I become light in American comics

Chapter 582 I won’t go

Africa, Tanzania, Tabora city.

There are 130,000 people living here, and everyone is trying to keep up with this evolving world and trying to survive here. Approximately 126,000 people own smartphones.

Adimo is one of the new residents. She and her friends bought a cell phone to call their families out of town, or to the boys they cared about in nearby towns.

Adimo never bought his own phone and never owned a camera. In fact, neither she nor her friends had. Her mother-in-law also believed that cameras sucked out people’s souls.

This is an era of rapid change.

Tony Stark has always believed that he is the planner of the future of mankind. He should act as a leader and plan for the future of everyone. Many times he feels sorry for not being able to bring more technologies and changes to more people, or for not being able to present the future to everyone.

Adimo and her friends died earlier today. In a self-destruction terrorist attack, nearby terrorists managed to obtain high-tech explosives sold by Stark Industries in the old days and loaded them in the back of a truck. It only took them one point and four seconds to kill a total of ninety-eight people.

Ninety-eight locals whom they had never met had perished through pure bad luck.

Tony Stark didn't hear about this until five hours after the fact. At that time, he suddenly thought of dinosaurs for no reason, and suddenly felt that sometimes there is not much difference between humans and dinosaurs——

– We’ll be extinct long before our brains realize it.

".The third attack this month."

Colonel James Roddy said on the communication screen suspended in Stark's underground laboratory.

"It is speculated that it may be the work of the Ten Rings Gang."

That is the terrorist organization that originally captured Tony in the cave. Although they have been hit hard by Iron Man in recent years, in the general environment of the Middle East, these guys are always reborn.

“Also there’s AIM”

"AIM?" Tony frowned, "Killian's brain trust? I thought we were out of Killian's trouble."

"We are out of it, and the desperate situation is no longer a problem. But today's AIM has long since broken away from its original organizational structure and has developed into a technological terrorist organization focusing on various cutting-edge technological research.

Their research scope includes but is not limited to biological and chemical weapons, genetic modification, exoskeleton armor and heavy equipment."

"All right."

Tony rubbed the bridge of his nose.

He never told anyone, not even Roddy and Pepper, who were closest to him. But Iron Man actually has several of his deepest nightmares.

One is that somewhere in the world, Iron Man will become very cheap, or become a simple and cheap replica.

And the next nightmare is derived from this. That is, besides yourself, someone else will own Iron Man, or a similar substitute.

The period just after he created Iron Man was when Tony felt the best, and it was also the only time when he could truly laugh from the bottom of his heart. He once publicly said, "I can achieve world peace by myself" because he is confident that Iron Man has that ability and can protect the entire world on his own.

But as things progressed, he was no longer confident.

Aldridge Killian almost did it. He and his desperate situation once made Tony wonder whether Iron Man was obsolete. But soon the desperate situation was no longer taken seriously by him.

In fact, the desperate situation did him a big favor. Extremis now connected him to the armor, like an extension of his central nervous system. He completed the nano-armor technology ahead of schedule, which should have been mature for a long time, and it is much stronger than originally expected when it was designed.

This is a piece of armor that can be called a dream, a leap upgrade that even he could not have imagined in the past.

But he realized that this was not enough, far from it.

He couldn't be everywhere at once, and he couldn't keep up with the new challenges that were emerging around the world. New victims appear every day, and Iron Man is like a firefighter flying around the world to put out fires. The harder he tried, the more powerless he felt.

Especially after what happened last month.

He has seen great power far beyond these, far beyond human science and modern understanding, like a battle between a god-like existence and an extremely powerful demon in another dimension.

That made him realize how vast the universe is and how fragile this blue world is.

"...I didn't do enough," he said.

"What?" Roddy on the other end of the communication was stunned. "What are you talking about, Tony?"

"No, it's nothing. I mean, I received your message. Thanks, buddy. Let's talk later."

Tony waved his hand and turned off the floating screen. He walked to the other side of the laboratory and reached out to open another new screen, which displayed the title of a new project under development.

"Project Ultron".

"I hope I'm not making another mistake," Tony said to himself.

The universe, the other side.

Kree Ronan the Accuser's starship.

"We need a favor from you."

On the huge screen was a thin, pale face. That was Thanos' most trusted advisor, Ebony Maw among the five Obsidian generals.

Ronan sat on the black seat of the battleship and said expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

Thanos is a well-known war-torn terrorist in the universe, while Ronan is a well-known warlike lunatic in the Kree Empire. The two hit it off and have collaborated many times so far, maintaining a relationship of allies.

"It's not a big deal." Ebony Throat said softly, "I just want to ask you to do some investigation. If found, maybe arrest a few people on some primitive and backward planet. In a desolate galaxy, people there can't even Break free from the gravity of the planet that birthed you.”

"Well, it does not sound like a big deal." Ronan narrowed his eyes, "But for this small matter, Thanos probably doesn't need us to take action, right?"

"Unfortunately, our nearest unit is also very far away from there. But we hope to capture the target as soon as possible to avoid long nights and nightmares." Ebony Maw said, "It should only be a little effort for the great accuser."

"Okay." Ronan smiled confidently, "Just tell me the location and name."

There was a sense of confidence from a powerful person in his voice.

Just need to know where to go and who to do.

But this is natural. He is a Kree accuser, and it is indeed just a matter of effort to go to a primitive planet.

"The blue star of the Milky Way." Ebony Throat said, "The people there call that place 'Earth'."

Ronan's smile disappeared instantly.


Images from decades ago flashed through the accuser's mind.

It was the first time he came to this wild land, and with his invincible interstellar fleet, he thought he could easily sweep across this planet that didn't even have a basic interstellar defense mechanism.

Then I saw a freak who broke through the atmosphere with his own body, pushed back his missiles with his bare hands, and tore apart battleships with his bare hands.

Fortunately, he ran fast back then, otherwise Ronan would not be known as the accuser today.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Ronan's silence, Ebony Throat couldn't help but ask.

"Is there anything wrong with your accuser?"

"No, I just suddenly remembered it."

Ronan's expression quickly returned to normal, he remained calm and spoke in that cold and heavy voice.

"My all-powerful weapon was accidentally lost recently. Now that I don't have a weapon, it's not suitable to travel. Thanos should find someone else."

Ebony Throat: "???"

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