zhang Qiren smiled: "After all, I am also a veteran of the Warlock Association. Someone is acting as a demon under my nose and killing my students. Naturally, I can't just ignore this matter."

Xie Yao was in awe, feeling that at this moment, Zhang Qiren's face, like an old man next door, was actually sharp.

"As for you, take your heart and take it, these few days, concentrate on dealing with the exam." Zhang Qiren said.

Xie Yao was startled: "What exam?"

Zhang Qiren's eyes stared: "I know you forgot about the joint entrance exam for the three schools! The potions subject must all go, this time at least 4 places in the top ten."

Xie Yaofuzhi soul: "Does this include the one Xu gave Liu Zhi?"

"Of course." Zhang Qiren closed his eyes and said, "You can have a little bit of this matter. As for the association, I will handle it. You don't have to worry about it."

It's just a trivial matter, the association is dangerous...

Well, he is afraid that I will be in danger, otherwise he really may not be willing to give the first light to these silly things...

Knowing Zhang Qiren's concerns, Xie Yao felt warm and moved, and stood up and bowed, "Teacher, then I will go to the police station first. As the only witness, I still have to write a work report."

"Go, remember everything carefully, and pick yourself out of the center of the storm."

"Student province."

Coming out of the principal's office, Xie Yao felt a lot more relaxed, and the haze was wiped out.

With this C-level pinnacle in charge, what am I afraid of?

If the enemy is beyond the scope of his own ability, he still has to hold his tense dad's thigh first.

Xie Yao went out. According to the principal, he first went to the Academic Affairs Office and filled out a form about going out to the No. 1 High School tomorrow.

The cultural course test of the three-college exam was held ahead of schedule, and the invigilator was disrupted by the three-college.

There were more than forty teachers who went to a high school, and he saw the names of many acquaintances.

Including director Fan Tao, potions team leader Chu Shangu, deputy team leader Ling Haijing, etc., only one person in the potions subject was left at the school, one person went to the second high school, and the others went to the first high school.

Because the real highlight of this exam ~www.ltnovel.com~ is in the first high school.

"Name: Xie Yao

"Invigilation test room: An Ding No. 1 High School

"Invigilation Subject: Potions Theory

"Note: This additional contest judge is responsible for the project: martial arts competition."

Damn, actually serving as a judge in the martial arts competition...

I am a potion teacher, I should be a judge of the potion experiment competition...

Xie Yao complained inwardly, signed the name, and suddenly the corner of his mouth curled up.

"What does this look like?

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?"

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