I become light in American comics

Chapter 505 Can you still have a plan?

"I know my mistake!"

Merlock knelt down and deeply repented.

"I have ulterior motives. I actually questioned Her Majesty the Queen's ability to govern and had evil intentions. It is really an unpardonable crime. But I beg Her Majesty to please consider how I have made meritorious service and shed blood for the empire, and at least spare my life."

"Ha, you look so ugly, but you think it's pretty."

Maxima sneered.

"You know what you have done and calculated these days. With so many accounts, do you think you can get rid of them with just a few nice words?"

Merlock pondered for a moment, looked at Maxima, and then peeked at Shen You.

"Then how about I wish you two a happy marriage?"

Shen Youxu raised his eyes.

He felt that asking Maxima to ask a few questions would have to go off topic, and he didn't know how long the delay would be, so he took a step forward and planned to speak in person. But he didn't expect Maxima to suddenly raise her hand and block him behind her.


Interrupted by her unusually serious tone, it sounded like she had noticed something. Shen You paused and looked sideways at her.

Immediately, he saw Maxima twitching the corner of her mouth, narrowing her eyes slightly, and revealing a somewhat strange smile: "He is so good at talking, why not let him say a few more words, I like to hear it."

Shen You: "."

Ignoring Her Majesty the Queen's evil intentions, Shen You lifted Merlock up.

"I'm not interested in your party and government struggles, and it's none of my business whether she is a qualified queen. But, you have introduced something that shouldn't appear in this war.

It's much more dangerous than you think, and what you're doing is playing with fire. "

Shen You picked him up with one hand and said coldly.

"So if I were you, I would honestly tell you, where is that book? How did you find it and how did you use it?"

When Merlock met his eyes, he shrank back as if he was electrocuted, lowered his head and whispered: "This. You may not believe it, but I don't know this."

"Ha." Maxima sneered from the side, "You still say such things now, do you think we will believe it? That's not what you said when you threatened me just now."

"So you may not believe me when I tell you, but it's really not in my hands." Merlock said with a sad face, "Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, ask my subordinates, anyone! They guarantee that they can testify!"

Shen You and Maxima looked at each other, then looked behind them.

The endless wilderness stretches as far as the horizon, filled with black smoke left by the corpses of black lamps that were burnt to ashes.

"Well" Shen You turned his head back expressionlessly, "It seems like there's no point in asking."

Merlock: "."

"So you said it's not in your hands, where is it? And how do you control the Black Lantern Corpse Army?"

"Because I was also forced by others." Merlock raised his hands with innocence written on his face, "No, boss Zazuo, it was after that bastard Zazuo fell from power. When the remaining people were put together, some people thought that we should Surrender yourself, and some feel that you should flee.

The main escape faction says that the new Her Majesty’s appearance will follow her facial features. If a handsome one surrenders, he may receive a lighter sentence. But ugly people like us cannot escape the death penalty and may be tortured.”

Maxima's face suddenly turned red: "That's unreasonable! Slander! They slandered me!"

Although the subordinates at the back did not say anything, they could not help but nod secretly, thinking that although these terrorists deserved death, their conclusions were quite accurate, and their guesses were probably good.

"Let's talk about the key points." Shen You emphasized.

"Yes! So originally I wanted to turn myself in and admit my mistake, but that day I drank wine and took a pee, and I thought that if I went back based on my face, I would have a narrow escape. So I ran away.

I just wanted to find a way to survive, and had no intention of causing trouble. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened, and those evil dark gods caught me and threatened me with my life and family to work for them.

They have that dark and weird book that can turn dead people into immortal biological weapons. They showed me a very terrifying power. If I don't agree, not only will I become one of those undead corpses, but even my family will not be spared.

So I had to bow my head and let them control me. But even so, my heart has always been towards Your Majesty.”

Maxima kicked him so hard that he stumbled over: "Stop talking nonsense, just tell me who those people are."

Although it seems that she took action because of the other party's nonsense, people who know her well know that Her Majesty the Queen is probably because this guy is too ugly and really doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

"Yes Yes!"

Merlock did not dare to neglect and hurriedly confessed.

"It's the god of Apokolips. Oh no, it's the villain of Apokolips!"


As soon as this statement came out, everyone in Almerik was shocked. The Apocalypse forces on their planet had intervened before and supported the rebel Zazo with the intention of overthrowing the royal family. Thanks to Shen You's help, the crisis was resolved. I thought that these hateful new gods had given up, but I never expected that they were still thinking about it.

"Although the appearance looks the same as that of ordinary humans, there is no doubt that he is the New God. I saw Apocalypse's battleship, a large number of demonoids, and he also has a mother box in his hand!"

Shen You narrowed his eyes. It seems that the Book of Darkness is really in the hands of Apocalypse, which is a bit troublesome now.

It would be fine if Apokolips sent a new god to invade with the Book of Darkness, but at worst, they would all be beaten up and then snatched away. But if it is taken back to Apokolips, Shen You is not sure whether he can get it back.

Apokolips appears quite a lot in the original work, but there are many conflicts with the setting. Early settings said that Apokolips is located in the "Fourth World" of the pocket dimension. It is a place that is inaccessible from any single universe and can only be reached through the Mother Box.

According to this setting, it stands to reason that the invincible Darkseid should be there. But in the original work, the heroes visited Apokolips over and over again. Superman and Batman both had records of single-player dungeons of Apokolips, but the Darkseid they encountered was just a clone.

From this point of view, even if you kill Tianqixing and hit Uncle Da, the probability is not high. As long as he doesn't run into Darkseid himself, Shen You is confident that with his current ability, he can kill the Apokolips copy with a high probability.

"Just in case, maybe it's better to test it with the high-speed afterimage first."

Although it is a bit dangerous, the Book of Darkness is the key to stopping the Blackest Night. On the other hand, if he gets the book based on the new knowledge he has just gained, he may be able to improve his understanding and mastery of the spectrum. At the same time, The improvement brought by mastering the two extreme spectrums of light and darkness, life and death, can be imagined.

But this is an alternative plan. First of all, we should land on the Almeric traitor. It would be better if we can get the book without going to Apocalypse.

"I have an idea!"

Maxima said suddenly.


Everyone's eyes turned to him, their eyes full of surprise.

As if to say, can you still have a plan?

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