I become light in American comics

Chapter 542 Halloween is coming

Marvel, New York, cleanup scene after the war.

"It looks like our work is almost done."

A staff member wearing a hard hat and a white coat wiped his sweat and waved a list in his hand.

The carts behind them were filled with wreckage from alien wars, including fallen motherships, broken energy cores, and even intact Chitauri energy guns, bombs, etc.

Many of them are black technologies that are relatively cutting-edge for the earth, and dangerous goods are everywhere.

This is why Tony Stark established the Damage Control Department, which is responsible for post-war reconstruction of events involving superheroes. Their responsibilities include but are not limited to rebuilding houses, compensating for economic losses, providing medical assistance, resolving legal disputes, collecting and uniformly disposing of all dangerous goods remaining on the battlefield, etc.

This department made its debut in the movie "Spider-Man: Homecoming", and the BOSS Vulture in that movie originally signed a post-war cleanup contract with the city government, but was robbed of his business and lost his job by the Damage Control Department. Later, he He embarked on the road of smuggling alien technology and worked for eight years until he was caught by a stupid young boy named Spider-Man.

"Let me take a look. Okay, it should be almost done." A staff member said, "Are you sure we haven't missed any alien technology products?"

A man with glasses adjusted his glasses and glanced at the list in his hand: "I think it's almost the last batch."

"Okay, let's call it a day." The staff member stretched out, "We're finally done. This is such a huge project. Hey, how about we go have barbecue tonight? I'm treating you today."

Several employees were talking and laughing, and seemed ready to call it a day and leave.

But the world line changed, and then another man in a white coat appeared out of nowhere and interrupted: "Hey, I have a better idea.

Why don't you double-check to avoid accidentally giving a truckload of equipment to a certain villain? A lot of people are probably going to die because you guys in damage control are just too lazy to get cancer? "

The two employees looked at each other.

"Ah, okay, okay, you win."

The man with glasses waved the list in his hand impatiently.

"I'll check it again."


". Damn it, it seems like a truck of our equipment is really missing!"

A few hours later.

Future Vulture, Adrian Toomes, was still muttering as he was being loaded into a police car.

"You don't understand!" he shouted, "I have a family and a daughter! So it's not wrong for me to break the law!"

However, the police officer didn't listen at all and stuffed him into the police car with no expression on his face.

The bespectacled man from the Disaster Control Department wiped his sweat: "Huh~ It's so dangerous. Can you imagine, man? This might have been our responsibility. A super criminal might have appeared who was covered in Chitauri technology!

Then I would definitely be fired."

Speaking of this, he remembered something and looked at his companions: "Hey, which group is that guy who reminded us to check before? I think we owe him a thank you."

"Ah? You don't know him either?" The companion next to him was stunned, "I thought he was with you."

The man with glasses was also stunned.

"I thought he was with you."

Afterwards, when they inquired again, they found out that this person was not found.

It was as if this person had specially airborne to give them this warning.


Kara's eyes widened.

"So...you caught the vulture before he turned into a super criminal?" Kara was surprised.

"Correction, I didn't catch him. Ultraman usually doesn't get involved in crimes inside the earth." Shen You said seriously, "I just happened to pass by, and I kindly reminded the two clerks not to be lazy. Then... well, just That’s it.

But I didn’t capture the person, it was just a change in the world line. "

"All right."

Kara suddenly became more and more curious about what the universe next door would look like in the future.

The Vulture didn't even make a debut, it was just a startup that collapsed in the middle, so Spider-Man's first super criminal in the future was gone. Two Infinity Stones were taken away, and now Hydra is frantically researching a fake gem, so it's hard to say what will happen to the Wanda Pietro twins who were supposed to be stimulated by Hydra to awaken their abilities through the Infinity Stones experiment.

The Chitauri army was defeated by Ultraman. Stark, who lacked the wormhole experience, may not be able to create Ultron again. For the same reason, Vision will not appear. Not to mention that without two gems, Thanos would be short of four for the rest of his life.

I've only been there for less than a day, and the future of the time and space next door has been turned upside down.

As expected of Mr. Shen

"What about now?" Kara asked, "What is Mr. Shen doing over there now?"

"Let's observe for now. I'm still trying to locate the signal's location."

Shen You pondered for a moment.

"I think maybe our multiverse is closer to the Marvel world. Maybe people in my hometown are trying to find me, but maybe they are looking for the universe over there.

So I have to leave an afterimage there while I continue my search, and maybe study two gems to pass the time, just in case I need it. "

He shrugged.

"You never know when you will need to start a war in another world, so be prepared."

Kara whispered softly: "Actually, I think even if you don't do any research, no one over there can beat you."

"Never underestimate your opponents." Shen You shook his head, "Every universe has strong people in every universe. In fact, I am just so-so and can barely get by. I may not have any chance of winning against a real master. "

Kara: "."

If you are not a real master, then who am I?

To be honest, outsiders all think that Kryptonians are gods on earth, but Kara has never felt that way. Because she has been with Shen You since she first awakened her abilities. As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. During the long growth process of the Kryptonian girl, she only realized more and more deeply that she was talented.

"Oh, and now I'm starting to prepare the coffee shop or HISHE, you know."

"Huh?" Kara raised her eyebrows, "In that place called Marvel?"

"Yes. New York is being rebuilt at the moment. Half of the city was blown up. New storefronts will be quite common for at least a year." Shen You smiled, "I'll join in the excitement of rebuilding."

Although it was unintentional at first, Shen You now began to feel that his coffee shop was really going to open a chain store to all the worlds.

"By the way, build a base and laboratory underneath." Shen You thought for a while, "Oh, after I study for a while and can stably establish a passage between the two worlds, maybe you will also have the opportunity to sit opposite."

"Can I do it too!"

Kara's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Of course. In fact, it shouldn't be a problem for the Justice League to go together. It's just a team building thing."

Shen You said something as he thought of something.

"Speaking of the people from the Alliance? No one has come these past two days. What's going on recently?"

Aside from others, Superman and The Flash would often come and have a cup of coffee after get off work.

"Speaking of which, I haven't replied to the text message I sent to Carl yesterday, and I haven't heard of any serious criminals." Kara tilted her head and thought for a while, "Ah, maybe Halloween is coming, and everyone is preparing for the party. thing?"

"The alliance is having a party on Halloween?" Shen You looked a little weird.

He had a hunch that it wouldn't be as simple as a party.

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