I become light in American comics

Chapter 594 Silver Kryptonite

Oblivion Bar, a famous gathering place on the magic side of DC. Those who know and will appear here are people on the magic side, many of whom are little-known wizards.

It is said that it exists in the cracks of multiple different dimensions, and its coordinates in reality are constantly changing. That's why it's almost invisible when it doesn't want to be found. In some major events in certain time and space, the Justice League also used this place as a shelter when they were hiding from others.

And now, this place welcomes two guests who do not belong to the magical world.

Superman and Batman are representatives of technology.

When the two good partners, one light and one dark, walked into the bar side by side, almost everyone in the room turned their heads. An octopus-like creature excitedly waved the wine glass in its hand with its tentacles. All the wine glasses in its hands.

Several magicians showed surprised looks. The orangutan wearing the peaked cap laughed and said that this was a rare guest, and the bill of these two people was on my head.

The two demons with horns on their heads frowned and took a few sips of wine. They didn't speak, but they looked clearly alert.


A man wearing a tall hat and black clothes stood up, most of his body wrapped in a dark cloak. His eyes were pure white, completely unpredictable.

"You don't belong here," he said.

"The Stranger." Batman whispered his name.

The Phantom Stranger is a magical being recorded in the Justice League database. The opponent is powerful and is currently temporarily recognized as a friendly force, but Batman has added a big question mark behind his file.

Although the Phantom Stranger suddenly appeared to help the Justice League when they encountered magical events before, his origins have always been unknown. It is only known that he has considerable magical power, but his background and motivations are unclear.

Batman can't trust people who don't know their roots.

In fact, not to mention Batman, even Shen You doesn't know the background of the Phantom Stranger, because it has never been clearly explained in DC comics. All we know is that he seems to be working for God, and his motive may be to atone for his unknown past.

Superman and Batman stood before him, not surprised by the Stranger or the strange things behind him.

"Well, it seems you already know where this place is." Phantom Stranger said.

"Do us a small favor and we'll leave right away." Batman said coldly.

He didn't like it any more than Superman did. Given a choice, he would rather that nothing in this room had ever existed in the world.

"We are looking for a 4.8-gram piece of kryptonite fragment." Superman said friendlyly, "As long as we get that, we will leave soon."


Phantom Stranger said.

"You walked into the realm of magic, but you are talking about elements and data."

"Yes." Batman looked at the display device in his hand, "And science is telling me that a certain energy source we are tracking is in this bar.

In fact we can even pinpoint where it is Superman? "

Superman had already passed through the bar under the curious and awed gazes of the mages. Although Superman has nothing to do with the magic world, he is also a legendary boss to ordinary wizards.

Finally Superman picked up a small, inconspicuous gray-brown box.

"It doesn't look like kryptonite," he said. "My X-ray vision didn't detect any hidden structure inside."

"You are too obsessed with appearance."

The Phantom Stranger stepped forward and pressed his hand on the box.

"It needs to be opened by magic. Its name is the Meditation Amulet!"

Energy was stimulated and poured from his hands. A burst of sparkling and gorgeous light bloomed, and a bright crystal structure was suddenly revealed below.

The silvery, shiny crystals, with their smooth crystalline appearance, reveal an indescribable beauty.

"Yes, the source of radiation is confirmed." Batman said, "The core is a piece of kryptonite. It's just different from all the recorded ones we know so far. It's a new silver variety."

"More than that, be careful," said the Phantom Stranger, "this amulet is enchanted with powerful magic, making it doubly dangerous to your friends."

"Magic is just another form of science." Batman said stubbornly. "It's not dangerous if you find the right way to open it."

"Say whatever you want, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"Where did it come from?" Batman said, "This looks very old. Most of the kryptonite on the earth came after Superman. This is basically...

Superman what are you doing? "

Batman was visibly taken aback. When he turned around suddenly, he felt like a parent who forgot to take care of his naughty child while chatting with an acquaintance he met on the street.

And that naughty kid, Superman, was picking up the kryptonite like a man possessed.

"It's so beautiful. I really want to touch it with my own hands."

He removed the protection of his suit.


By the time Batman shouted, it was already too late. The silver kryptonite suddenly bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the strong light instantly engulfed Superman. He seemed to have received some kind of strong impact, and his whole body leaned back and fell to the ground. The silver kryptonite rolled to the side and became silent.

Phantom Stranger's face was expressionless: "Let's see. Do you believe it now?"

Half an hour later.

"Don't worry, he's just asleep."

Shen You briefly examined the unconscious big blue man who was dragged back by Batman.

"He's in great shape."

"The Phantom Stranger said it was kryptonite that was cursed." Batman said solemnly, "Scientifically speaking, maybe he is fine, but we can't be sure what effect the spell had on him."

"I thought someone didn't believe in magic?" Flash raised his eyebrows.

"I don't believe it. Magic is just a science that needs to be studied." Batman said, "But until we find a way to explain it, that doesn't affect how dangerous it is.

And Superman never woke up, which wasn't a good sign either. Big Blue will not fall easily."

"This is the part I think I can help with."

Shen You stretched out his hand and lightly touched Superman's head. Shrouded in soft blue light, Superman's eyes moved, and after a moment he opened his somewhat heavy eyelids.

"He's awake!"


Batman stepped forward.

"Can you hear me?"

Superman blinked, a little confused.

Because he saw that Batman in front of him seemed a little small.

She looks like a young lady with pointed ears, a round face, a pair of short hands and short legs, and she looks quite cute.

Kara, who followed closely behind, was a blond little lolita with a concerned look on her face, her big eyes flashed like gems, and she was missing a front tooth in her mouth.


Superman couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys look so funny. Bruce, your ears are so cute."

Batman: "???"

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