I become light in American comics

Chapter 418 Self-destruction

A palm penetrates the heart.

There is no clue at all, and you can't even see the trajectory of movement. That weird figure seemed to appear behind Martian Manhunter out of thin air. Even with Martian Manhunter's reaction speed and perception, he couldn't detect it at all.

This enemy is really strong.

The hand that penetrated his chest stirred twice, and a cold voice spoke behind him with a cruel smile. The cold breath blew directly on his neck, like a needle prick.

"There is a flaw, Martian."

"Yes, I know." Ron said in a deep voice, his eyes briefly flashing red, "But although I can't read your mind for some reason, I can still sense your approximate location.

I already knew you were behind me, and I also knew that angle. If I tried to touch the console, you would definitely take the opportunity to sneak attack."


The attacker raised his eyebrows.

The next moment he saw Ron's body suddenly deformed. The clothing on his entire face and chest shrank in, then emerged from the back of his head and back. The cloak that was originally on the back was also tucked into the body, seeping out from the front part.

The front becomes the back, and the back becomes the front. At the same time, the pierced hole in his chest suddenly shrank, and the pierced flesh turned like a rope, tightly bound to the opponent's pierced arm.

"New knowledge point——"

Ron's back deformed into a frontal shape, and at the same time his right fist expanded. His fist transformed into a heavy hammer covered with spikes, and he punched the person behind him in the face.

"——Penetrating damage is meaningless to a shapeshifter!"


The punch hit the target, and the blast of air shook the entire watchtower, and the entire fortification seemed to be about to fall.

But the man didn't move at all.

Ron's expression changed.

He clearly knew how powerful this punch was. The Martian's keen senses made him instinctively realize that the enemy this time was not simple, so he didn't hold back at all with this punch. It stands to reason that even Superman being hit would be enough to eat a pot.

But the intruder didn't move at all. There was no dodge or parry action, but it seemed that he took the burst of punch force completely with his face, without even shaking his neck.

So what kind of opponent is this person who invaded the watchtower?

Then Ron was surprised to see that the person hanging in front of him was a little blue man in white. Although compared with the group of unsmiling guys on Oua, the expression in front of me is more ferocious, with an uncomfortable smile on his face, but this look is clearly

"Guardian of the Universe?" Ron En was surprised.

Aren't these little blue men the superiors of Green Lantern? Why invade the watchtower?

"I see, because I moved too fast and couldn't hit, I deliberately used my body as a bait for me to attack. I deliberately created the illusion of being fatally wounded to make me relax my vigilance, and took the opportunity to use my deformation ability to restrain me so that I was actually hit."

The little blue man sneered.

"Creative combat ideas. If I were a speedster, I might get caught. But..."

He stretched out his hand and pressed Ron's chest lightly with his palm.

An overwhelming force suddenly erupted, causing Ron's blood to surge in his chest. The Martian's body flew out uncontrollably, as if it was bearing thousands of times the force of gravity.

"I am Kalona, ​​the Lost Guardian."

Guardian Kalona twitched the corner of his mouth, his body shone with light, and he smiled ferociously.

"My ignorant compatriots are no match for me."

With great difficulty, Ron once again relied on his transformation ability to break free from the shackles of the invisible oppression, transforming into a giant dragon and rushing toward Carona. The sharp claws that were larger than Kalona's entire body struck alternately at extremely high speeds, and afterimages and whirlwind surrounded Kalona.

But the rebellious guardian only chuckled softly and moved his fingers casually. Heavy pressure suddenly fell from the sky, and some kind of green light structure pressed Ron at the bottom like a mountain. The domineering and powerful energy seeped into his body bit by bit, seeming to oppress every cell of the Martian, just like the five-finger mountain pressing down on Monkey Sun, making it difficult for him to move.

"This is the green light"

Ron En spoke with difficulty despite the breathless oppression.

He was no stranger to this kind of energy. It was similar to Hal's Green Lantern energy, but the intensity was extremely outrageous, far beyond what ordinary Green Lantern constructs could compare to.

"Yes, Green Light, I just snatched it from your Green Light friend on Earth. Don't worry, he is fine, for the time being." Carona smiled, "Hal Jordan is a specimen that exceeds expectations. I deprived him of it. The ion shark actually used his own will to forge a new light ring and continue fighting.

So I changed my mind and I will watch him for a while longer. And until then, you still have the last lampbeast I need on earth."

Ron immediately understood what he was referring to.

Parallax monster.

Everyone in the Justice League knows that Parallax the Dreaded Lampbeast has now become someone's pet. He even fought alongside the League in the Sinestro War, and is more or less an ally.

"That's impossible." Ron said with difficulty, "You will fail."

Carona chuckled: "I'm looking forward to it."

He paused as he spoke, looked down at his feet, and couldn't help but say "Huh".

He saw the blue line.

Along the feet, extending in the gaps between the metal floors. Because it was too small and along the cracks in the floor, he didn't notice it at first.

Although Martian Manhunter was pressed to the ground and unable to move, the tip of his right index finger lying on the ground used his deformation ability to secretly extend such a thin line, which was hidden in the gap in the floor. Carona turned back in that direction, and was shocked to see the line flying upward diagonally as it approached the console, and the end deformed back into the shape of a hand, as if it had completed some operation on the console.

A countdown was silently displayed on the large screen in the watchtower.

"Self-destruct program countdown, remaining time: 1 second."

"Hey, are you talking to me just to distract me?" Carona understood.

In fact, just one face-to-face meeting with Ron En convinced him that he was no match for this guardian. The huge and exaggerated attack was actually just a cover.

Ron had already secretly split such a thin line when he used his claws, in order to activate the self-destruction program of the new watchtower without being noticed.

"An explosion with a radius of thirty miles, made with Kryptonian technology, contains antimatter annihilation." Ron said solemnly, "It is impossible for the green light shield to prevent it."

It seems that after the last watchtower crashed, the Alliance began to realize that in addition to the headquarters, this thing also has the additional function of pulling hatred from the T. Therefore, after everyone discussed it, they simply added an unprecedented huge firework to it, so that it would at least have enough support if it fell next time.

"With my life, and this watchtower," Ron shouted, "you will never be able to get even half a step closer to the earth from here."

Carona was still smiling.


"Self-destruct program countdown, remaining time: 0 seconds."


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