I become light in American comics

Chapter 506 New God General

The Milky Way, an unexplored planet, somewhere.

Huge warships and metal birds of prey lie like sleeping giants among the mountains. The shell made of unknown black alloy is smooth and hard, with complex lines and mysterious symbols spreading along the streamlined hull. And in the middle of the battleship, there is an "Ω" engraved eye-catchingly.

An Apocalypse battleship.

The burly New God sat at the end of the corridor, with the wall beside him covered with monitors and dashboards. He was dressed in dark blue armor, with traces of time etched on his pale face, and his eyes were deep, hiding the ferocity of a beast.

His name is Volex, and he was once one of Apocalypse's generals.

Until he failed in a crusade, Volex accepted the punishment and was exiled from Apokolips. His Mother Box is locked and he can never return to his hometown. Only after planting the flag of Apocalypse in two hundred worlds will the passage back to his hometown be opened to him again.

Just like the situation of Steppenwolf in the Zhenglian movie.

That was many years ago. Over the years, he has traveled between multiverses and has captured more than seventy worlds. Despite his outstanding military exploits, the end of his exile was still far away.

Until now there has been a turn for the better.

Volex sat on his throne, eyes narrowed, a large black book suspended in front of him. The aura of darkness and death spread from the pages of the book, bringing a depressing atmosphere that invisibly enveloped the entire space.

"The book that controls death." Volex couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. "If you can analyze the power of this book, it will be equivalent to becoming the god of death!"

The great Lord of Apocalypse will definitely be very satisfied with his harvest this time. When he is happy, he may be exempted from the remaining hundreds of worlds he owes and allow him to return early.

But this is not safe enough.

Although this book is magical, he is not very sure whether it can meet Darkseid's discernment. After all, Darkseid and his subordinates are no longer on the same level, and their knowledge base and vision are different. Maybe this kind of thing is not that big of a deal in his eyes.

But there was one thing that Volex knew his master must be interested in.

That is the Earth of this universe.

The only world where the master has ever failed and fallen into the sand, a world where the apocalypse will surely come back sooner or later.

Of course, even the master's clone was deflated for a time, and he still knew how much Volex he weighed. It would be impossible for him and his men to capture this battleship.

That's why he set his sights on Almerik.

As a general of Tianqi, he has experienced hundreds of battles, and he still understands the art of interstellar warfare quite well. Throughout the entire galaxy, the Almeric Empire controls the most important transportation hubs and military locations. If it can capture Almeric as its base in the galaxy, it will definitely be a great contribution to the second war against the earth in the future.

Merlock is the chess piece he likes. Use the power of the Book of Darkness to support Merlock to ascend to power, overthrow the royal family and control Almeric, and the entire empire will become his puppet.

"Sir." At this time, a communication came, "It's Merlock from Almeric, saying he has something important to discuss."

"Well let him in."

The Almeric traitor soon came to him with a mournful face.

"What?" Volex frowned, and something was wrong from his expression.

"Sir, I am useless and my house was confiscated."

"What?" Volex was surprised, "Where is the undead army I gave you? Is the Almeric army still capable of this?"

"No, it wasn't that the army was defeated, it was that I was stolen." Merlock lowered his head, "That Maxima is indeed very capable. I was careless and didn't dodge, and she rushed directly into the base camp and caught me."

Volex frowned: "Then how did you escape?"

As he spoke, his eyes became a little suspicious, as if he was asking, "You didn't lure the Japanese here, did you?"

"She let me go. Because she found out that the Book of Darkness was not in my hand, and it would be useless even if she caught me. But the royal family has seen what this book can do, so they let me negotiate the terms."

"Negotiate terms?" Voleks asked curiously, "What terms?"

"They said that the royal family is willing to accept an alliance with Apocalypse. If a war is launched in the galaxy in the future, it will fully support Apocalypse's military operations unconditionally and allow Apocalypse to station troops in Almeric's galaxy."

Merlock said while shrinking his head.

"Their only condition is that they will no longer use the power of the Book of Darkness in any form in the territory of Almeric, and that they will cancel the infection that is spreading within the territory."

Volex's expression changed.

He was busy and busy, but in the end, wasn't this what he wanted?

It seems that these Almeric people are quite sensible.

"They said that if Apocalypse is willing to agree, terms can be signed on the designated planet tomorrow. Her Majesty the Queen will personally pledge her loyalty to the great Darkseid."

"The great Darkseid is busy with everything, so he may not always be free. But since they can recognize each other like this, Apocalypse can agree to this condition."

Merlock said weakly: "Her Majesty the Queen said she wanted to see the Lord of Apocalypse in person, so that she could declare her allegiance to him on the spot."

"I will convey it." Volex said coldly.



Merlock retreated, and Volex sat in his battleship, lost in thought.

Almeric is also considered a large-scale empire. Her Majesty the Queen personally came forward to declare her surrender and sign a treaty. According to past practice, even if Darkseid does not come in person, there should indeed be several high-level New God agents.

And to be honest, the weight of Volex is not very large.

Although it's not a big problem, it would be better if a higher-level person could come forward.

After thinking about it, he ordered to his superiors: "Call our allies, I need help with something."

An hour later, the demon Belial had arrived at the Apocalypse Battleship.

"Brother Bei, you came at the perfect time!"

Volex took the demon's hand enthusiastically.

"What's so urgent?" Belial was a little unhappy.

The demon only set foot on this dimension again due to pressure from his father. If he could, he wouldn't even want to come.

However, as long as we don’t go to Earth, well, it’s quite acceptable.

"It's nothing. I just heard that your family is particularly good at the magic of transformation and disguise?"

"Absolutely." Belial nodded.

This is a family secret passed down from their father. All the descendants of the Three Palaces are proficient in the family secrets. They are especially good at transforming into handsome boys to leave seeds in the heavens. No matter what status or character they are, they can all be picked at their fingertips.

"That's great. My brother is going to negotiate a deal now and needs your help." Volex rubbed his hands.

"What's the deal?"

Volex smiled mysteriously.

"I need you to pretend to be the invincible Darkseid."

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