I become light in American comics

Chapter 593 Forgotten Bar

It's rare for Batman to see Superman devote himself so wholeheartedly to a mission, and it has to be said that he even feels a little uncomfortable with it.

In just two days, the amount of kryptonite on the earth has begun to decrease visibly to the naked eye. The initially dense green dots on the Earth model have now begun to disappear rapidly, like a fire being extinguished.

A large amount of kryptonite was boxed, sealed, and temporarily stuffed into a container placed by Batman in the middle of the Nevada desert. The thick alloy door panels are reinforced layer by layer, and the optical camouflage on the outer layer after the door is locked will make this place look no different from the surrounding desert.

When all the kryptonite is collected and sealed, the entire facility will be picked up by Superman and thrown into the sun.

At that time, the earth will completely say goodbye to this deadly element called krypton.

More superheroes joined the search from the next day, and many people may be surprised by how many people are willing to give up their rest time to help Superman.

The Justice League has expanded its recruitment several times this year, recruiting many peripheral and reserve members. Many people volunteered when they learned Superman needed help.

"This chunk was found in the Andes."

Firestorm waved a small lead box in his hand to claim credit.

"Follow me and fly around the area a few times and find three more pieces."

"Thank you, Firestorm." Superman took the box from him, "Thank you all for your help."

"Ha, of course. I'm just trying my best. As you know, I'm always very passionate."

He seemed to have told a cold joke and crossed his arms proudly. Flames shot out of his forehead.

"But look, if there's anything else you need my help with, you know, whatever the task is, come to me at any time. As long as you think I'm competent."

Superman is placing the kryptonite locket into a storage box. The box was fixed by the instrument and automatically shrank into the lower level.

"I prefer to think you did this out of friendship," Superman said.

"Ah, of course!" Firestorm said hurriedly, "Of course it's out of friendship! Ha, I mean, this is not a competition, but I think if there is a ranking list for collecting kryptonite, I should be pretty high."

Black Canary from behind patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Of course, the top scorer so far in the contribution list is Mr. Shen. He went to the bottom of the sea and brought back fifty tons of kryptonite. Let's add a piece to win." Can’t catch up.”

"Hi~ Is it so curly?"

Firestorm gasped.

Fifty tons, boy. Like him, he can pick up a few grams slowly until next year.

"It's easy to score points if you want to."

Batman appeared like a ghost without knowing when, and said in a deep voice from behind.

"Get rid of yourself."

Firestorm was stunned: "Sorry?"

"You can reorganize matter and construct anything with a known atomic structure. You can convert the most common air and water into kryptonite. In other words, you are the largest mobile kryptonite factory in the world."

Batman narrowed his eyes.

"If you ask me, do it thoroughly. Superman should throw you and this facility into the sun."

Firestorm was startled and hurriedly raised his hands: "Hey! I don't mean. Maybe I can make kryptonite, but I swear I have never thought of using this trick against Superman in my life! All of a sudden have not thought!"

Professor Stein's ghostly head floated next to him again: "Who told me when he first learned how to make kryptonite that he thought he could kill Superman alone?"

"Professor, which side are you on?"

Firestorm jumped in surprise.

"Batman said he was going to throw us into the sun!"

Professor Stein laughed out loud: "Calm down Ronald, Batman is kidding us."

"Really?" Firestorm blinked, "Batman can still joke?"

Superman then smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't be nervous, Batman is joking."

After a pause, he continued to add: "You can also take this as a sign that he recognizes you. He will not just joke with anyone else."

"real or fake?"

Being recognized by Batman seems to be the dream of every new member of the League. Firestorm immediately turned to look at Batman with bright eyes, only to find that the latter had silently turned around and walked away.

"You should really see how Shen swims at the bottom of the sea. He's so handsome."

Kara floated behind with a smile on her face.

"I mean, I've seen him do a lot of incredible things, but wow, did you know he could steam an entire ocean dry for a little while and then come back unharmed?

Really handsome and handsome”

"I'm just glad Aquaman didn't tell us that Atlantis felt threatened by war," Batman said.

"How could it be? In fact, Sea King said that his council's attitude towards land has finally changed."

Superman smiled beside him.

"He used to always complain about how stubborn the high-level officials at the bottom of the sea were, and always regarded land as an imaginary enemy. But from what he said, it seemed that after Mr. Shen went there once, the council became more talkative."

At this time, Shen You, or rather his high-speed afterimage, was standing in front of the earth model aside and did not interrupt.

He had just heard about Atlantis' subsequent reaction, but he could have guessed it.

When your presence makes the other party feel a certain threat, your strength can easily lead to challenges, which can turn into disputes and wars.

But when your presence makes the other person feel threatened beyond a certain threshold, reaching a level where the other person feels crazy just to contend with this kind of thing, strength in turn will bring peace.

Although Shen You would not take the initiative to intervene in a war between two local civilizations on a planet, he would be very happy to see it indirectly prevent war and bloodshed.

"Green Kryptonite is the most common type and is the main problem you've had so far."

Shen You once again called up the earth model that was marked with green. In just two days, most of the dense green earth had been eliminated.

"Now that most of the green kryptonite threat has been eliminated, the rest should be taken care of within tomorrow. But let me mention by the way, green krypton is not the only type of kryptonite, there are also rarer variants of kryptonite.

These kryptonites often appear in other colors, each causing a different and specific reaction to Kryptonian physiology."

"We've seen this before."

Firestorm nodded repeatedly to show that he was familiar with this.

But when he met Superman's displeased gaze, he hurriedly covered his mouth and made a zipper motion along his lips.

"There won't be a lot of mutant kryptonite, and the probability of encountering it is not that high. It depends on whether you want to deal with it or not." Shen Youyou.

"Of course." Superman said without hesitation.

Each different color of kryptonite represented a different nightmare to him.

He feels that only when the world no longer needs his power can he spend time with his family with peace of mind.

He wished he could take a good rest, even just once.

Throw away all the burdens, all the disasters and calls for help that echo in your ears, and enjoy your life.

But it was too much luxury for Superman.

"Andean Region."

Shen You adjusted the parameters and modified the frequency. New and different types of Kryptonite radiation were quickly marked on the map.

"The estimated weight is 0.14 grams. Hmm. But this frequency is a bit strange. I have never seen anything like this before."

"New varieties?"

Superman moved closer to the monitor.

"It should be that its location has been located."

Shen You tapped twice, and the complex city streets appeared on the screen, as well as a clear coordinate.

"That's a bar." Superman frowned.

"Yes, the bar is a coincidence. This is not just any bar." Shen You said, "I believe its name should be called Forgotten Bar."


Superman and Batman looked at each other and saw something strange in each other's eyes.

The two of them didn't have much in common. Whether it’s the way you act or the way you look at things.

But there was one thing they could agree on.

They also hate magic.

Forgotten Bar, a magical bar that exists between dimensions.

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