I become light in American comics

Chapter 543 Justice Alliance

Halloween, nightfall.

HISHE Cafe is filled with the rich aroma of coffee and the faint smell of pumpkin frosting. The carefully crafted pumpkin lanterns sway under the dim light, emitting a faint warm orange light. Low jazz music flowed slowly in the air in the corner.

Outside the window, the streets are bustling with people, and colorful pumpkin lanterns twinkle like stars in the night sky. The children dressed up as all kinds of weirdos, with exaggerated makeup on their faces, holding jack-o-lanterns and bags full of candy, and shouting in surprise from time to time.

On this day, the streets are full of superheroes and super criminals, and you can even occasionally see a few Ultramans in loose costumes. The enticing smell of grilled sausages and toast wafts in the air, and there are a dazzling array of Halloween decorations and candies.

The whole street was already immersed in the festive atmosphere, but Shen You was not.

To him, it was just another ordinary day, with nothing to celebrate. It was just another day of scientific research as usual. Here and at Marvel.

Shen You here is continuing the previously interrupted progress and continuing to specialize in the research on the black light topic, while Shen You from Marvel is tinkering with the two newly obtained infinity stones. Incidentally, he continued to develop the Mother Box on Earth 2, and compared its operation methods with similar equipment with space attributes such as the Speed ​​Force and Marvel's Space Gems to find inspiration.

He is dedicated to three tasks, and one person is responsible for three research groups at the top level of the universe, but Shen You feels good at the moment.

In fact, normally speaking, he actually has a Kryptonian assistant, but the assistant is not here today. To be precise, Carla hasn't come back since she said she went to visit her cousin yesterday.

Just when Shen You started to think about whether he might go and see if his Kryptonian girl was lost, the man came back, taking the missing half of Zhenglian with him.

Just in a way he hadn't expected.

The cafe was closed, but the doorbell still kept ringing for a long time.

The new maid, Miss Pandora, came out and answered the door. She opened the door and took a look. At first glance, she saw nothing outside, and there didn't seem to be a single person in sight. But when I lowered my head, I saw the group of colorfully dressed children.

"trick or treat!"

The leader is a very sunny child, with white front teeth, clear blue eyes, and a tuft of curly hair in front of his forehead. He was wearing a classic red and blue uniform, red underwear with a big S on his chest.

Pandora understood. Halloween Coslpay, right?

The leader is Superman, followed by Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and Supergirl. Not to mention, the appearance and demeanor are quite restored. It can be seen that this group of children has put a lot of effort into their costumes.

There's nothing surprising about this. This is already the tenth team of Justice League cute members that Pandora has seen in one day on Halloween. This is one of the hottest cross-dressings this year.

The maid smiled and threw a handful of candies into each of their bags.

"Thank you~" The Superman kid showed a bright smile.

"You're welcome."

Pandora smiled and reached out to touch his forehead.

But as soon as I touched it, I immediately realized something was wrong.

After wandering around the world for so many centuries, Pandora is no longer the simple girl she once was, and has become quite accomplished in magic. So with just such a touch, she immediately felt a strange wave coming from her fingertips.

A wave of some kind of magic.

At this moment, it turned out that the children had turned around and were about to leave, chattering while walking.

"This big sister is so kind, gentle, beautiful, and so generous!" the magical girl said happily, "She gave us the most candies in the neighborhood!"

"Yes, she's really nice. But am I the only one who thinks she looks familiar?"

The girl version of Supergirl tilted her head and looked at the coffee shop blankly: "Also, I think this place also looks familiar, do you think it does?"

"have no idea."

The little Batman also speaks in a sinister tone, giving him a bit of the charm of the old Bat. When he spoke, he deliberately lifted up his cloak to cover half of his face, as if he was deliberately trying to be mysterious.

"I care more about the old widows at the end of the street than this. They feel weird."

"What? I think they are good people." Superboy shook his head and waved a toothbrush in his hand, "They gave us a lot of toothbrushes!"

"That's why I wonder, why do we need so many toothbrushes?" muttered Batman Jr.

Superboy thought for a while: "Well, maybe adults are more concerned about the oral hygiene of teenagers?"

Seeing that several people were about to leave, Pandora instinctively felt that there was something wrong with these children and hurriedly stopped them.


Several children moved for a moment, and in the next second they jumped back together with a swish of a sound, shouting in unison with expectations on their faces: "Is there still food!?"

Pandora: "."

There is surprisingly a tacit understanding when it comes to food.

"No, please wait a moment."

Pandora dragged several children into the house and quickly pulled out the old wizard from the smelly kitchen, who was immersed in studying new recipes.

The old wizard was interrupted from his innovation. He looked reluctant at first, but when he saw the situation of several children, his face immediately became serious.

Without saying a word, he drew a simple magic circle, recited a spell and performed a series of dancing rituals, and soon summoned a huge mirror.

The children were dragged to the mirror.

Little Batman was the first to stand in front of the mirror.

But what appeared in the mirror was not his reflection, but a taller and darker version with gloomy eyes and an expression that kept strangers away.

"Oh my god, you are Batman!"

Superboy pointed at his playmate in surprise, but then turned around and saw himself in the mirror with a tall figure and a fluttering cloak.

"Wow! I'm Superman!?"

He was so frightened that he jumped up.

Little Green Lantern saw the Flash reflected in the mirror, pointed at him and laughed: "Hahaha, look, the adult version of your uniform looks funny too."

Little Flash blushed and pouted his lips to fight back: "You look really stupid when you're wearing green."

"Green is the color of courage!" Little Green Lantern held his head high.

The miniature version of Wonder Woman walked to the mirror and saw that what appeared in the mirror was indeed the real Wonder Woman. But she only frowned in thought: "This is the Mirror of Truth, a similar type of instrument to Wonder Woman's lasso. This mirror will reflect the essence of the person looking into the mirror.

But how do I know this? "

"The answer is simple, because you are Wonder Woman." The old wizard paused as he spoke, and glanced at them one after another. "You are not playing the Justice League, you are the Justice League."

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