I become light in American comics

Chapter 581 Machine Research

The Supreme Father stepped on his energy levitation pedal and floated in front of the origin wall at the boundary of the universe, silently looking at the motionless giant on the wall.

The cold and hard stone statue, even its frozen face seemed to be as ferocious as a beast. A body as strong as a beast, with solid muscle lines clearly visible. It wears a helmet with horns on its head, and maintains the posture of trying to reach out to the wall, just like a drowning person trying his last breath to breathe before dying.

What’s even weirder is that it’s clearly a sculpture in stagnant life, but it still seems to have some kind of power surging around it.

That is Yuga Khan, the biological father of the two kings of the New Gods, Heavenly Father and Darkseid.

"It looks like your eternal imprisonment is not over yet, Father."

Heavenly Father said coldly.

"But even so, I can see that you haven't given up yet. Even if you are trapped in this eternal wall, even if you are unable to move, your horrific murders will still continue.

Even if you die, you never stop hunting your own new blood relatives.

What drives a creature to be so evil? "

Hal saw the fatigue and loss in the old man's eyes, hesitated for a moment, flew forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"I know a good dad when I see him. I have the best dad in the world."

Hal said softly.

"You are a good father too, Heavenly Father."

Heavenly Father closed his eyes and shook his head.

"If you knew all the mistakes I've made in my long years, you wouldn't say that. Sometimes even I wonder how much I have changed compared to the beginning in order to fight against my evil brother. , a bit like my father back then."

"I guess that's the price of being a leader." Hal shrugged. "I couldn't understand it before, but now that I've been pushed to the position now, I can understand it a little bit.

It's really hard to stay true to myself, but I haven't given up trying yet. "

Hal smiled.

"And you still have a long life, and you have plenty of time to get better."

The Heavenly Father looked up at him and smiled too.

"You've impressed me, Green Lantern. I've never been a big fan of the Green Lantern Corps, even though we've mostly been allies. But it seems like the Corps is lucky enough to have a good leader."

Hal spread his hands: "Just trying not to make the mess worse."

"As well as your allies from Earth, our New Creation Star also owes a huge debt."

Heavenly Father turned around and couldn't help but be startled when he saw Shen You. After a pause, he couldn't help but ask.

"What are you doing?"

I saw a suspended vortex of light opening up in the universe at this moment, as if the space was splitting out of thin air. At this moment, various tools embodied by light are floating on the battlefield, and they are throwing the suspended metal debris and fragments into the vortex one by one.

"Oh, clean up the battlefield." Shen You said seriously, "These are good N metals, we can't waste them, right?"

Heavenly Father x-ray: "."

What Shen You said made them think it sounded reasonable. But even so, it still feels a bit strange to witness a being so powerful picking up trash in space.

"Yes, of course." Heavenly Father nodded, "The problems you solve are naturally your trophies. New Creation Star would like to express its gratitude to you once again."

After a pause, he said solemnly.

"We are lucky to have beings like you on our side in the war."

"I'm glad you think so, but to be precise, Most High Father."

Shen You smiled.

"I'm on that side of life."

The finishing work was left to Green Lantern, including the diplomatic aspects of contacting New Genesis. Hal has become an increasingly capable leader. Shen You believes that he can handle it well and will become more proficient.

As for Shen You, he immediately returned to the laboratory with the full harvest of this trip.

DC's strongest material, N metal, could not be found anywhere in the world before. Now when I go out, I suddenly get a warehouse. It can be said that I am extremely rich.

But those puppets of Yuga Khan are not just good at relying on the materials, the technology and design used in them are also quite unique. Shen You had naturally done a comprehensive scan and modeling record during the battle, and immediately put the analysis on the agenda after returning.

This work can be carried out together with another work he had arranged before. The N metal puppet is not the only giant robot technology he plans to research in the near future.


"I don't know, this feels so weird."

The shrunken Ace Killer was fixed in the test chamber of the laboratory, with all kinds of messy cables plugged into his head.

Shen You is using this device to study the Yabo people's software system and understand its design.

This is relatively easy. Because the old model of Ace Killer existed in the Kingdom of Light's database in the past, the Science and Technology Bureau had already analyzed the technology of that year's model.

Although this is the latest model, it is also an improvement based on the old model. After such a long period of experience and study, Shen You felt that his independent scientific research ability had improved a lot and he should be able to understand it.

"It feels like there's something inside me, and I don't like it," Ace Killer whispered.

"Be quiet." Shen You interrupted.

The silence lasted about three seconds.

"Wait a minute, we've reached the bottom! Stop quickly."

“It’s impossible to go any deeper.”

Shen You glanced at him expressionlessly.

"You know, I can manually shut up for you." He said, "I can remove your language module, or physically remove your mouth. Or we can all save the trouble and you can be quiet while I'm doing my work. .”


Ace Killer shut his mouth and really stopped talking.

But this has already caused a psychological shadow on the new AI who was already quite afraid of him.

Sure enough, what the super beast buddies who were in the factory together back then said was true.

Ultraman is a devil without mercy or emotion.

Any creature would stop and feel pity when seeing a severed limb or hearing a miserable howl, but Ultraman would not feel this way at all.

The more you yell, the more excited they will become and continue to tear you into pieces.

Ace Killer is not a super beast, so he is not afraid of being torn into pieces, but as a new AI, he is also afraid of being destroyed. So I had to endure the humiliation and swallow the humiliation silently.

"Speaking of which, your playtime has just passed, Kara."

Shen You said to the empty laboratory without raising his head while analyzing.

The girl's voice came through telepathy: "Wait a minute! Just a moment!"

"I'll give you three counts."

Shen You said calmly.

"It's too short!" the girl shouted, "it needs at least five minutes, no, three minutes! Give me three minutes!"

"three two."

"Okay, okay, here I come!"

While he was talking, a ball of light emerged from the computer equipment next to him and landed with a swishing sound. It was Supergirl who had returned from her subatomic body to her normal form.

She had just been playing a fully immersive game developed by Shen Yu using the shrinking technology borrowed from Atom Girl.

Kara pouted her little mouth and was very dissatisfied: "You asked me to abandon my people again! Now my kingdom must have been captured by the enemy, and millions of lives have been lost!"

"Actually not, because you paused the archive." Shen You was completely unmoved, "Work first, then have fun."

As he spoke, he pointed at Stretch, who was tapping furiously behind a circle of screens opposite. It is currently engaged in research on "helping Kryptonian genes improve magic resistance."

"Look at Stritch, every cat knows how to discipline himself."

"All right."

Kara sighed and returned to her seat with her head hanging.

"Then what are we going to do today?"

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